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Genesis 6 -- 50
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    "Continued to live  782 years.   Meanwhile  he became father  to sons  and daughters.   So all the days of  Methuselah  amounted to  969 years and he died.     And  Lamech lived on for 182 years.   Then he  became father to a  son.   And  he proceeded to call his name  Noah, saying -- "This one will bring us comfort  from our work and from the pain of our hands resulting from the ground which God has cursed."    And after fathering Noah Lamech continued to live on for 595 years.    Meanwhile  he  became  father to  sons and daughters.    So  all the days of  Lamech  amounted  to  777 years and he died.   And  Noah got to be  500 years old.   After that   Noah  became father to Shem, Ham and Japheth.       6  Now  it came about  that when  men started to grow in numbers on the surface of the ground and daughters were born to them, then the sons of the true God began to notice  the daughters of men, that  they were good looking,  and they went  taking wives for themselves,  namely,  all whom  they chose.    After  that  God said -- "My spirit shall  not act toward man indefinitely  in that he is also flesh.    Accordingly  his  days  shall  amount  to 120 years."    The Nephilim (giants, larger and stronger beings) proved to be in  the earth in those days,   and also afterward that,  when the sons of true God continued to have relations  with the daughters of  man and  they bore sons to them,  they  were the  mighty ones who were of old, the men of fame.     Consequently, God saw that  the  badness  of  man  was abundant in the earth and every inclination  of the thoughts of his  heart  was only  bad all the time.    And  God  felt regrets  that he had made men in the earth,  and felt hurt in his heart.    So the  God said -- "I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground,  from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to  flying creature of the heavens,  because I do regret I have made  them.   But  Noah  found favor in the eyes of the Lord.   This is history of Noah.   Noah was righteous man.  He proved himself  faultless among his contemporaries.   Noah walked with the true God.    In time Noah became  father to 3 sons,  Shem, Ham and Japheth.    And the earth came to be  ruined in the sight of the  true God and the earth became filled with violence.   So God  saw the earth  and,  look!  it was ruined,  because  all flesh  had ruined its  way  on the earth.    After that God said to Noah -- "The end  of all flesh has come before me,  because the earth is full of violence and as a result  of them --  and here I am  bringing them to ruin together with  the earth.   Make for yourself an ark out of wood of a resinous tree.  You will make compartments in the ark,  and you must cover it inside and outside with tar.    And this is how you will make it --   300 cubits (450 feet) length of the ark, and  50 cubits (75 feet) its width,  and  30 cubits (45 feet) its height.    You will make  a tsohar (roof or window) for the ark,  and you will  complete it to the extent of a cubit (18 inches)  upward,  and the entrance of the ark you will put  in its side -- you will make it with a lower  story,  a 2nd story and a 3rd story. 

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  "And as for me,  here I am bringing the deluge (flood) of waters  upon  the earth  to bring to ruin all flesh  in which the force of life  is active from  under the heavens.  Everything that is in the earth will expire (die).   And  I do establish  my  covenant (agreement, relationship)  with you --  and you  must  go into the ark,  you and your sons and your wife and your sons' wives with you.   And of every living  creature  of every sort of flesh,  2 of each,  you will bring into the ark to preserve with  you.  Male and female they will be.  Of the flying creatures  according to the their kinds  and of  the domestic animals according to their kinds,  of all moving animals  of the ground according to their kinds,  2 of each will go in there to you to preserve them alive.    And as for you,  take for yourself  every sort of  food that is eaten,  you must gather it to yourself,  and it must serve  as food for you and for them."    And  Noah proceeded to do  according to all that  God had  commanded him.   He did just so.     

After that God said to Noah-- "Go, you  and all your  household,  into the ark,  because you are the one  I have seen  to be  righteous before me  among this generation.   Of every  clean beast  you must take to yourself by 7s,  the sire and its mate (males and its mates ) -- and of every beast that is not clean just  2, the sire and its mate,  also the flying creatures of heavens by 7s, male and female, to preserve offspring alive on the surface of the entire earth.    For in just 7 days  more I am  making  it rain  upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights -- and I will wipe off every existing  thing that I have made off the surface of the ground."     And  Noah proceeded to do according to all that  God had  commanded him.    And  Noah was 600 years old when the deluge of waters  occurred  on  the  earth.     So  Noah went in,  and his sons and his wife  and  his sons' wives  with him,  into the ark  ahead of the waters  of the deluge.   Of  every  clean  beast and of every  beast  that is not clean and of the flying  creatures and everything that moves on the ground,  they  went in by 2s to Noah inside the ark,  male and female, just as God/Lord commanded  Noah.    And  7 days later it turned out that  the waters  of the deluge came upon the earth.     In the  600th year of Noah's life, in the 2nd month, on the 17th day of the month, on this day  all the springs of the vast watery  deep were broken open  and the floodgates of the heavens  were opened.   And the downpour upon  the earth went on  for 40 days and 40 nights.     On this very day Noah went in,  and Shem and Ham  and Japheth,  Noah's  sons,  and the wife of Noah  and the 3 wives of his sons with  him, into the ark -- they and  every  wild  beast according  to its kind,  and every domestic animal  of its kind,  and every moving animal that moves on the earth according to its kind  and every flying creature  accroding  to its kind,  very  bird,  every winged creature.  And  they kept going into  Noah inside  the ark,  2 by 2,  of every sort  of flesh in which  the force  of life  was active.   And  those going  in,  male and  female of  every sort of flesh,  went in,  just as God commanded him.    And  the  waters  became

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overwhelming and kept increasing greatly  upon the earth, but the ark kept going on the surface of the waters.   And the waters overwhelmed the earth so greatly  that  all the tall mountains that were under the whole heavens came to be covered.   Up to   15 cubits  (22 1/2 feet) the waters overwhelmed them   and the mountains became covered.  So  all flesh that was moving upon the earth expired, among  the flying creatures and among the domestic animals and  among the wild beasts and among all the swarms  that were swarming upon the earth, and all mankind.   Everything  in which  the breath  of the force  of life was active in its nostrils, namely, all that were on the dry ground, died.   Thus he wiped out every existing thing that was on the surface of ground, from man to beast, to moving animal and to flying creature  of the heavens,  and they  were wiped off the earth, and only  Noah and those who were with him in the ark kept on surviving.   And the waters continued overwhelming the earth a  150 days. overwhelming and kept increasing greatly  upon the eaeth, but the ark kept going on the surface of the waters.   And the waters overwhelmed the earth so greatly  that  all the tall mountains that were under the whole heavens came to be covered.   Up to   15 cubits  (22 1/2 feet) the waters overwhelmed them   and the mountains became covered.  So  all flesh that was moving upon the earth expired, among  the flying creatures and among the domestic animals and  among the wild beasts and among all the swarms  that were swarming upon the earth, and all mankind.   Everything  in which  the breath  of the force  of life was active in its nostrils, namely, all that were on the dry ground, died.   Thus he wiped out every existing thing that was on the surface of ground, from man to beast, to moving animal and to flying creature  of the heavens,  and they  were wiped off the earth, and only  Noah and those who were with him in the ark kept on surviving.   And the waters continued overwhelming the earth a  150 days.        8    After that God remembered  Noah and every wild beasts and every domestic animal  that was with him in the ark,  and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters began to subside.  And the springs of the watery deep  and the flood gates of heavens became stopped up, so the downpour  from the heavens  was restrained.    And the waters  began receding from off the earth, prgressviely  receding and at the end of  a 150 days  the waters were lacking.   And in the 7th month, on the 7th day of the month, the ark came to rest  on the mountains of Aarat.   And the waters  kept on progressively lessening  until  the 10th month.  in  the 10th  month, on the 1st of the month,  the tops of the mountains appeared.    So  it occurred that at the end of 40 days Noah  proceeded to open the window  of the ark that he had made.    After that he sent out a raven, and it continued flying outdoors, going and returning, until  the waters dried off the earth.   Later  he sent out  from him a dove  to  see whether the waters had abated from the surface of the ground.  And  the dove did  not find  any resting-place for the sole of its foot, and so it returned  to him  into the  ark because  the waters were yet upon the surface of the whole earth.   At that he put his hand out and took it  and brought it to himself inside the ark.   And he went on waiting  still another   7 days, and once again he sent out the dove from the ark.    Later on  the dove came to him about the time of evening and, look!   there was an olive leaf freshly plucked in its bill,  and  so Noah got to know that the waters had abated from the earth.   And  he went on waiting still another   7 days.  Then he sent out the dove, but it did not come   back again to him anymore.   Now  in the  601st year, in the  1st month, on the  1st day of the month, it came  about that the waters had drained  from off the earth -- and Noah proceeded to remove  the covering  of the ark and to look, and  here the surface of the ground had drained dry.    And   in the    2nd month, on the    27th  day of the month, the earth had dried off.    God   now spoke to Noah, saying -- "Go  out of the ark, you and your wife  and your  sons and yours sons' wives with you.    Every living creature that is 

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 with you every sort of flesh, among the flying creatures and among the beasts and among all the moving animals that move upon the earth, bring out with you, as they swarm in the earth and be fruitful and become many upon the  earth."  At  that  Noah went out, and also his sons and his wife and sons' wives with him.    Every living creature, every moving animal and every flying creature, everything that moves on the earth, according to their families they went out of the ark.      And Noah began to build an altar to God and to take some of all the clean beasts and of all the clean flying creatures and to offer burnt offerings upon the altar. And God began to smell a restful odor, and so God said in his heart -- "Never again, shall I call down evil upon the ground on man's account, because the inclination of heart of man is bad from his youth up -- and never again shall I deal every living thing a blow just as I have done. For all the days the earth continues, seed sowing and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night, will never cease."      9   And God went on to bless Noah and his sons and say to them -- "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. And a fear of you and a terror of you will continue upon every living creature of the earth and upon every flying creature of the heavens, upon everything that goes  moving on the ground, and upon all the fishes of the sea.   Into your hand  they are now given.  Every moving animal that  is alive may serve as food for you. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to you.   Only flesh with its soul --its blood -- you must not eat.   And, besides that, your blood of your souls shall I ask back.   From the hand of every living creature shall I ask it back -- and from the hand of man, from the hand of each one who is his brother, shall I ask back the soul of man.   Anyone shedding man's blood, by man will his own blood be shed, for in God's image HE made man.    And as for you men, be fruitful and become many,  make the earth swarm with you and become many in it."  And God went on to say to   Noah and his sons --  "As for me, here I am establishing   my covenant  with you men and with  your offspring after  you,  and with  every living soul  that is with  you,  and among fowls,  among beasts and among  all living  creatures  of the earth with  you,  from  all those going out of the  ark to every living creature of the earth.  Yes,  I do  establish  my  covenant  with you --No  more  will all flesh  be cut off by waters of a deluge,  and no more  will  there occur  a  deluge to bring  the earth  to ruin."    And  God  added --  "This  is  the sign  of   the covenant that I am giving between  me and you and every living  soul  that is with you,  for the generations to time  indefinite.   My rainbow  I do  give  in the cloud, and it must serve as a sign of the covenant between me and  the earth.   And it shall occur  when I am bring a  cloud over the earth,  the  rainbow will certainly  appear  in the cloud.   And I shall  certainly remember my covenant which  is between me and you  and every living soul among  all flesh  --  and  no more  will the waters become  a deluge go bring all flesh to ruin.   And  the rainbow must  occur     

in  the  cloud,  and  I shall  certainly  see it to  remember the  covenant to time  indefinite  between  God and every  living  soul  among  all flesh  that is upon  the  earth."   And  God repeated to  Noah --  "This  is the sign  of the covenant that I do  establish  between me and all flesh  that is upon  the earth."  And Noah's  sons  who  came  out the ark  were Shem  and Ham  and Japheth.   Later  Ham  was  the father  of Canaan.   These  3  were Noah's sons,  and from  these  was  all the earth's  population spread  abroad.    Now   Noah  started  off as a farmer and  proceeded to plant  a vineyard.   And he began  drinking  of the wine  and became  intoxicated,  and  so he  uncovered himself  in  the midst of his tent.   Later  Ham  the  father  of Canaan saw his father's nakedness and went  telling  it  to  his  2  brothers outside.    At  that Shem and Japheth  took  a mantle  and put  it upon  both  their  shoulders and walked in backwards.   Thus  they  covered  their father's nakedness,  while their faces were turned away,  and they did not see their father's nakedness.    Finally Noah awoke  from his wine and got to know   what his  youngest son had done to him.     At this he said  --  "Curse  be  Canaan.  Let him become the lowest slave to his brothers."  And he added  -- "Bless be God, Shem's God, and let Canaan become a slave to him.   Let  God  grant ample space to  Japheth,  And  let  him reside  in the tents  of Shem.   Let  Canaan  become  a slave to him  also.    And  Noah continued to  live  350 years after the deluge.    So  all the days  of Noah  amounted  to  950  years old and then he died.        

10    And this is  the history of Noah's sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.    Now  sons  began to  be born to  them  after the  deluge.   The sons of  Japheth were  Gomer and Magog  and Madai  and Javan  and Tubal and Meshech and Tiras.    And  Sons of Gomer were Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togar-mah.    And sons of Javan were Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim. From these population  of the isles of the nations was spread about  in  their lands,  each  according to its  tongue,  according to their families by   their nations.   And  the sons of Ham were Cush, Mizraim and Put and Canaan.  And  the sons of Cush were Seba and Havilah and Sabtah and Raamah and Sabteca.  And the sons of Raamah were Sheba and Dedan.  And  Cush  became father to Nimrod.  He made  the start  in becoming a mighty one  in the earth.   He  displayed  himself a mighty  hunter in opposition to God.   That is why there is a saying -- "Just like Nimrod, a mighty hunter  in opposition to God"  And beginning of his kingdom  came to be  Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh,  in the land of Shinar.    Out of that land he went  into Assyria and set himself  to building  Nineveh  

"Love God"

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and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah and Resen between  and Nineveh and Calah--this is the great city.    Mizraim became father to Ludim and Anamim and  Lehabim and Naphtuhim  and  Pathrusim and Casluhim  (from among whom the Philistines went forth)  and Caphtorim.     And Canaan became father to   Sidon his firstborn  and  Heth  and the Jebusite  and the Amorite and the  Girgashite, and  the Hivite and the Arkite and  the  Sinite  and the  Arvadite, and  the Zemarite  and the  Hamathite, and afterward  the  families of Canaan were scattered.       So  the boundary of Canaanite came to be from  Sidon  to Gerar near Gaza   to far as Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zeboiim, near Lasha.  These were the sons of Ham according to their families, according  to their  tongues,  in their lands, by  their nations.     And to Shem,   the forefather of all the sons of Eber,  the  brother of Japheth the oldest,  there was also progeny born.   The sons of Shem were Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad  and  Lud   and Aram.  And the sons of Aram were Uz and Hul  and Gether and Mash.   And  Arpachshad was father of Shelah,  and Shelah   became  father of Eber.    And Eber  there were  sons  born.   The name of one was  Peleg, because in his days, the earth was divided --and the name of his brother  was  Joktan.    And Joktan became  father to Almodad   and  Sheleph  and  Hazarmaveth and Jerah  and  Hadoram  and Uzal  and  Diklah  and  Obal  and  Abimael  and  Sheba  Ophir  and   Havilah and  Jobab -- all these  were  the  sons of Joktan.  And  their  place of dwelling  came  to  extend from  Mesha  as  far  as Sephar,  the mountainous region in the East.    These were   the sons of Shem  according to their families, according to  their tongues, in  their lands,  according to their  nations.  These  were the families  of sons  Noah  according to their descents, by their nations were spread  about in  the earth after the   deluge.   

11  Now  all the earth   continued to be  one language  and of one  set of words.   And it came about  that in their journeying  eastward  they  eventually  discovered  a valley plain  in  the land of Shinar,   and they  took up  dwelling  there.   And they began to say,  each one  to the other --  "Come  on!  Let us make bricks and bake them  with  a burning  process"   So brick  served  as stone  for them,  but  bitumen served  as mortar for  them.    They now  said  --  "Come on!  Let  us build ourselves  a  city  and also a  tower   with its top  in  the  heavens, and let us  make a  celebrated name for ourselves, for fear  we may be scattered  all over the surface of the  earth."  God  proceeded to go down to see  the city and the tower and the sons of men  had built.   After that God said -- "Look!  They are one people and there is  one language what  they  start to do.   Why,  now  there is nothing that they may have in  mind to do that will be unattainable for them.    Come  now!   Let  us go down  and there confuse  language  that they  

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may not listen to one another's language."  Accordingly Jehovah   scattered them  from  there all over all the surface  of the  earth, and they gradually left building the city. This is why its  name was called  Babel, because  there  God had  confused the language of all the earth,  and  God had  scattered them  from  there over all the surface  of the earth. This is history of Shem -- Shem  was a 100 years old when he became father to  Arpachshad Shem  continued  to live 500 years.  Meanwhile  he  became father to sons and daughters.  And Arpachshad  lived 35 years.  Then he became father to Shelah.   And  after his  fathering  Shelah  Arpachshad  continued to live  403  years.   Meanwhile  he became  father to sons and daughters.   And Shelah  lived 30 years.  Then  he  became  father to  Eber.  And after his fathering  Eber Shelah  continued to live 403 years.   Meanwhile  he became father to sons and daughters.  And  Eber lived  on  for  34 years.  Then  he  became father to  Peleg.  and after fathering  Peleg Eber continued to live 430 years.   Meanwhile  he became father to sons  and daughters.   And  Peleg lived on for 30 years.  live. Then  he  became  father to Reu.  And after his fathering Reu Peleg continued to live 209 years.   Meanwhile  he became father to  sons and daughters.  And Reu lived  on for  32 years.   Then  he became  father to  Serug.    And  after  his  fathering  Serug  Reu  continued to  live 207 years.  Meanwhile  he  became  father  to sons  and daughters.    And Serug  lived on for  30 years.    Then  he became father to Nahor.   And after  his fathering  Nahor  Serug  continued to live for 200 years.   Meanwhile  he  became  father to  sons and daughters.   And Nahor  lived on  for 29 years.   Then he  became to  father to Terah.  And  after  his  fathering Terah  Nahor continued  to live a 119 years.    Meanwhile  he  became father to sons and daughters.  And Terah lived on for 70 years, after which he became father to Abram, Nahor and Haran.  And this is history of Terah.   Terah became father to  Abram,  Nahor and Haran -- and  Haran  became father to  Lot.    Later  Haran  died while  in company  with Terah his  father in the land of his birth,  in  Ur of the Chaldeans.   And  Abram  and  Nahor  proceeded  to  take wives  for themselves.  The  name  of  Abram's  wife  was  Sarai,  while  the name of Nahor's  wife was Milcah,  the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah  and father of Iscah.  But  Sarai continued to be barren,  she had no child.  After that Terah  took Abram  his son and Lot,  the son of Haran,  his  grandson,  and  Sarai  his  daughter  in law,  the wife of Abram  his son,  and they went with him  out of Ur of the Chaldeans  to go to the land of Canaan.  In time they  came to Haran  and took up  dwelling  there.  And the days  of Terah  came  to be 205  

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 years,  Then Terah died in Haran.          12   And God proceeded to say to Abram -- "Go your way out of your country and from your relatives and from the house of your father to the country that I shall show you -- and I shall make a great nation out of you and I shall bless you and I will make your name great -- and prove yourself a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who calls evil upon you I shall curse, and all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves by means of you." At that Abram went just as God had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.    And Abram was 75 years old when he went out from Haran.    So Abram took his wife Sarai his wife and Lot the son of his brother and all the goods that they had accumulated and the souls whom they had acquired in Haran,  and they got on their way out  to go  the land of  Canaan.    And  Abram went  on through the land as  far as the site of Shechem,  near the big trees of Moreh --and at that  time the Canaanite was in the land.    God  appeared to Abram and said -- "To your seed   I am going  to give this land."     After that  he built an altar (holy table) to God who had appeared to him.    Later he  move  from there to   the  mountainous region  to the east of Bethel and pitched his  tent with Bethel on the west and Aion the east.  Then  he built an altar  there to God and  began  to call on the name of the Lord.   Afterward Abram  broke  camp  going them from encampment to encampment  toward Neg'eb.  Now  a  famine arose in the land and Abram made his way down toward Egypt to  reside  there as an alien,  because  the  famine  was severe in the land.   And it came about as soon as he  got near  to  entering Egypt,  then he said to Sarai his wife -- "Please,  now I  well know you are a woman beautiful in appearance.    So it is bound to happen that the Egyptians  will see  you and  will say, 'This is his wife'  and they will certainly kill me,  but you they will preserve alive.    Please say you are my sister,  in order that it may go well  with me on your account, and my soul will be certain to live due to you."    So  it happened   that, as  soon as Abram entered Egypt, the  Egyptians  got to see the woman,  that she was very beautiful.  And the princes of Pharaoh also  got to see her and they began praising her to Pharaoh,  so the woman was taken to the house of Pharaoh.   And they treated Abram well because of her account, and he came to have sheep and cattle and asses (donkeys)  and menservants and maidservants, and she-asses and  camels.   Then God  touched Pharaoh and his household with a great plagues because  of  Sarai,  Abraham's wife.    With  that  Pharaoh called Abram  and said -- "what have you done to me? Why did not  tell me that  she was your wife?  Why did  you say,  'She is my sister,'  so that I was about to take her as my wife?   And now here is your wife.  Take her and go!"  And  Pharaoh issued commands to men concerning him, and they  went escorting him and his wife and all that he had.     13  Following  that  Abram went up  out of  Egypt with all they had, and Lot with him, to the Negeb.     And Abram  was  heavily stocked  with herds and silver and gold.    And he  made  

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his way from encampment to encampment out of the Negeb and to Bethel, to the place where his tent had been at 1st between Bethel and Ai, to the place of the altar that he had made originally -- and Abram proceeded to call there on the name of the Lord.   Now Lot who was going along with Abram, also owned sheep and cattle and tents. So the land did not allow for them to dwell all together, because their goods had become many and they were not able to dwell together.   And a quarrel arose between the herders of Abram's livestock -- and the herders of Lot's livestock -- and at the time Canaanite and Perizzite were dwelling in the land.    Hence Abram said to Lot -- "Please, do not let any quarreling continue between me and you and between my herdsmen, and your herdsmen, for we men are brothers! Is not the whole land available to you? Please, separate from me.     If you go to the left, then I will go to the right -- but if you go to the right-- then I will go to the left."   So  Lot raised his eyes and saw the whole District of Jordan, and all of it was well-watered region before God brought Sodom and Gomorrah to ruin, Like the garden of God, like the land of Egypt as far as Zoar.   Then Lot chose for himself whole District of Jordan, and Lot moved his camp to the east.    So they separated the one from the other.    Abram dwelt in the land of Canaan, but Lot dwelt among the cities of the District.    Finally he pitched tent near Sodom.   And the men of Sodom were bad and were gross sinners against Jehovah.    Then God said to Abram after Lot had separated from him -- "Raise your eyes, please, and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward to westward, because all of the land at which you are looking, to you and to your seed I am going to give it until time indefinite. And I will constitute your seed like the dust particles of the earth, so that, if a man could be able to count the dust particles of the earth, then your seed could be numbered. Get up, go about in the land through its length and through its breadth, because to you I am going to give it." So Abram continued to live in tents.     Later on he came and dwelt among the big trees of Mamre, which are in Hebron -- and there he proceeded to build an altar to the Lord.       14   Now it came about in the days of Amraphel king of Shinar, Arioch king of Ellasar, Chedorlamer  king of Elam, and Tidal king of Goiim  that these made war with Bera king of Sodom, and with Birsha king of Gomorrah, Shinab king of Admah, and  Shemeber king of Zebhoiim,  and the king of Bela (that is to say, Zoar).    All these marched as allies to the Low Plain of Siddim, that is,  the Salt Sea.    12 years they had served Chedorlaomer, but  the 13th year they rebelled. And the 14th year Chedorlaomer  came, and also the kings who were with him,  and they inflicted defeats  on the Rephaim  in  Horites in Ashterothkarnaim,  and the Zuzim in Ham, and the Emim in Shavehkiriathaim,  and their mountain of Seir,  down to Elparan,  which is at the  wilderness.    Then  they turned about  and came to  Enmishpat,  that is,  Kadesh,  and  defeated the whole field of  

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the Amalekites and  also the Amorites who were dwelling in Hazazontamar.   At this point the  king of Sodom went on  the march, and also the king of Gomorrah  and the king of Admah  and the king Zeboiim and the king of Bela (that is to say, Zoar),  and they drew up in battle  order against them in low plains of Siddim, against Chedolaomer king of Elam and Tidal king of Goiim and Amraphel king of Shinar and Arioch king Ellasar -- 4 kings against the 5.   Now  the Low plain of Siddim was pits   upon pits  of bitumen --  and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah   took to flight and went falling into them,  and those who remained fled to the mountainous region.   Then the victors took all the goods of  Sodom and Gomorrah  and all their food and went on their way.  They also took Lot the son  of  Abram's brother  and his goods and continued on their way.   He was then dwelling  in Sodom.    After that a  man  who had escaped came and told  Abram the Hebrew.    He was then  tabermacling among the big trees  in Mamre the Amorite,   the brother of Eshcol and brother of Aner,  and they were confederates (partners)  of Abram.   Thus  Abram got to hear  that his brother  had been taken captive.   With that  he mustered his  trained men -- 318 slaves born his  household and   went in pursuit  up to Dan.   And by  night he  resorted to dividing his forces, he and his slaves, against them,  and  thus he defeated them and kept in  pursuit of  them up to Hobah, which is north of Damascus.     And he   proceeded to recover all the goods, and recovered also Lot his brother, and his goods and also women and the people.     Then the king of Sodom  went out to meet  him after he returned from defeating Chedolaomer and the kings   that were with him,   to the Low Plain of Shaveh,  that is,   the king's Low Plain.   And Melchizedek  king of Salem  brought out bread and  wine,  and he was a priest of Most High God.   Then he blessed him  and said -- " Blessed be Abram of the Most High God,  Producer  of heaven and earth -- And blessed  the Most High God, Who has delivered your oppressors into your hand!"     At that  Abram gave   him a  10th (1/10) of everything.   After that  the king of Sodom said to Abram -- "Give me the souls (people), but  take the goods for yourself." At this Abram  said to the king of Sodom -- "I  do lift up  my hand  in an  oath to God the Most High God,  Producer of heaven and earth, that, from a thread to a sandal lace, no,   I  shall take nothing from anything  that is yours,  in order that you may  not say,  'It was I who  made  Abram rich!   Nothing for me!   Only  what the young men already  eaten,  and the share of the men who went with me, Aner, Eshcol and Mamre -- let them have their share."         15    After  these things  the word of God came to Abram in a vision,  saying -- "Do not fear,  Abram.   I am a shield for you.   Your reward  will be very great."  At this Abram  said -- "Sovereign Lord God, what will you give me,  seeing  that I am  going childless and  the  one who will possess  my house is man of Damascus, Eliezer?"   And  Abram  added --"Look you have 

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given me no seed, and, look! a son of my household is succeeding me as heir?"    But, look! the word of God to him was in these words -- "This man will not succeed you as heir, but one who will come out of your own inward parts will succeed you as heir." He now brought him outside and said -- "Look up, please, to the heavens and count the stars, if you are possibly able to count them." And we went on to say to him -- "So your seed will become."   And he put faith in the Lord and proceeded to count it to him as righteousness. Then he added to him -- "I am the Lord who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land to take it in possession."   To this he said -- "Sovereign Lord  God, by what shall I know that I shall take it in possession?"   In turn he said to him -- "Take for me a 3 year old heifer and a 3 year old she-goat and a 3 year old ram and a turtle-dove and a young pigeon."     So he took all these to himself and cut them in 2 and put each part of them so as to match the other, but the birds he did not cut in pieces.     And the birds of prey began to descend upon the carcasses, but Abram kept driving them away.     After a while sun  was  about to set and  deep  sleep fell upon Abram, and, look!   frightfully great darkness  was falling  upon him.  And he began to say to  Abram -- "You may  know for sure that your  seed  will become an alien  resident  in a land not theirs,  and they  will have to serve them, and  they will certainly  afflict  them for  400 years.   But the  nation that they  will serve  I am judging  and after that they will go out with many goods.       As for  you,  you will go to your  forefathers   in peace --  you will be buried  at good old age.      But in  the 4th generation they will return here,  because  the  error of  the Amorites  has not yet  come  to completion."   The sun  was now  setting and a dense darkness came and, look!  a  smoking furnace and a fiery torch  that  passed in  between  these pieces.   On that day Lord concluded with Abram a covenant,  saying -- "To your  seed  I will give this land, from  the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates -- the Kenites and the Kenizzites and the  Kadmonites  and  Hittites  and the Perizzites and the Rephaim  and the  Amorites  and the  Canaanites  and the  Girgashites and the Jebusites."       16   Now  Sarai,  Abram's wife, had  borne to him no children -- but  she had an Egyptian maidservant and  her name  was  Hagar.     Hence Sarai said to Abram -- "Please now!   God has shut  me off from bearing children.   Please, have relations with my maidservant.  Perhaps I may get children from  her."    So  Abram listened  to the voice of Sarai.   Then  Sarai,  Abram's  wife,  took Hagar,  her Egyptian  maidservant,  at the end of 10 years of Abram's dwelling  in the land  of Canaan,  and gave her to  Abram  her husband  as his  wife.   Accordingly  he had relations with  Hagar,  and she became  pregnant.   When  she became  aware that she was  pregnant, then the mistress  began  to be despised  in her eyes.    At this  Sarai  said  to Abram -- "The violence done me be upon  you.  I myself gave  my maidservant over to your bosom,  and she became aware  that she  was pregnant,  and I began to be despised  in  her eyes.   May God  judge between me and you."  

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So Abram said to Sarai -- "Look!   your maidservant is at your disposal.   Do to her what is good in your eyes."     Then Sarai  began to  humiliate her so   that she ran away from  her.    Later the Lord  God's angel found her at  a fountain  of waters  in the wilderness,  at the fountain on the way to  Shur.   And he began to say -- "Hagar, maidservant to Sarai,  just where have you come from and where are you going?"   to this she said -- "Why  from Sarai my mistress  I am running  away."   And  God's angel went on to say  to her -- "Return to your mistress and  humble yourself under her hand."   Then  God's angel said to her -- "I shall greatly  multiply your  seed,  so that it  will be numbered (limited) for multitude (many)."  Further  God's angel added to her-- "Here you are pregnant, and  you shall give birth to a son and must call his name Ishmael -- for God has heard your  affliction.   As for  him,  he will become a zebra of a man.   His hand will be against everyone,   and the  hand of everyone  will be against him,  and  before  the face  of all of his brothers he will tabernacle.   Then she began to  call the name of the Lord, who  was speaking  to her  --  "You are a God of sight,"    for she said -- "Have I here actually looked upon  him who sees me?"    That is why the well was called Beerlahairoi.    Here  it is between  Kadesh and Bered.     Later on  Hagar bore to Abram a son  and Abram called the name of his son  whom  Hagar bore to Ishmael.  And Abram  was 86 years old  at Hagar's bearing  Ishmael to Abram.       17   When Abram  got to be 90 years old,  then  God appeared to Abram  and said  to him-- " I am God Almighty.    Walk before  me and prove yourself faultless.   And I will give my covenant (protection, relationship)  between me and you, that I may  multiply you very, very much."  At  this  Abram  fell upon  his face,  and God continued  to speak  with him,  saying -- "As for me, look!   my covenant is with you, and you  will certainly  become a father a crowd of  nations.   And your name will not be called  Abram  anymore,  and your  name must become  Abraham, because a father of  crowd  of nations I will make of you.   And I will make you very, very fruitful and make you  become nations,  and kings will come out of you.  "And  I will carry out my covenant between me and you and your seed  after you according to their  generations for a  covenant  to  time  indefinite,  to prove myself God to you and to your seed after you.     And I will give you and to  your seed after you the land of  your alien residences, even the entire Canaan,  for a  possession to time indefinite -- and I will prove myself God to them."   And God said further to  Abraham  --  "As for you, you are to keep my covenant, you and your seed after you  according to  your generations.    This is my covenant  that you men will keep, between me and you men,  even your seed after you --Every male of yours  must get circumcised.  And you must get circumcised  in the flesh of your foreskins and it must serve as sign of the  covenant between me and you. And every male of yours at  8 days  old must  be circumcised,  according to your  generations,  anyone born  in the house and anyone  purchased with money  from any  foreigner who is not from your seed.   Every man born in your house and  every man purchased  

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   with money of yours must without fail get circumcised -- and my covenant in the flesh of you men must serve as covenant to time indefinite.   And an uncircumcised male who will not get the flesh of his foreskin circumcised, even that soul must be cut off from his people.  He has broken my covenant." And God went on to say --"As for Sarai your wife, you must not call her name Sarai, because Sarah is her name. And I will bless her and also give you a son from her -- and I will bless her and she shall become nations -- kings of people will come from her." At this Abraham fell upon his face and began to laugh and to say in his heart -- "Will a man 100 years old have a child born. and will Sarah, yes, will a woman 90 years old give birth?"    After that Abraham said to true God -- "O that Ishmael might live  before you!"   To this  God said -- "Sarah  your wife  is indeed  bearing you a son,  and must call his name  Isaac.     And  I will establish my covenant with him for  a covenant to time indefinite to his seed  after him.   But  as regards Ishamel I  have heard  you.  Look!  I will bless him and  will make him  fruitful  and will multiply him  very,  very  much.    He  will  certainly will produce 12 chieftains (princes),  and I will make him become a great nation.     However,  my covenant  I shall establish with Isaac,  whom Sarah will  bear to you at this appointed  time next year."   With  that  God  finished speaking with  him and went up from  Abraham.    Abraham  then proceeded to take Ishmael his son  and all the men born in his son  and  all the men  born in his house and  everyone purchased  with  money  of his,  of every male  among the men of the household of  Abraham  and he went  to circumcising  the flesh  of their foreskins in this very day,   just as God  had spoken  with him.   And  Abraham was 99 years old  when  he had the flesh of his foreskin  circumcised.    And Ishmael his son  was  13 years old when he had  the flesh of his foreskins circumcised.   In this very day Abraham  got circumcised, and also Ishmael  his son.   And  all the  men of his  household,  anyone born in the house and anyone  purchased  with money from  a foreigner,  got circumcised with him.        18  Afterward God  appeared  to him among  the big trees  of Mamre, while he was sitting  at the  entrance  of the tent about  the heat  of the day.     When he raised  his eyes,  then  he looked  and there  3 men  were standing  some distance  from him.  When  he caught  a sight of them  he began running  to meet them  from the entrance of the tent and proceeded  to bow down to the earth.   Then he  said -- "Lord, if, now, I  have found  favor in your eyes, please do  not pass by your servant.    Let a  little water be taken, please, and you must have your feet washed.    Then  recline under the tree.   And  let me get  a piece of  bread, and  refresh  your hearts.    Following that,  you can pass on, because that is why you have passed  this way to your  servant."    At  this  they said --  "All right.   You  may do  just as you have spoken."    So  Abraham  went  hurrying  to the tent  to Sarah  and said -- "Hurry!   Get 3  seah (1 seah = 7.33 liters, so 3 seah is 21.99 liters) measure of fine flour, knead the dough and bake round cakes."     Next Abraham  ran  to the herd and proceeded to get a tender  and good young bull   and to give  it to  the attendant,  and he went hurrying  to get  it ready.   He

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then took butter and milk and  the young bull  that he had got ready and set it before them.  Then he himself kept standing by them  under the tree as they were eating.     They now said to him -- "Where is Sarah  your wife?"   To this he said -- "Here in the tent!"   So he continued -- "I am surely going  to return to you next year at this time, and, look!  Sarah your wife will have a son."   Now  Sarah was listening at the tent entrance, and it was behind the man.  And Abraham and Sarah were old, being advanced in years.   Sarah had stopped having  menstruation.   Hence  Sarah began to  laugh inside herself, saying -- "After I am  worn out,  shall I really have pleasure, my  lord being old besides?"    Then God   said to Abraham -- "Why  was that Sarah  laughed,  saying, 'Shall I  really and truly give birth  although I have become old?'     Is anything too  extraordinary for Jehovah?    At the appointed  time  I shall return to you,  next year at this  time,  and Sarah will have a son."  But Sarah  began to deny it,  and saying --"I did not laugh!"    For she was afraid.     At this he said, "No!  But you did laugh."      Later the men got up  from there and  looked down toward Sodom, and  Abraham  was walking with them  to escort them.    And    God  said -- "Am I keeping  covered  from Abraham what I am doing?    Why, Abram is surely going to become a  nation great and mighty,  and all the nations of the earth must bless  themselves by means of him.   For I have become acquainted  with him in order that he may  command  his sons and his household  after him so that they shall  keep Lord's way to do righteousness and judgment -- in order that Lord may certainly bring upon Abraham what he has spoken about  him."   Consequently  the Lord  God said -- "The cry and complaint  about Sodom and Gomorrah,  yes,  it is  loud, and their sin,  yes, it is very  heavy.   I  am quite determined  to go down that   I may see  whether they act altogether according to the outcry over it  that has come to me,  if not,  I  can get to know it."  At this  point  the men turned  from there and got on their way to Sodom  -- but as for  God, he was still standing before Abraham.   Then  Abraham approached and  began to say -- "Will  you really sweep away the righteous with the  wicked?   Suppose there are 50 righteous men in the midst of the  city.  Will you,  then, sweep away  the righteous  with the wicked?   Will you, then, sweep them away  and not  pardon the place for the sake of  the  50 righteous who  are  inside  it?    It is unthinkable of you that you are acting  in manner to put to  death the righteous man with the wicked one  so that it has to occur with  the righteous man  as it does with the wicked!    It  is unthinkable of you.   Is the Judge of all  the earth not going to do what  is  right?"   Then  Lord  said -- "I  shall  find in Sodom  50 righteous men  in midst of the city I will pardon the whole place on their account."   But Abraham went to answer and say -- "Please, I have taken upon myself  to speak to God, whereas I am dust and ashes.    Suppose 50 righteous should be lacking  5.   Will you for the 5, bring the whole city to ruin?  To this he said -- "I shall not bring it  to ruin if I find there 45."  But  yet  again he spoke further to him and said -- "Suppose 40 are found there?"   In  turn he said -- "I shall not do it on account of the 40."    But he continued -- "May God, please, not  

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 grow hot with  anger,  but  let me  go on speaking.    Suppose 30 are found there."     In turn he said -- "I  shall  not do it if I find 30 there."  But he  continued on -- "Please,  here I  have  taken  upon  myself  to speak to Jehovah -- Suppose  20 are found there."    In turn he said -- "I shall  not bring  it to ruin on account of 20."   Finally  he  said --"May God, please,  not grow  hot with  anger,  but  let me speak just this once  -- Suppose  10 are found there."   In turn he said -- "I shall not  bring  it to ruin on account  of the 10."    Then Jehovah went his way when   he finished speaking  to Abraham,  and Abraham returned to his place.       19    Now the 2  angels arrived at Sodom  by evening,  and Lot was  sitting  in the gate of Sodom.   When  Lot caught  sight  of them,  then  he got up to meet  them and bowed down  with his face to the earth.   And  he proceeded to say -- "Please,  now,  my  lords,  turn aside,  please,  into  to the house of your servant and stay overnight and have your feet washed.   Then you must  get up  early and  travel on your way."    To this they said -- "No, but in the public square   is where we  shall  stay overnight."    But  he  was  very insistent with them,  so that they  turned aside  to him and came into  his house.  Then  he made  a feast for them,  and  he  baked  unfermented cakes,  and they  went to eating.      Before  they  could  lie  down,  the men of the city, the men of Sodom,  surrounded the house,  from  boy to old man,  all the people in one mob.    And  they kept calling  out to Lot  and saying  to him -- "Where are the men who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us  that we may have interc*urse  with them."   Finally   Lot went out to  the entrance,   but he shut  the door behind him.    Then he said -- "Please, my brothers, do not act badly.    Please, here  I have 2 daughters who never had interc*urse (virgins) with a man.  Please,  let  me bring them  out to you.   Then  do to them  as is  good  in your eyes.    Only  to  these men do  not do a thing,   because that  is  why they have come  under my roof."       At this they said -- "Stand back there!"   And they  added -- "This lone man here to reside  as an  alien  and  yet he would  actually play the judge!     Now we  are going to  do worse to you than  to them."    And  they  came  pressing heavily in on the man,  on Lot,  and were  getting  near to  break  in  the door. So the men  thrusted  out their hands and brought Lot in  to them,  into the house,  and they  shut the door.     But  they struck with  blindness  the  men  who  were at the entrance of the  house,  from the least  to the greatest,  so  that they were  wearing themselves out trying to  find the entrance.    Then  the  men said to Lot -- "Do you have anyone else here?   Sons-in-law and your sons and your daughters and all who are  yours  in the city,  bring  out the place!    For we  are bringing this place to ruin,  because  the outcry against them  has grown  loud  before God,  so that Jehovah   sent us  to  bring city  to ruin."      Hence  Lot  went  on out and began  to speak to his sons-in-law  who  were to take his daughters and kept on  saying -- "Get up!    Get  out of  this place,  because  God  is bringing the  city to ruin!"      But in  the eyes of his sons-in-law  he seemed like  a man who was joking.     However,  when the dawn  ascended,  then the angels  became  urgent with Lot,  saying -- "Get  up!  Take  your wife and your  2  daughters  who are found 

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   here,  for fear  you may be swept away  in the error  of the city!"   When  he kept lingering,  then in  the  compassion  of God upon  him,  the  men seized hold of his hand and of the hand of his  wife and of the hands  of his  2 daughters and they proceeded to bring him out and to station  him outside the city.   And  it  came about that,  as soon as they  had  brought them  forth  to the  outskirts,  he began  to say -- "Escape for your soul!"    Do  not  look  behind you and do not stand still in all the District!   Escape  to the mountainous  region  for fear you may  be swept away!"   Then  Lot said to them -- "Not that,  please,  God!  Please,  now, your servant has found favor  in  your eyes,  so that you are magnifying your  loving kindness, which  you have exercised  with  me to preserve my soul alive,  but I - I  am not able  to escape  to the mountainous  region for fear  calamity  may  keep close to me and I certainly  die.   Please,  now,  this  city  is  nearby  to flee there and it  is a small thing.   May  I, please  escape  there -- is it not  a small thing? --  and my  soul  will live on."     So  he said to him  -- "Here  I do  show  you  consideration  to this  extent  also,  by my not overthrowing  the city  of  which you have spoken.    Hurry!   Escape  there,  because  I am  not able to do a thing  until  your arriving  there!"    That  is why he called the name of the city  Zoar.   The sun had gone forth over the  land when Lot  arrived  at Zoar.   Then God  made  it rain  sulphur and fire from  God,  from  the heavens, upon  Sodom and upon  Gomorrah.    So he went  ahead overthrowing these cities, even the entire District  and all the inhabitants  of the cities and the plants of the ground.    And  his wife  began to look around from behind  him,  and she  became  a  pillar of salt.      Now Abraham  made his way  early in the morning  to the  place where  he had stood  before God.  Then he  looked  down  toward  all the land of the  District and saw  a sight.   Why,  here  thick  smoke  ascended  from the  land  like the thick  smoke  of a kiln!  And it came about that when  God  brought  the cities of  District to ruin God kept  Abraham  in  mind  in  that  he took steps  to send  Lot  out of the midst  of the overthrow  when  overthrowing  the cities  among  which  Lot  had been dwelling.    Later  Lot went  up  from Zoar  and began  dwelling in  the mountainous  region,  and his  2  daughters  along  with him,  because  he got afraid  of dwelling  in  Zoar.   So  he began  dwelling  in  a cave, he and his  2  daughters.  And the 1st  born  proceeded  to say  to the younger  woman  --  "Our father is old and there  is not a man  in the land  to have relations  with us according  to  the way of the whole earth.   Come, let us  give father wine to drink  and let us lie down  with him and preserve offspring  from our father."   So they kept giving their father wine to drink during  that night --  then  the  1stborn   went  in and and lay  down  with her father,  but he did not know when she lay  down and when she got up.    And it came about  on  the next  day  that the  1stborn  then said to the younger  -- "Here  I  lay down with  my father  last night.    Let us give him  wine  to drink  tonight also.   Then  you go in,  lie down with him,  and let us  preserve   offspring from  our father."   So  they  repeatedly gave their  father wine  to drink  during  that 






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night  also --  then  the younger  got up  and lay  down  with him, but  he did  not  know  when she lay down and she got up.     And  both the daughters of  Lot  became  pregnant from their own father.   In time  the 1stborn became  mother to a son   and called his name Moab,  to this day.    As  for the younger,  she  too gave birth  to a son  and  then  called  his name  Benammi.    He is  the  father of the sons of Ammon, to this day.         20   Now Abraham   moved camp  from there to  the land  of  the  Negeb and   took up dwelling between Kadesh and Shur and  residing  as  an alien at Gerar.   And  Abraham  repeated concerning   Sarah  his  wife -- ""She  is  my sister that  Abimelech  in  a dream  by  night and said  to  him -- "Here  you  are as  good  as  dead  because of the woman   whom  you  have  taken,  since she  is  owned by  another owner  as his wife."   However,  Abimelech  had  not  gone  near her.  Hence he said  -- "God,  will you  kill  a nation did not go near her, so he said to God, "Jehovah, will you kill a nation  that is really  righteous?      Did  not  say to me, 'She is my sister?'   and  she  --  did  not  too  say,   'He is  my brother'?  In  the honesty  of my heart  and with  innocency  of my hands I have done this."   At that the  true God  said to him  in  the dream -- "I too  have  known  that  in  the honesty  of  your  heart you have done this,  and I was also  holding you back from sinning against me.   That  is why I did not allow you to touch her.     But  now return the man's wife,   for he  is  a prophet,  and  he will make  supplication (beg, entreaty, plea) for you.   So  keep  living.    But  if you  are not  returning her,  know that you will positively  die,  you  and all who  are yours."  So  Abimelech   got up  early  in the morning  and  proceeded  to  call all his  servants  and  to speak  of all these things  in their ears.   And  the  men  got  very much  afraid.   Then  Abimelech  called  Abraham and said to him  -- "What have you done to us,  and what  sin  have  I  committed  against you,  in  that you  have brought upon me and my kingdom, a great sin?    Deeds  that should  not have been done  you have done in  connection with me."   And Abimelech  went on to say  to Abraham --  "What did you  have  in view  in  that you  have done this thing?"   To  this  Abraham  said -- "It  was because  I said to myself,   'Doubtless  there is no  fear of God  in this place,  and they will certainly will kill  me because of my wife."     And  besides,  she is truly  my sister,  the daughter of my father -- only  not the daughter of my mother,  and she became my wife.    And   it came about  that,  when  God caused me to wander  from the house of my father,  then  I said to her,  'This is your loving kindness  which  you  may  exercise  toward me --  At  every  place  where we shall  come  say  of me  -- "He is my brother."'"   Following  that  Abimelech  took  sheep and cattle and menservants  and maidservants  and gave them to Abraham  and returned  to him  Sarah  his wife.   Further  Abimelech  said -- "Here my land is available to you.   Dwell  where  good it is  in  your eyes."     And to Sarah  he said -- "Here I  do give a 1,000 silver pieces of money to your brother.    Here it is for you a covering  of the eyes to all who  are  with you,  and before everybody,  and you  are cleared  of  reproach."    And Abraham   began to  make supplication  to the  true God -- and God  proceeded to heal   Abimelech  and  his  wife and his slave girl,   and they 











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  began  bearing children.   For  God  had tightly shut up every womb of  the house of  Abimelech  because of Sarah,   Abraham's wife.          21   And  Lord turned his attention  to Sarah  just as he said,  and  God now did to Sarah  just as he had spoken.   And  Sarah became pregnant and then bore  a son  to Abraham  in  his old age at the appointed  time of which  God had spoken of him.    According  Abraham  called the name of his son who had been borne  to him,  Isaac.   And  Abraham proceeded to  circumcise  Isaac  his son when  8 days old,  just as God had commanded him.    And Abraham  was a 100 years old when Isaac  his son was born to him.  Then Sarah  said -- "God has prepared a laughter for me -- everybody  hearing of it  will laugh at me."     And  she added --  "Who would have  uttered to Abraham,  'Sarah  will certainly  suckle (nurse) children,'  whereas  I have given  birth   to a son  in his old age!"      Now  the child kept growing and  came to be weaned -- And Abraham then  prepared  a big feast  on the day of Isaac's  being weaned.  And  Sarah kept noticing the  son of Hagar  the Egyptian,  whom she  had borne  to Abraham,  poking him.   So  she began  to say to  Abraham,  poking fun.  So she began  to say to Abraham -- "Drive  out his slave girl and her son, for the son  this slave girl is not going to be heir with my son, with Isaac!"   But the thing proved to be  very displeasing  to Abraham  as regards his son.     Then  God said to Abraham -- "Do  not let anything  that  Sarah  keeps  saying  to you be displeasing  to you about the boy and  about  the slave girl.   Listen  to her voice,  because it is by means of Isaac that what will be  called your seed will be.    And  as for the son  of the slave girl, I shall also  constitute a nation, because  he  is your offspring."    So  Abraham got up early in the morning and took bread and skin water bottle and  gave it to Hagar, set it  upon her shoulder, and the child, and then dismissed  her.  And she went her way  and  wandered about  in the wilderness  of Beersheba.  Finally the water  became exhausted    in  the skin bottle and she threw  the child  under the one of  bushes. Then she  went on  and sat down by herself, about the distance  of a bowshot  away, because she said -- "Let me not see  it  when  the child dies."    So  she sat down  at a distance and began to raise her voice and  weep.     At that God  heard the voice of  the boy,  and God's angel called  to Hagar  out of the heavens and said to her, "What is the matter with you,  Hagar?    Do  not  be afraid,  because God has listened to the  voice  of the boy there where he is.    Get up, lift  up the boy  and take  hold of him  with your hand, because I shall  constitute him  a  great nation."      Then  God opened  her  eyes so  that she caught sight  of a  well of water -- and she went  and began to fill the skin bottle with water and give the boy a drink.     And God continued to be with the boy,  and he kept growing  and dwelling in  the wilderness --  and he became an archer.    And he  took up  dwelling in the wilderness of Paran,   and his  mother proceeded to take a wife for him  from the land of Egypt.     Now  it  came about that time, Abimelech together with Phicol  the chief of his army said to Abraham -- "God is with you in everything  you are doing.     So now swear to me  here  by  

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 God that you will not prove false  to me and  to my offspring and to my posterity (future generations) -- that, according to loyal love with  which I have dealt  with you, you will  deal with  me  and with  the  land  in which  you have been residing  as an alien."   So   Abraham said -- "I shall swear."   When Abraham criticized Abimelech severely  as regards the well of water that  the servants of Abimelech  had seized  by violence,  then Abimelech  said -- "I  do  not know  who did this thing, neither did you or yourself  tell it to  me,  and  I myself  have not heard of it  except today."   With  that Abraham took sheep and cattle and gave them to Abimelech,  and both of them proceeded to conclude a  covenant.   When Abraham  set  7  female  lambs  of the flock by themselves,  Abimelech  went on to say to Abraham -- "What  is the meaning here of these 7  female  lambs that you have set by themselves?"    Then  he said  --  "You are to accept the  7  females lambs at  my hand,  that it  may  serve as  witness for me that I have dug this well."    That  is why he called that place Beersheba, because there  both of them  had taken an oath.     So   they  concluded  a covenant at Beersheba,  after  which Abimelech   got up together with Philcol the chief of his army  returned to  the land of the Philistines.     After  that he planted  a tamarsik  tree  at Beersheba and  called there upon the name of God   the indefinite lasting  God.   And Abraham  extended  his  residence as an  alien  in the land of  the Philistines many days.       22    Now after these things  it came about that the true God put Abraham to the test.   Accordingly he said to him-- "Abraham!"  to  which  he said -- "Here I am."      And he went  on to say -- "Take, please, your son,  your  only son whom you so love,  Isaac,  and make a trip to  land  of  Moriah and  there offer him  up  as  a burnt offering on one of the mountains  that I shall  designate to you."     So Abraham got up early in the morning and saddled his  ass  and took 2  of his attendants  with him  and Isaac his son --  and  he split the wood for burnt offering.   Then  he rose and went on the trip to the  place that the true God designated  to him.    It was 1st  on the 3rd day  that Abraham  raised  his eyes and began to see the place from a distance.   Abraham  now  said  to his  2 attendants  --  "You  stay  here with the ass,  but  I and  the boy want  to go on there and worship and return to you."    After that   Abraham  took the wood  of the burnt offering and put in on  Isaac  his son  and took  in  his hands  the fire and slaughtering  knife,  and both of them went on together.   And Isaac began to say  to Abraham  his father --  "My father!"    In return  he said -- "Here I am, my son!"    So  he continued -- "Here are the fire and the wood,  but  where  is  the sheep  for the burnt offering?"    To  this Abraham  said -- "God will provide  himself  the sheep for the burnt offering, my son."    And both of them walked together.      Finally they reached  the place that  the true  God had  designated to him, and Abraham built an altar there and set the wood  in order  and bound  Isaac his son  hand  and foot and  put him upon the altar on top of the wood.    Then Abraham put out his hand and took  the slaughtering knife  to kill his son.    But   God's angels calling  to him out of the  

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 heavens and saying --"Abraham, Abraham!"   to which he answered --  

"Here I am!"  And  he went on to say  --"Do  not put out your hands against the boy  and do not do anything at all to him,  for now I do know that you are God-fearing  in that you have not withheld your son, your only one,   from me."   At  that Abraham  raised his eyes and looked and there, deep in the foreground  was ram caught by its horns in a thicket.   So Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering in place of his son.  And  Abraham  began to call the name of that place Jehovahjireh.   This  is  why it is  customarily said today -- "In the mountain of Jehovah it will be provided."     And  Jehovah's Angel proceeded to call  to Abraham   the 2nd  time out of the heavens and to say -- "'By myself I do swear,'   is the utterance  of God, that by the reason of the fact that you have done this thing, you have not withheld your son, your only one.    I shall surely bless you and shall  certainly multiply your offspringas many as stars in the sky and sands on  the shore and your  seed like the stars  of the heavens and like the grains of sand  that are on the seashore --  and your seed will  take possession of the  gate of  his enemies.     And by means  of your seed all nations  of the earth will certainly  bless themselves  due to the fact that you have listened to my  voice.'"   After that Abraham  returned to his  attendants,  and they  got up  and went their way  together to  Beersheba --  and Abraham continued to  dwell  at Beersheba.   Now it came about after these things that the report got through to Abraham -- "Here Milcah herself has also borne sons to  Nahor  your brother -- Uz  his 1st born and  Buz his  brother and Kemuel  the father of Aram, and Chesed and Hazo  and Pildash  and  Jidlaph and  Bethuel."   And  Bethuel became father  of Rebekah.   These  8   Milcah bore to Nahor the brother of Abraham.      There was  his concubine too, whose name was Reumah.   In time she herself also  gave birth to Tebah and   Gaham and Tahash and Maacah.      23   And Sarah's  life got  to be a 127 years  long.   They were the years  of Sarah's life.   So  Sarah died in  Kiriatharba, that is to say,  Hebron,  in the land of Canaan,  and Abraham came in  to bewail Sarah  and to weep over her.   Then Abraham got up  from  before his dead and proceeded to  speak to the sons of Heth, saying -- "An alien resident and settler I am among you.  Give me the possession  of a  burial place among you that I may bury my dead out of my sight."     At this the sons of Heth  answered Abraham, saying to him-- "Hear us, my lord,  a chieftain of  God you are in the midst of us.   In  the choicest of our burial places bury your dead.   None  of us will  hold back his burial place from  you to prevent burying your dead."     Thereupon  Abraham got up and bowed down  to the natives,  to the sons of Heth,  and spoke with them,  saying -- "If  your souls agree to bury my dead out of my sight, listen to me and  urge Ephron the son of  Zohar  for me,  that  he may give me the cave of Machpelah,  which is his,  which is at the extremity of his field.  For the full amount of silver  let him give it to me in the midst of you for the possession  of a burial place."  As it was, Ephron  was sitting among the sons of Heth.  So  Ephron the Hittite answered  Abraham  in  the hearing of  the   


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sons of Heth  with all  those entering the gate of his city, saying --"No,   my lord!  Listen to me.  The field  I do give to  you, and the cave  that is  in it to you  I do give it.  Before  the eyes of the sons of my people  I do  give it to you.   Bury your dead."    At that Abraham  bowed down before the natives,  and spoke to Ephron  in the hearing of the natives,  saying -- "Only if you --  no, listen to me!  I will give  you the amount  of silver for the field.   Take it from  me,  that I  may bury my dead there."     Then  Ephron answered  Abraham, saying to him -- "My lord, listen to me.    A  land plot worth 400 shekels, what is that between me and you?   So bury your dead."  Accordingly Abraham listened to Ephron and Abraham weighed out to Ephron  the amount of silver that he had spoken in the hearing of the sons of Heth,   400  silver  shekels  current with the merchants.    Thus the field of Ephron that was Machpelah,  which  is in  front of Mamre, the field and  the cave that was  in it  and  all the trees  that were in the field, which  were within all its boundaries round  about, became  confirmed  to Abraham  as his purchased  property  before the eyes of the sons  of Heth among  all those entering the gate of his city.    And after that  Abraham  buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of   Machpelah in front of Mamre,  that is to say, Hebron, in the land of  Canaan.   Thus  the field and the cave that was in it became  confirmed to  Abraham for the possession  of  a  burial place at the hands of the sons  of  Heth.       24   Now Abraham was old, advanced in years --  and   God had blessed him in everything.     Hence  Abraham said to his  servant, oldest one  of his  household,  who was managing all he had --  "Put  your hand, please, under my thigh,  as I must have you  swear  by God, the Lord of the heavens and  the God of the earth,  that you will not take  a wife  for my son from the  daughters of the Canaanites in among  whom I  am dwelling,  but you will go to my country  and to my relatives,  and  you will certainly  take a wife for my son, for Isaac."   However, the servant said to him -- "What  if the woman  does  not wish  to  come with me to this  land?   Must I  be sure to return  your son to the land  from  where  you   went out?"  At this Abraham  said to him --  "Be on your guard that you do  not return my son there.  God  the Lord  of the heavens,  who took me from my  father's  house  and from the land of my relatives and who  spoke  to me  and who swore to me, saying -- 'To  your seed I am  going to give this land,'  he will send his angel  ahead of you, and you will certainly  take a  wife for  my son from there.     But  if the woman should not wish  to come with you,  you also will have become  is free from this oath  you gave me.  Only you must not return my son there.'"   With that the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master and swore to him concerning  this matter.     So the  servant took 10 camels  from  the  camels of his master and  proceeded to go with every sort of good thing of  his master's  in his hand.   Then he rose and  got on his way to Mesopotamia  to the city of Nahor.     Eventually, he had the camels kneel down outside the city at  a  well  of water about evening  time, about the time  that the women who  draw water  were accustomed  to go out.     And      

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he went on to say -- "God the Lord of my master Abraham, cause it to happen, please, before me this day and perform loving kindness with my master Abraham.   Here I am stationed at a fountain of water, and the  daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water.  What must occur is that the young woman to whom I shall say -- 'Let water jar down, please, that I may take a drink,' and who will indeed say -- 'Take a drink,  and I shall also water your camels'  this is the one you must assign to your servant, to Isaac -- and by this let me know that you have performed loyal love with my master." Well, it came about that before he had finished speaking, why, here coming out was Rebekah, who had been born to Bethuel the son of Milcah the wife Nahor,  Abraham's brother.   And her water jar was upon her shoulder.  Now the young woman was very attractive in appearance, a virgin, and no man had se*ual interc*urse  with her --  and  she made her way down to  fill  her water jar  and then came up.   At once the servant ran to meet her and said -- "Give  me,  please, a  little sip of  water from your jar."   In turn she said -- "Drink,  my lord."   With  that  she quickly lowered her jar  upon her hand and gave him a drink.     When she was finished giving him a drink,  then she said --  "For your camels too  I  shall draw water  until they are  done drinking."    So she quickly emptied her jar into a trough and ran  yet again and again to the well to draw water,  and kept drawing for all of his camels.    All the while the man gazing at  her in wonder,  keeping silent to know whether  God had made his trip  successful or not.    Consequently  it came about that, when the camels had  finished drinking,   then  the man took a gold nose ring of  1/2 shekel in  weight and  2 bracelets for her hands,  10 shekels of gold was their  weight,  and  he went on to say -- "Whose daughter are you?    Tell me, please.    Is  there any  room at the house of your father  for us  to spend the night?"   At that she  said  to him  -- "I am the daughter of Bethuel the son of Milcah, whom  she bore him to Nahor."     And she said further to him -- "There is both straw and much fodder  with us, also a place to spend the night."   And the man proceeded to bow down and prostrate (lay face down on the ground his arms stretched out by his sides) before God and say --  "Blessed be Jehovah  the God of my master Abraham, who has not left loving-kindness and  his  trustworthiness toward my master.    I being on the way,  God has led me to  the house of the brothers of my master."  And young woman  went running and telling the  household  of her mother about  these things.    Now Rebekah had a brother and his  name was  Laban.  So  Laban  went running to the man who was outside at the fountain.    And it came about that on seeing  the nose ring and the bracelets  on the hands of sister and on hearing the words of Rebekah his sister saying-- "This  was the way the man spoke to me,"   then he came to the man  and there he was, standing by the camels  at the fountain.  At once  he said --"Come, you  blessed one of God.  Why  do you keep standing out here,   when I myself  had  made the house ready and room for the camels?"     With that the man came  on into the house,  and he went  unharnessed the camels and giving   straw and fodder  to the camels and water   

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 to wash his feet  and the feet of men who were with him.     Then  something to eat was set before  him, but he he said -- "I  shall not eat until I have spoken about my matters."   Hence  he said -- "Speak!"    Then he went on to say -- "I am Abraham's servant.   And God has  blessed  my master very much in that  he goes  on making him greater and  giving him  sheep and cattle and silver and gold and menservants and maidservants and  camels and  asses.    Further,  Sarah the wife of my master bore  a son to my master after her growing old -- and he will give him everything he has.  So my master made  me  swear,  saying -- 'You must not take  a wife for my   son from the daughters of  the Canaanites  in whose land I am dwelling.  No,  but you will go to the house of my father and to my family  and you must take a wife for my son.'   But  I  said to my master, 'What if  the woman will not  come with me?'   Then he said to me -- 'Jehovah, before whom I have walked, will  send his angel with you  and  will certainly  give  success to your way  --  and you must take a wife for my son  from my family  and from the house of my  father.  At that time you will be cleared of  obligation  to me by  oath when you get to my  family,  and if  they will  not give her to you, then you shall become  free of  obligation  to me by oath.'    "When  I got to the fountain today, then I said -- 'God the Jehovah of my master Abraham,  if you  are really giving success to my way  on which  I am going,  here I am stationed at a fountain  of water.  What must occur is that the maiden  coming out to  draw water to whom I shall actually say -- "Please, let  me drink a little water from your  jar,"   and who will indeed say to  me -- "Both you take a drink, and  I shall  also draw water for your camels,'  she is the woman  whom  God has  assigned for the son of my master.'   "Before  I was   finished speaking in my heart, why,  there was  Rebekah  coming out,  with her jar upon her  shoulder --  and she made her way down to the  fountain and began to draw water.  Then  I said to her -- 'Give me a drink, please.'   So she  quickly  lowered her jar from off her and said -- 'Take a drink, and I shall also water your camels.'  Then  I took  a drink, and she also  watered  the camels.  After  that I asked her and said -- 'Whose daughter are you?' to which she said --  'The daughter of Bethuel, the son of Nahor,  whom Milcah bore to him.'   Accordingly  I put  the nose ring on her nostril and bracelets on her  hands.  And  I  proceeded  to bow down and prostrate  myself   before  God and bless God the Lord of my master Abraham,  who had  led me to  in the true way  to take  the daughter of the brother of my master for his son.    And  now  if you are  actually exercising loving-kindness and trustworthiness  toward  my master, tell me, but if not,  tell me, that I  turn to the right hand   or to the left."   Then  Laban  and Bethuel   answered  and said --"From  God  this thing has  issued.  We  are unable to speak  bad or good to you.   Here is Rebekah  before you.  Take her and go, and  let her  become a wife  to the son  of your master,  just as God has spoken."    And  it came about that when  Abraham's  servant had heared their  words,  he at once prostrated himself on the earth  before God.   And   the servant  began  to bring  out articles of   silver and articles of gold and garments and  to give  them to  Rebekah -- and he gave

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   choice things  to  her brother  and her mother.  After that they ate and  drank,  he and the  men who were  with  him,  and they spent  the night there and got up in the morning.    Then he said -- "Send me  off to my  master."      To  this her brother and her mother said -- "Let the young  woman stay with us  at least 10 days.  Afterward  she can go"     But he  said to  them -- "Do  not  detain me,  seeing that  God has given success  to my way.  Send me off,  that  I may go  to my master."      So they said --"Let us  call the young woman and inquire at  her mouth."    Then  they called Rebekah  and said  to her -- "Will  you go with this man?"   In turn she said -- "I am willing to  go."       At that  they sent off Rebekah  their sister   and her nurse and  Abraham's servant  and his men.   And they began to bless Rebekah and say to her, "O You, our sister, may you become 1,000  X 10,000 and let your seed take possession of the gate of those who hate it."     After that  Rebekah and  her lady attendants  rose and they went riding on the camels  and  following the man -- and  the servant took Rebekah and got on their  way.       Now Isaac  had  come from the way  that  goes to Beerlahairoi,   for  he was  dwelling in the land of Negeb.   And Isaac was out walking   in order to  meditate in  the field at about the falling  of evening.   When  he  raised  his eyes  and looked,  why, there  camels were   coming!     When Rebekah  raised her eyes,  she caught sight of  Isaac and she  swung herself down from off the camel.   Then  she said  to the servant -- "Who is that man there walking in the field to meet us?"   and the  servant   said -- "It is  my master."   And  she proceeded to take a headcloth and to  cover herself.     And the servant  went  relating  to Isaac  all the things he had  done.   After  that Isaac brought her into the tent of Sarah, his mother.    Thus he took  Rebekah  and  she  became his wife --  and he fell in love with her,  and  Isaac found comfort after the loss of his mother.       25   Furthermore,   Abraham  again  took a wife, her name was Keturah.    In time she gave birth to Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak and Shuah.   And   Jokshan became father to Sheba and Dedan.     And the sons of Dedan became  Asshurim, Letushim, Leummim.     And  the sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida and Eldaah.      All these were the sons of Keturah.   Later  on  Abraham gave everything he had to Isaac, but to the sons of  concubines  that  Abraham had Abraham  gave gifts.     Then he sent  them away from Isaac his son, while he was still alive,  eastward,  to the land of the East.    And these are the days  of the years  of Abraham's  life which he lived, 175 years.    Then Abraham expired and  died  in good old age,   old and satisfied,  and was gathered to his people.   So Isaac and Ishmael  his  sons  buried him in the cave of Machpelah in the field of Ephron the son of  Zohar the Hittite that is in front of Mamre, the field that  Abaham  had  purchased  from sons of Heth.    There Abraham was buried,  and also Sarah his wife.    And it developed that after Abraham's death  God   continued  to  bless Isaac his son, and Isaac 

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   was  dwelling  close by Beerlahairoi.    And  this  is the history of Ishmael   

the son  of Abraham  whom  Hagar  the Egyptian the  maidservant of Sarah   

bore to  Abraham.    Now these are the names of the sons of  Ishmael,  by their names, according  to  their  family  origins -- Ishmael's  1st  born Nebaioth  and Kedar and Adbeel and Mibsam  and Mishma  and Dumah  and  Massa,  Hadad and Tema,  Jetur,  Naphish and Kedemah.   These  are  the sons  of Ishmael, and these are the their names  by their courtyards and by their walled camps --  12  chieftains  according  to their  clans.  And   these are the years of Ishmael's life,  a 137 years.  Then he  expired  and died and was  gathered  to his people.  And  they took up  tabernacling from  Havilah near Shur,  which is in front of Egypt,  as  far as Assyria.  In front of all his brothers  he settled down.  And this is the history  of Isaac the son of Abraham.   Abraham became father to Isaac.   And Isaac  happened to be  40 years old  at  his taking Rebekah  the  daughter  of Bethuel  the Syrian of   Paddanaram,   the sister of Laban the Syrian, as his wife.    And  Isaac kept on entreating  Jehovah  especially for his wife,  because she was barren, so Jehovah  let  himself be entreated  for him, and  Rebekah  his wife  became pregnant.    And the sons within her began to  struggle   with each other, so   that she said -- "If  this is the way it is, just  why am I alive?"    With  that she  went to inquire of Jehovah.    And  God proceeded to say  to her -- "2  nations are in your belly,   and 2 national groups will be separated  from  your  inward  parts --  and the  one national group will be stronger than the other  national group, and the older  will serve the younger."    Gradually  her days came   to the full for giving birth, and,  look!  twins were in her belly.    Then  the 1st  came out red  all  over like an official garment of hair -- so  they  called his  name Esau.     And  after that his  brother  came out and  his hand was holding onto the heel of Esau, so  he  called  his  name Jacob.   And  Isaac was  60 years  old  at her  giving them  birth.   And  the boys  got bigger,  and Esau became a  man knowing  how  to hunt,  a  man of the field, but Jacob  a blameless  man,  dwelling  in tents.    And   Isaac  had   love for Esau, because it meant  game in his  mouth,  whereas Rebekah  was  lover  of  Jacob.   Once Jacob was  boiling  up some stew,  when Esau  came along  from the field and he was tired.    So  Esau said to Jacob -- "Quick,  please,  give me   a swallow  of the red -- the red there, for I am tired!"  That  is why  his name  was  called Edom.    To  this Jacob said -- "Sell me, 1st of all,  your rights as the 1stborn!"   And Esau continued -- "Here I am simply  going to die,  and  of what benefit to me is a birthright?"   And  Jacob added -- "Swear to  me  1st  of all!"   And  he proceeded to swear to him and  to sell  his  right  as  right  as 1stborn   to Jacob.   And Jacob gave Esau  bread  and lentil stew,  and he  went  eating and drinking.   Then he got up and  went  his way.    So Esau   despised the birthright.       26     Now there arose a famine in the land,  besides   the 1st famine that occurred  in the days  of Abraham,  so that Isaac directed  himself  to  Abimelech,

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    king  of the Philistines,  to Gerar.   Then God appeared  to him  and said -- "Do  not go down to Egypt.   Tabernacle in the land that I designated to you.  Reside as an alien  in this land,  and I shall continue with you and bless you, because to you and to your seed I shall give all these lands,   I  will carry out the sworn statement  which I swore to  Abraham  your father -- 'And multiply your seed like the stars  of the  heavens  and  I will  give to your seed all these lands -- and by means your  seed  all nations  of the earth  will certainly  bless themselves.'   due to the fact that  Abraham  listened to my voice and continued  to keep  his obligations to me, my commands, my  statutes, and my laws."   So Isaac went on dwelling in  Gerar.   Well,  the men of the place  kept asking with respect to his wife,  and  he would say-- "She is my sister"   For he was afraid to say "My wife"  for  fear that,  to quote him -- "the men of the place should kill me because  of Rebekah,"  because she was attractive in appearance.    So it came about that as his days  there extended  themselves Abimelech,  king of the Philistines,  was  looking out  the window and  taking in the sight,  and there was  Isaac having a good time with Rebekah.   At once Abimelech called Isaac and said, "Why, she is no  other than your wife!    So how  is it you said -- "She is my sister?" At  that Isaac said to him -- "I  said  it for fear I should die on her account."  But  Abimelch continued -- "What is this you have  done to us?  A little more and certainly one of the people would have lain down with your wife, and you would have brought  guilt upon  us!"  Then Abimelech commanded  all the people,  saying -- "Anybody  touching  this  man and his wife will surely be put to death!"   After  Isaac began to sow  seed in that land, and in that year  he was getting  up to a 100 measures to one,  as  God  blessed him.   Consequently the man became great  and went on advancing  more and more and growing  greater until  he got  very  great.   And he came to have flocks of sheep and herds of cattle and  a large body of servants,  so that the Philistines began to envy him.    As for the wells that the servants of his father  had dug in the days of Abraham his father,  these  the Philistines  stopped up and they would  fill them  with dry earth.   Finally Abimelech said to Isaac -- "Move  from our neighborhood,  because you have grown  far stronger than we are."   So Isaac moved from there and encamped in the torrent valley of Gerar  and took up dwelling  there.    And Isaac proceeded to dig  again the wells of water  that  they had dug  in the days of  Abraham  his father but which the Philistines  went  stopping  up after Abraham's  death. -- and he resumed calling their names  by the names that his  father had called them.    And  the servants  of Isaac went  on digging  in the torrent valley and so they found  there a well of  fresh water.   But the shepherds of Gerar  fell to quarreling  with shepherds of  Isaac,  saying -- "The water is ours!"    Hence he called name of the well Esek, because they contended with him.  And  they went digging another well, and they fell to quarreling over it also.   Hence he called  its name Sitnah.  Later he moved away from there and dug another well, but they did not quarrel over it.   Hence  he called its name  Rehoboth and said -- "It  

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  is because now  God has given us ample room and has made us fruitful in the earth." Then he went up from there Beersheba.    And God proceeded to appear to him during that night and to say -- "I am the God of Abraham your father.   Do not be afraid, because I am with you  and  will bless you and multiply your seed on account of Abraham my servant."   Accordingly he built an altar there and called on the name of God and pitched his tent there and the servants of Isaac went excavating a well there.   Later on Abimelech came to him from Gerar with Ahuzzath his confidential friend and Phicol the chief of his army.    At this Isaac said to them -- "Why have you come to me, seeing that you yourselves hated me  and so sent me away from your neighborhood?"   To this they said -- "We have unmistakably  seen that God has proved to be with you.   Hence we said -- 'Let, please, an oath of obligation occur between us, between us  and you, and let us conclude a covenant with you, that you will do  nothing  bad toward us  just as  we have not touched you and just as we have done only good toward you in that we sent you away in peace.   You   are now the blessed of  God.'"   Then he made a feast for them and they ate and drank.   Next morning they were early in rising and they made sworn statements one to other.   After that Isaac sent them away and they went from him in peace.    Now on that day it occurred that the servants of Isaac proceeded to come and reported to him regarding the well that they had dug, and to say to him -- "We have found water!"   Hence he called its name Shibah.    That is why the name of the city is Beersheba, down to this day.   And Esau grew to be 40 years old.   Then  he took as wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite and also Basemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite.    And they were source of bitterness of spirit to Isaac and Rebekah.        27   Now  it came about that when Isaac was old and  his eyes were too dim to see  he  then called Esau his older son and said to him -- "My son!"  at which  he said to him -- "Here  I am!"  And  he went on to say -- "Here, now,  I have become old.  I  do not  know  the day of my death.   So  at this time  take,  please, your implements, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt some venison (deer) for me.    Then make me a tasty dish such as I am fond  of and bring it to me and, ah, let me eat,  in order that my  soul  may bless you before I die."    However, Rebekah was listening while Isaac spoke to Esau his son.  And Esau went out into the field to hunt game and bring it in.   And Rebekah said to Jacob her son -- "Here I just heard your father speaking  to Esau  your brother, saying -- "Bring me some game and make me  a tasty  dish and, ah, let me eat,  that I may bless you before God before my death.   And now,  my son, listen to my  voice in what I am commanding you.   Go,  please,  to the herd  and get me from there  2 kids of the goats,  good ones,  that I may make  them  up into a tasty  dish  for your father  such as he is fond of.   Then you must bring it  to your father and he must eat it,  in order that he may bless you before his death."   And  Jacob  proceeded to say to Rebekah  his mother -- 

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 "But Esau my brother is a hairy  man  and I am a smooth man.   What if  my father  feels me?  Then  I shall certainly become  in his eyes like one making a mockery,  and I shall certainly bring  upon  myself  a malediction  and not a blessing."    At this his mother said to him -- "Upon  me be the malediction meant for you, my son.  Only listen  to my voice and go, get them for me."    Accordingly he went and got  them and brought them to his mother,  and his mother made a tasty dish  such  as his father was fond of.   After that  Rebekah took garments of Esau  her older son,  the most desirable ones which  were with  her in the house, and put them on Jacob her younger son.   And  the skins of the kids of the goats  she put upon his hands and  upon the hairless part of his neck.  Then  she gave the tasty  dish  and the bread that she had made into the hand of Jacob her son.   So  he went on in  to his father and said -- "My father!"  to which he said -- "Here I am!  Who are you, my son?"  And  Jacob went on to say to his father -- "I am Esau your 1stborn.   I  have done just as you have spoken  to me.   Raise yourself up,  please.  Sit down  and eat some of my  game,  in order  that your soul  may bless me."   At that Isaac said to his son -- "How  is it that you have been so quick in finding it, my son?"  In turn  he said -- "Because your God caused it to meet up with me."   Then  Isaac said to Jacob  -- "Come near, please,  that I may  feel you, my son, to know whether you are really my son Esau or not."   So Jacob  came near to  Isaac  his father, and he went feeling him, after  which  he said -- "The voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are  the hands of Esau."  And he did not recognize him, because his hands  proved to be hairy like the hands of Esau, his brother.  Hence he  blessed him.  After that he said -- "You are really my son Esau?"   to which he said -- "I am."   Then Isaac said --  "Bring  it  near to me so I may eat some of  the game of my son,  to the end that my soul may bless you."  with that he brought it near to him and he began to eat,  and he brought him wine, and he began to drink.   Then Isaac  his father said to him -- "Come near, please, and  kiss me, my son."   So he came near and kissed him,  and he could smell  the scent of his  garments.   And  he  proceeded to bless him and to say -- "See, the  scent of my son is like the scent of the field which God blessed and may  the true  God give you the dews of the heaven and the fertile  soils of the earth and an abundance of grain and new wine.  Let people serve you and let national groups bow  low to you.  Become master over your brothers,  and  let the sons of your mother in law bow low to you.  Cursed  be each one  of those cursing you, and blessed  be each one of those blessing  you."    Now it came  about as soon  as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, yes, it indeed came about  when  Jacob had barely come out from  before the face of Isaac his father,  that Esau  his brother came back from  his hunting.    And  he too went about making a tasty dish.  Then he brought it to his father and said to his father -- "Let my father  get up and eat some of his son's  game, in order that your soul  may  bless  me."   At this Isaac his father siad to him -- "Who are you?"   to which he said -- "I am your son,  your 1stborn,  Esau."    And Isaac began to shake with  a great trembling  in  extreme  measure,  

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  and so he said -- "Who, then, was it that hunted for game and came bringing  it to  me,  so that  I  ate of everything  before you could  come in and I blessed him?   Blessed too he will become!"     On  hearing his father's  words  Esau began  to cry out in an extremely loud  and bitter manner  and to say  to his  father -- "Bless me, even  me too,  my  father!"    But he went on  to say -- "Your  brother came with  deception that he might get the blessing  meant for you."   At  this he said -- "Is  that not why  his name  is called Jacob,  in that he  should  supplant me these 2 times?    My birthright he has already taken,  and here at this  time he has taken my blessing!"    Then  he added -- "Have  you not  reserved  a blessing  for me?"     But in answer to Esau Isaac  continued -- "Here I have appointed  him  master over you, and all his brothers I have given  to him  as servants,  and grain  and new wine I have bestowed  for his  support, and where is there anything  I can do for you,  my son?"   Then Esau  said to his father -- "Is  there just  one blessing  that you have,  my  father?  Bless me,  even me too,  my  father!"   With  that Esau raised his voice and burst into tears.   So  in  answer Isaac  his father  said to him-- "Behold,  away  from  the fertile soils of the earth  your dwelling  will be found,  and away from the dew of the heavens  above.   And  by your sword you will live,  and your  brother restless,  you will indeed break  his yoke  off your neck."     However,  Esau  harbored  animosity  for Jacob  on account of the blessing with which his father had blessed him,  and Esau  kept saying in his heart --  "The  days of the period of mourning for my father  are getting closer.   After that  I am  going  to kill Jacob my brother."    When the words of Esau her older son  were told to Rebekah,  she at once sent  and called Jacob her younger son  and said  to him -- "Look!  Esau your brother is comforting himself in regard to  you -- to kill you.   Now, then, my son,  listen to my voice and get up,  run  away to Laban my  brother  at Haran.   And you  must  dwell with  him  for some  days until  the rage of your brother calms down,  until  the anger of your brother  turns  away from you and he has forgotten  what you done to him.   And I shall certainly send and get you from there.  Why  should  I bereaved  also  of both  of you in one day?"    After  that  Rebekah kept saying to Isaac -- "I have  come to abhor  this life  of mine  because of the daughters of Heth.  If Jacob ever takes  a wife from the daughters of Heth like these from the daughters of the land, of what good is life to me?"        28    Consequently Isaac called  Jacob and blessed him  and commanded him and said to him -- "You must not take a wife from  the daughters of Canaan.    Get up  go to  Paddanaram to the house of Bethuel   the father of your  mother and from  there  take yourself  a wife   from the daughters of Laban the brother  of your mother.    And  God Almighty will bless you and make you fruitful and multiply you, and  you will certainly  become a  congregation  of peoples.    And he will  give  to you the blessing of Abraham,  to  you and to your seed with  you,  that you may take possession  of the land of your alien  residences,  which  God has given  to Abraham."

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   So Isaac sent Jacob away, and he struck out for  Paddanaram,   for Laban the son of Bethuel, the Syrian, brother of Rebekah, the mother of Jacob and Esau. When Esau  saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and had  sent him away to Paddanaram to take from there a  wife for himself,  and that when  he blessed  him  he laid command upon him, saying -- "Do  not take a wife from  the daughters of  Canaan" --  and that  Jacob was obeying his father and mother and was on his way to Paddanaram  -- Then Esau saw that  the daughters of Canaan were displeasing in the eyes of Isaac his father.    Hence  Esau went to Ishmael  and took as  wife Mahalath the daughter of Ishmael the son of Abraham,  the sister of Nebaioth, besides his other wives.   And Jacob continued his way out from Beersheba and kept going to Haran.      In time he came  across a place and set about spending  there because the Sun had set.  So he took  one of the stones of the place and set it as his head supporter  and lay down  in that place.    And he began to dream  and, look!   there was a ladder stationed  upon the earth and its top  reaching up to the heavens,  and, look!    there were  God's angels  ascending and descending  on it.   And look!  there was  God stationed above it,  and he proceeded  to say --"I am Jehovah the  God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac.   The land  upon which you are lying, to you I am  going to give  it  and to your  seed.   And your seed  will certainly  become  the dust particles  of the earth,  and you will certainly spread abroad  to the west, to the east and  to the north and to the south,  and by means of you and by means of your  seed all the families of the ground will certainly bless themselves.  And here  I am with you and I will keep you in  all the way  you are going and I return you to this ground, because I am not going to leave you until  I have actually done what I spoken  to you."    Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said - "Truly Jehovah is in this place, but I myself didn't know it."    And  he grew fearful and added -- "How fear inspiring his place is fear inspiring  this place is!   This  is nothing else  but the house  of God and this is the gate of heavens."    So  Jacob got up early in the morning and took the stone  that was  there as his  head supporter  and set it up as a pillar and  poured  oil  on the top of it.     Further, he called the  name of that place Bethel -- but the fact is,  Luz was city's name  formerly.    And  Jacob  went  on to vow a vow,  saying -- "If God will  continue with  me  and will  certainly keep me on this way on which  I am going   and will certainly give me bread to eat and garments to wear and I   shall certainly  return in peace to the house of my father,  then Jehovah will have proved to be my God.   And this stone  I  have set up as a pillar will become a house of God, and as for everything  that you will  give me  I  shall  without fail  give  the 10th  of it to you."        29   After that Jacob  set his feet in motion  and  traveled on to the land of the Orientals.  Now he looked, and here  there was a well in the field and here  3 droves of sheep  were lying down there by it,  because from that well  they were  accustomed to  water the droves -- and there  was a great stone over the mouth of the well.     When all the  droves  had  been  gathered there, 

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  they rolled stone away from off the mouth of the well, and they watered the flocks, after they returned the stone over to the mouth of the well. to its place.    So  Jacob said to them -- "My brothers, from what place  are  you?" to which they said -- "We  are from  Haran."   Then  he said to them --  "Do you know Laban the grandson of Nahor?"   to  which  they said --"We know  him."   At  this he said to them -- "Is it all right with him?" In  turn  they said -- "It  is all right.   And here is Rachel his daughter coming with the sheep."  And he went on to say -- "Why,  is it yet full day.  It is  not the time  for gathering  the herds,   Water the sheep,  then go  feed them." To this they said -- "We are not allowed  to do so until  all  the droves are  gathered and they actually  roll away the stone  from off the mouth of the well.   Then we must water the sheep."     While he was yet  speaking with them, Rachel  came with the sheep that  belonged to her father, for she was a shepherdess.   And  it came  about  that when Jacob saw Rachel the daughter of Laban his mother's brother,  Jacob immediately approached and rolled away the stone off the mouth of the well and watered the sheep of Laban his mother's brother.   Then  Jacob  kissed Rachel and raised his voice and burst into tears.    And Jacob began to tell Rachel that he was the brother of her father and that he was son of Rebekah.    And she went  running to telling  her father.   Now it came about that as soon as Laban heard  the report  about Jacob  the son of his sister,  he went running  to meet him.  Then he  embraced  him and kissed him and brought him on  into the house.    And  he began to relate to  Laban all these things.   After  that  Laban said to him -- "You are indeed my bone and my flesh."    So  he went  with him a full month.    After  that Laban said to Jacob -- "Are you my brother?  and must serve me for nothing?  Tell me, What are your wages  to be?   As it was, Laban had 2 daughters.   The name  of the older was Leah  and the name of younger Rachel.  But the eyes of Leah had no luster,  whereas Rachel had become beautiful in form and beautiful of countenance (face, expression).  And Jacob was in love with Rachel.   So he said --"I am willing  to serve you 7 years for Rachel your younger daughter."  To this Laban  said -- "It  is better or me to give her to you than for me to giver her to another man.  Keep dwelling with me."   And  Jacob proceeded to serve 7 years  for Rachel,  but in his eyes they proved to be like some few days because of his love for her.   Then  Jacob  said to Laban -- "Give  over my wife,  because my days are up,  and let me have relations with her."   With that Laban gathered all the men of the place and made a feast.    But it turned out that during the evening  he resorted  to taking Leah his daughter  and bringing her to him that he might have relations with her.   Moreover,  Laban gave to her Zilpah  his maidservant, even to Leah  his daughter, as a maidservant.     So it followed in  the morning  here it was Leah!   Consequently he said to Laban -- "What is this you have done to me?   Was it not for Rachel  that I served with you?   So why have you tricked me?"  To this Laban  said -- "It is not done ordinarily to do this way in our place, to give  the younger  woman  before the 1stborn. Celebrate  to  

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   the full week of this woman.     After that  there shall be given to you also this other woman for the service that you can  serve me for 7 years more."    According  Jacob did so  and celebrated  fully the week of this woman,  after which  he gave him  Rachel  his  daughter as  his wife.    Besides Laban gave Bilhah his maidservant to  Rachel to  his daughter as maidservant.  Then he had relations also with Rachel and  also expressed    more love for Rachel than for Leah,  and he went serving with him for yet 7 years more.   When God  came to see that Leah was hated, HE opened her womb, but Rachel was barren.   And Leah became pregnant and brought  a son to  birth  and then called his name Reuben,  for she said  -- "It is  because God has looked upon my wretchedness, in that my  husband will begin to love me."        And she  became  pregnant again and brought a son and then said --"It is because  God has  listened, in that I was hated so he gave me also this one."     Hence she called his name Simeon.     And she became  pregnant  again brought a son to birth and then said -- "Now this time my husband will join himself to me, because I have borne him 3 sons."    His name therefore was called Levi.   And she became pregnant once more and brought a son to birth and then said --"This time I shall laud (praise)  God."      She therefore called his name Judah.   After that  she  left off giving birth.             30  Then Rachel came to see that she had borne nothing  to Jacob, Rachel  got jealous of her  sister and began to say to Jacob-"Give me children or otherwise I shall be a dead woman."    At this Jacob's anger burned against Rachel and he said -- "Am I in the  place of God?   Who has held back the fruit of belly from you?"   So she said- -"Here is my slave girl Bilhah.   Have relations with her, that she may give birth upon my knees and that I,  even I  may get children from her."     With that she  gave him  Bilhah  her maidservant as wife, and  Jacob   had relations with her.    And  Bilhah  became pregnant and in time bore  Jacob a son.    Then Rachel said -- "God has acted as my judge and  has  listened to my voice,  so that he gave me a son."     That is why she  called his  name Dan.     And Bilhah,  Rachel's  maidservant, became pregnant  once more and in time  bore a 2nd son to Jacob.    Then  Rachel said -- "With strenuous  wrestlings I have wrestled with my sister.   I also come off a winner!"    So she  called his  name Naphtali.     When  Leah  came to see that she had left off giving birth, she proceeded to take Zilpah, her maidservant and give  her to Jacob as wife.   In time  Zilpah, Leah's maidservant, bore a son to Jacob.   Then Leah said -- "With good fortune!"    So she named him Gad.    After that Zilpah, Leah's maidservant, bore a  2nd son to Jacob. then  Leah said-- "With my happiness!   For the daughters will certainly pronounce me happy."     So she  called his  name  Asher.    Now Reuben went walking in the  days of the wheat harvest and got to find mandrakes in the field.    So he brought them to Leah his mother.   Then  Rachel said  to Leah -- "Give me, please, some your son's mandrakes."     At this she said to her -- "Is this a little thing,  your 

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having taken my husband, with your now taking also my son's  mandrakes?"   So  Rachel said --"For that reason he is going to lie down with you tonight in exchange for your son's mandrakes."   When  Jacob was coming  from  the field in  the evening, Leah went on out to meet him and then said --"It is with  me  you  are going to have relations, because  I have hired you outright with my son's mandrakes."  Accordingly  he lay down with her that night.   And  God heard and answered  Leah and she became pregnant and in  time bore to Jacob a 5th son.   Then  Leah said -- "God has given me a hireling's (laborer's wages}  because I have given my  maidservant to my husband." So she  called his name  Issachar.   And  Leah became pregnant once more and in time bore a 6th son to Jacob.   Then Leah said -- "God has  endowed me, yes, me,  with  a good endowment.   At last  my husband will tolerate me,  because I have borne him 6 sons."    So she  called  his name  Zebulun.   And after that she  bore a daughter and  then called  her name Dinah.     Finally God remembered Rachel, and God heard and answered  her in that she opened her womb.   And she became pregnant and  brought  a  son to birth.  Then she said -- "God has taken away my reproach!"   So she called his name Joseph, saying -- "God is adding another son to me!"   And it followed that when Rachel  had given birth to Joseph,  Jacob immediately  said to Laban -- "Send me away that I may go to  my place and to my country.  Give over my wives and my children, for whom I have served with you, that I may go -- for you yourself must  know  my service  which I have  rendered you."   Then  Laban  said  to him -- "If, now,  I have found favor in your eyes -- I have taken  the omens to the effect that God is blessing me due to you."   And he added -- "Stipulate  (Specify) your wages to me and  I will give them."   So  he said to him -- "You yourself must  know how I have served you and how your herd has  fared  with me --  that it was little  that you actually had before my coming, and it went expanding  to a  multitude,  in that God blessed  you since I stepped in.    So  now when  am I  to do something for my own house?"    then he said -- "What shall  I  give you?"   And  Jacob went on to say -- "You will give me  nothing  whatsoever!  If you will do this thing for me,  I shall resume shepherding your flock.  I shall continue guarding it.  I will pass among  your whole flock today.   You set aside from there every sheep speckled and with color patches, every dark brown sheep among the young  rams and any color patched and speckled one among  the she goats.   Hereafer such  must be my wages.  And my rightdoing must answer for me on whatever future day you may come to look over my wages  --   every one that is not speckled and color patched among the she goats and dark brown among the young rams is something stolen if it is with me."  To this Laban said -- "Why, that is fine!  Let it be according to your word."   Then he set aside on that day he goats  and striped and color patched and all the she goats speckled  and color patched,  every one in  which  there was any white and every one dark brown among the young rams,  but he gave them over into the hands of his sons.   After that he set  a distance of 3 days journey between himself  and Jacob, and  Jacob

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  was shepherding  the flocks of Laban  that remained over.   Then Jacob took for his  use staffs still moist of the storax  tree  and of the almond  tree and  peeled spots by laying bare white places which  were upon the staffs.  Finally the staffs that he had peeled he placed in front of the flock, in the gutters, in the water drinking  troughs, where the flocks would come to drink, that they might  get into a heat before them when they came to drink.  Consequently, the flock would get in heat before the staffs and the flocks  would  produce striped,  specked and color patched ones.   And  Jacob  separated the young rams and then turned the faces of the flocks ot the striped ones and all the dark ones  among  the flocks of Laban.  And it always occurred that whenever the robust  flocks would  get in heat,  Jacob would  locate the staffs in  the gutters before  the eyes of  the flocks, that they might get in  heat by the staffs.   But when the flocks showed  feebleness  he would not locate them there.  So the feeble ones  always came to be  Laban's,  but the robust  ones Jacob's.    And  the man went on increasing  more and more,  and  great flocks  and maidservants  and menservants  and  camels  and asses came  to be his.        31   In  time he  got to hear the words  of the sons of  Laban, saying --"Jacob has taken   everything   that belonged to our father -- and  from what belonged to our father  he has amassed  all his wealth."   When Jacob  would  look  at the face  of Laban,  here it was not with  him as formerly.     Finally God said  to Jacob -- "Return to the land of your fathers  and to your  relatives,  and I shall continue  with you."   Then Jacob sent and called Rachel  and Leah, out to the field to his flock,  and he said to them -- "I am seeing the face your father,  that he is not the same toward me  as formerly -- but  the God of my father has proved to be with me.  And  you yourselves  certainly know that with all my power I have served your father.   And your father has trifled with me and he has changed my wages 10 times, but God  has  not allowed  him to do me harm.   If  on the one hand he would say -- "The speckled ones will become your wages,'  then  the whole flock produced speckled ones --but on the other hand, he would say,   "The striped ones will become your wages', then the whole flock produced striped one.   So  God  kept taking the herd of your father away  and giving it to me.   At last it came about  at the time when  the flock got in heat  that I raised my eyes and  saw a sight in a dream and  here the he goats springing upon  the flock were striped, speckled and spotty.    Then the angel of the true God said to me in the dream, 'Jacob!'  to which I said, 'Here I am.'  And he continued, 'Raise your eyes, please,  and see all the he goats  springing upon  the flock  are striped,  specked and spotty, for I have seen all that Laban  is doing  to you.  I am  the true God of Bethel,  where you anointed a pillar and  where you vowed a vowed a vow to me.   Now get up, go  out of  this land and return  to the land  of your birth.'"    At  this Rachel and Leah answered and  said to him -- "Is there  share  of  inheritance for us anymore  in the house of   

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our father?"    Are we not really considered as foreigners  to him since  he has sold us,  so that he keeps eating continually even from  the money given for  us?   For all  the riches that God  has taken away from our father  are ours and our children's.     So  now everything  God has  said to you do."   Then  Jacob  got up  and lifted his  children and his wives  onto the camels -- and  he began driving  all  his herd and all the goods that  he had  accumulated,  the herd of his acquisition that he had accumulated in Paddanaram,  in order to go to Isaac his father to the land of Canaan.     Now Laban  had gone  to shear his sheep.   Meantime  Rachel stole the  teraphim (shrine) that belonged to her father.   So Jacob outwitted Laban the Syrian,  because he did not told him that he was running away.     And he proceeded to run away and to get up cross the River, he and all he had.   After that he directed his face to the mountainous  region of Gilead.     Later, on the 3rd day, it was told to Laban that Jacob had run away.   With that he took  his brothers with him and went chasing after him for a distance of  7 days' journey and caught up with him in the  mountainous  region of Gilead.   Then God came to Laban the Syrian in  a dream by night and said to him -- "Watch yourself that you do not go speaking either good or  bad with Jacob."    So Laban approached Jacob, as Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain and Laban had encamped his brothers in the mountainous region of Gilead.   Then  Laban said to Jacob -- "What have you done,  in that you resorted to outwitting  me and driving  my daughters off like captives taken by the sword?   Why did you  have to run away secretly, outwit me and not tell me,  that I might send you away rejoicing and with songs, with tambourine and with harp?   And  you did not give me a  chance to kiss my children and my daughters.   Now you have acted foolishly.    It is in  the  power of my hand to do harm to you people, but the God of your father talked to me last night, saying, 'Watch yourself against speaking either good or bad with Jacob.'   While you have actually gone now because you have been  yearning intensely for the house of your father,  why, though, have you stolen my gods (shrine)?"    In  answer Jacob  proceeded  to say  to Laban -- "It was because I was afraid.  For I said to myself,  'You might tear your daughters away from me.'   Whoever it is with whom you may find your gods, let them not live.    Before our brothers, examine for yourself what is with me and take them for yourself."  But Jacob did  not know Rachel had stolen them.  So Laban went  on  into the tent of Jacob and into the tent of  Leah and into the tent of the  2 slave girls,  but did not  find them.   Finally he went  out of Leah's tent and went on into the Rachel's tent.    Now  Rachel had taken the teraphim,  and  she resorted to putting them in the woman's saddle  basket of the camel, and she kept sitting upon them.   So Laban went feeling through  the whole tent,  but did  not find them.   Then she said to her father -- "Do  not let  anger  glean in the eyes of my lord, because I am not able to get up before you, for customary  thing with women is upon me."   So  he  searched  on carefully, but  did  not find the teraphim.    And Jacob became angry and began to quarrel with  Laban, and in  answer Jacob  went     

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  on  to say  to Laban -- "What is the revolt on my part, what the sin of mine,  as  a reason why  you have hotly pursued after me?   Now that you have felt through  all my goods, what of all the goods of your house have you found?   Put it here  in front of my brothers and your brothers, and let them decide between us  2.    These 20 years I  have been with you.   Your female sheep  and your she goats did not suffer abortions, and the  rams of your flock I never ate.   Any animals torn in pieces I did not bring to you.   I myself would stand the loss of it.  Whether one was stolen by day or was  stolen by night,  you would put in  a claim for it from my hand.    It has  been my experience that by day the heat consumed  me and the cold by night,  and sheep would flee from my eyes.   This makes  20 years  for me in  your house.    I  have served you 14 years for your flock, and you kept changing my wages 10 times.   If  the God of my father,  the  God of Abraham and the Dread of  Isaac, had not proved on my side, you would now have sent me away empty handed!   My  wretchedness  and the toil of my hands God has  seen,  and so he  reproved you last night."    Then  Laban in  answer said to  Jacob -- "The daughters are my daughters and the children  are my children and  the flock my flock, and  everything you are looking at is mine and my daughters.'    What can I do against these today or against their children  whom they have borne?    And now, come,  let us conclude a covenant (relationship, promise),  I and you,  and it must serve as a witness between me and you."     According to  Jacob took  a  stone and set it up as pillar. Then Jacob said to his brothers -- "Pick up the stones!"    And they went taking stones  and making a heap.     After that they ate there on the  heap.    And  Laban  began calling it Jegarsahadutha but  Jacob called it Galeed.     And Laban proceeded to say -- "This heap is a witness between me and you today."    That  is why he called its name  Galeed,  and The Watchtower, because  he said -- "Let Jehovah keep watch between me and you when we are situated unseen the one from the other.    If you go afflicting my daughters and if you  go to taking wives in addition to my daughters, there is  no man with us.    See!   God is a witness between me and you."   And Laban went on to say to Jacob -- "Here is this heap and here is the heap and the pillar that I have erected  between  me and you.    This heap is a witness, and the pillar is something that  bears witness,  that I will not pass this heap against you and that you will not pass this heap and this  pillar against me for harm.   Let the god of Abraham and  the god of Nahor judge between us,  the god of their father."   But Jacob swore by  Dread of  his father  Isaac.    After that Jacob sacrificed a sacrifice in the mountain and invited his brothers to eat bread and passed the night  in the mountain.    However, Laban got up early in the morning and kissed his children and his daughters and blessed them.  Then Laban got on his way that he might  return to his own place.           32   And  as for  Jacob,  he got on his way,  and  the angels of God now  met up with him.     Immediately Jacob said, when he saw them -- "The  camp of God  this is!"   Hence he called  the name of that place  Mahanaim.    Then  Jacob sent messengers  ahead of him to Esau his   

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brother to land of Seir, the field of Edom,  and he commanded them, saying --  "This is what you will say to  my lord,  to Esau.  'This  is what  your servant Jacob  has said -- "With Laban  I have  resided  as an alien and  I  have stayed for  a long time  till now.   And  I have  come to have  bulls and asses, sheep,  and menservants and  maidservants,  and I would like to  send to notify my lord, that I may find  favor  in your eyes."'"    In time the  messengers  returned to Jacob, saying --  "We  got to your brother Esau,  and he is also on his  way to meet you,  and  400 men  with him."   And  Jacob  became  very  much afraid and grew anxious.   So he divided the people  who were with him, and the flocks and the cattle and the camels into 2 camps,  and he said -- "If Esau  should come to the  one camp and assault it,  then  there  is certain  to be a  camp  remaining  to make an escape."     After Jacob said -- "O  God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, O Jehovah,  you  who are saying to me,  'Return to your land and to your relatives and I will deal with you.'  I am unworthy of all the loving-kindnesses  and of all the faithfulness that you have exercised  toward your servant,  for with but my staff  I crossed  this  Jordan and now I have  become 2 camps.   Deliver me, I pray  you, from  my brother's  hand,  from  Esau's hand,  because  I am afraid of him that he may come and certainly  assault me,  mother together with children.     And you,  you have said --  'Unquestionably  I shall deal well with you and I will constitute  your seed  like the grains of sand of the sea, which cannot  be  numbered for multitude.'"  And he kept lodging  there on that night.  And  from what came to his hand he proceeded to take a gift for Esau his brother -- 200 she- goats, 20  he- goats, 200  female sheep and 20 rams, 30 camels  giving suck and their young ones, 40 cows and 10 bulls, 20  she-asses  and 10 full-grown asses.   Then  he  handed over to his servants  one drove after another  by itself  and repeatedly said to his servants -- "Cross over ahead of me, and you are to set  an interval between drove and drove."   Further  he commanded the 1st  one, saying -- "In case that Esau my brother  should meet you and ask you, saying,  'To whom  do you belong,  and where are you going and to whom do these ahead of you belong?'   Then you must  say,  'To your servant,  to Jacob.   A  Gift it is,   sent to  my lord,  to  Esau,  and look!    he himself is also behind us.'"   And he went on to  command  also the 2nd, also the 3rd,  also all  those following  the droves saying-- "According to this word you are to speak  to Esau  on your encountering him.     And  must say also --  'Here is your servant  Jacob behind us,'"    For  he said to himself -- "I may  appease him by gift going ahead of  me, and afterward  I shall see  his face.   Perhaps he will give a kindly  reception."   So the gift went crossing over ahead of him,  but he himself lodged that night in the camp.     Later during the night he rose and took his  2 wives  and  his  2 maidservants and his 11 young sons and crossed  over the ford of Jabbok.     So he took them  and  brought  them over the torrent valley, and he brought over what he had.     Finally  Jacob was left by himself.  Then  a man  began  to grapple with him  until  the dawn  ascended.   When  he got to      



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see that he had not prevailed over him,  then he  touched socket of his thigh joint -- and the socket of Jacob's thigh joint got out of place during  his grappling  with him.   After that he said-- "Let me go,  for the  dawn has ascended."    To this he said -- "I am not going to let you go until you 1st bless me."   So he  said to him -- "What is your name?"   to which  he said, "Jacob."  Then he said, "Your name will  no longer be called Jacob  but Israel,  for you have  contended with God and  with men so that you  last prevailed."    In turn Jacob inquired and said -- "Tell me, please, your name."   However he said  --  "Why  is it that you inquire for my name?"   With that he  blessed him there.   Hence Jacob called the name of the place Peniel, because  to quote him,  "I have seen God face to face and  yet my soul was  delivered."    And the sun began to flash upon him as soon as he passed  by Penuel, but he was limping upon his thigh.    That  is why sons of Israel are not  accustomed  to eat  the sinew of the thigh nerve, which is on the socket of the thigh joint, down to this day, because he touched the socket of Jacob's thigh joint by the sinew of the thigh nerve.         33    In time Jacob  raised his eyes  and looked,  and here  Esau saw  coming  and with him 400 men.  Consequently he  divided off the  children to Leah and to Rachel and  to 2 maidservants, and he put maidservants and their  children foremost and  Leah and her children after them and Rachel and Joseph  to the rear of them.     And he  himself passed on  ahead of them and proceeded to  bow down to the earth several times until he got near his brother.    And  Esau went  running to meet  him,  and he  began to embrace him  and fall upon  his  neck  and kiss  him,   and they burst into tears.    Then he  raised his eyes and saw  the women and the  children and said -- "Who are these with  you?"  to which he said -- "The  children with whom  God has favored  your servant."   At that  the maidservants  came forward, and her children,  and bowed down --and Leah  too came forward and her children, and they bowed down,  and afterward  Joseph came forward, and Rachel, and they bowed down.    He now said -- "What  do you mean by all this camp of travelers that I have met?"  To this he said -- "In order to find favor in the eyes of my lord."   Then Esau said -- "I have  a great many,  my brother.  Let continue yours what is yours."   However, Jacob  said -- "No, please. If  now,  I have found a favor in your eyes, then  you must take my gift  at my hand, because in harmony with its purpose I have seen your face  as though seeing God's face in that  you received me with pleasure."   Take, please, the gift conveying  my blessing which was brought to you, because God has favored me and because I have everything."   And he continued to urge him, so that he took it.   Later on he said -- "Let us pull out and go, and let me go in advance of you."  But he said to him -- "My lord is aware  that the children are delicate and sheep and cattle that are giving suck in my charge,  and should they drive too quickly for one day, then the whole flock will certainly die.  Let my lord,  please, pass on ahead of his servant,  but may I  myself continue  the journey at my leisure according  to the pace of the livestock that is before me and according to the pace of the children until      

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I shall come to my lord at Seir."   Then Esau said -- "Let me, please, put at your disposal some of the people who are with me."   To  this  he said -- "Why this?  Let   me find favor the eyes  of my lord."    So  on that day Esau turned back  on his way  to Seir.    And Jacob pulled  out  for Succoth,  and he proceeded to build himself  a house  and for his  herd he made booths.   That  was  why he called the name of the place  Succoth.   In time Jacob  came safe and sound to the city of Shechem,  which is in the land of Canaan,  while he was coming from  Paddanaram -- and he pitched camp  in front of the city.   Then  he acquired  tract of the field where he pitched his  tent  at the hand of the sons of  Hamor the father of Shechem,  for a 100 pieces of money.   After  that he set up there an altar  

and called it God  the God of Israel.       34   Now Dinah daughter of Leah,  whom she had borne to  Jacob, used to go out to see  the daughters of the land.    And Shechem   the son of Hamor the Hivite,  a chieftain  of the land,  got to see her and  then took her  lay down with her and violated her.    And  his soul began to cling to  Dinah the daughter of Jacob,  and he fell in love with the young woman and  kept speaking persuasively  to the young woman.    Finally Shechem said to Hamor his  father -- "Get me this young lady as  a wife."   But Jacob heard that he had  defiled Dinah his daughter.    His sons happened to be with  his herd  in the field -- and Jacob kept silent until they came in.    Later Hamor, Shechem's father,  went out to Jacob  to speak with  him.   And the sons of  Jacob came in  from  the field as soon as they  heard of it -- and the men became  hurt  in their feelings  and they grew very angry, because  he had committed a disgraceful  folly against Israel in  lying down with Jacob's daughter,  whereas  nothing like that ought  to be done.   And Hamor proceeded to speak to them,  saying -- "As  for Shechem  my son,  his soul  is attached to your daughter.   Give her, please, to him as a wife, and form marriage alliances with us, and our daughters you are able to  take  for yourselves.   And with us you may dwell,  and the land will become  available for  you.   Dwell  and carry on business in it and get settled in it."   Then Shechem said to her father and  to her brothers, "Let me find favor in your eyes, and whatever you  will say to me I shall give it.   Raise very high  the marriage money and gift imposed on me,  and I stand willing to give according  to what  you may say to me -- only  give me the young woman as a wife."   And Jacob's sons began to answer Shechem and Hamor  his father with deceit and to speak so because he had defiled Dinah their sister.    And they  went on to say to them -- "We  cannot possibly do such a thing,  to give our sister to a man who has a foreskin,  because that is a reproach to us.   Only on this condition can we give consent to you,  that you become like us,  by every male or yours getting circumcised.   Then we shall certainly  give our daughters to you, and your daughters we  shall take for ourselves, and we  shall certainly dwell with you and become one people.      But if you do not listen to us to get circumcised, then we will take our daughters and go." 

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And  their words seemed  good  in the eyes of  Hamor and  in the eyes of Shechem,  Hamor's son, and the young man did not delay  to perform the condition,  because he  did not find delight  in Jacob's daughter and he was not  the most honorable  of the whole house of his father.    So  Hamor and Shechem   his son went to the gate of their  city and  began  to speak  to the men of their  city, saying -- "These men are peace loving toward us.  Hence  let them  dwell in the land  and  carry on business in it,  as the land is quite  wide  before them.   Only on this  condition will be the men give us  their consent  to dwell with us so as to become one people, that every male of ours  gets circumcised just the way they are circumcised.    Then their possessions and their wealth and all their livestock, will they not  be ours?    Only let us give them our consent so they may dwell with us."    Then all those going out  by the  gate of his city listened to Hamor and to Shechem  his son,  and all  the males got circumcised,  all those going out by the gate of his city.    However,  it came about that  on the 3rd day, when they  got to be acting, the 2 sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi,   brothers of Dinah,  proceeded to take each one  his sword and to go  unsuspectedly to the city and kill every male.   And  Hamor and Shechem  his son they killed with the edge  of sword.   Then they took Dinah  from out of Shechem's house and went on out.     The other sons of Jacob attacked the fatally wounded men and went plundering (ransacking) the city, because they had defiled her sister.   Their  flocks and  their herds and their asses and what was in the city and what  was in the field they took.     And all their means of maintenance and all their  little children and their wives they carried off  captives, so that they  plundered all that  was in the houses.   At this  Jacob said to  Simeon and Levi -- "You have brought ostracism upon me  in making me a stench  to the inhabitants of the land,  with the Canaanites and Perizzites --  whereas  I am  few in number, and they will certainly  gather together against me and assault me and I and my house."    In turn they said -- "Ought anyone treat our sister like a prostitute?"        35  After that God said to Jacob -- "Rise,   go  up to Bethel and  dwell there, and  make an altar to the true God who appeared to  you when you were  running away from Esau  your  brother."   Then  Jacob said to his household  and who were with him -- "Put away the foreign gods and cleanse  yourselves and change  your mantles,  and let us rise and go up to Bethel.  And  there I shall  make an altar to  the true God who answered  me in the day of distress  in that he proved to be with  me in the way that  I have gone."  So they gave  Jacob all the foreign gods  that were in  their hands and  the earrings  that in their ears,  and Jacob hid them under the big tree  that was close by Shechem.     After that they pulled away,  and the  terror of God came to be upon the cities  that they did not chase after the sons of Jacob.    Eventually Jacob  came to Luz,  which is  in the land of   

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Canaan, that is to say, Bethel, he and all the people who were wth him. Then he built an altar there and began to call the place Elbethel, because there the true God had revealed himself to him at the time of his running away from his brother. Later Deborah, the nursing woman of Rebekah died and was buried a the foot of Bethel under a massive tree.     Hence he called its name Allonbacuth.    God now appeared to Jacob once again during his coming from Paddanaram and blessed him. And God went on to say to him -- "Your name is Jacob. No longer is your name to be called  Jacob, but Israel will you name become."  And he began to call his name Israel. And God said further to him -- "I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and become many. Nations and a congregation of nations will proceed out of you, and kings will come out of your loins. As for the land that I have given to Abraham and Isaac, to you I  shall give it, and to your seed after you I shall give the land."    Consequently Jacob stationed a pillar in the place where he had spoken to him, a pillar of stone, and he poured a drink offering upon it and poured oil upon it.     And Jacob continued to call the name of the place where God had spoken with him Bethel.    Then they pulled away from Bethel.   And while there was yet a good stretch of land before coming to Ephrath, Rachel proceeded to give birth, and it was going hard with her in making the delivery.    But so it was that while she had difficulty in making the delivery the midwife said to her -- "Do not  be afraid, for you will have this son also."    And the result was that as her soul was going out  (because she died) she called his name Benoni -- but his father called him Benjamin.   Thus Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath, that is to say, Bethlehem.   Hence Jacob stationed a pillar over her grave.   This is the pillar of Rachel's grave to this day.   After that Israel pulled away and pitched his tent a distance beyond the tower of Eder.    And it came about while Israel was tabernacling in that land that once Reuben went and lay down with Bilhah his father's concubine, and Israel got to hear of it.    So  there came to be 12 sons of Jacob --     The sons by Leah were Jacob's 1stborn Reuben, and Simeon and Levi and Judah and Issachar and Zebulun.    The sons  by Rachel were Joseph and Benjamin.    And the sons by Bilhah, Rachel's maidservant,  were Dan and Naphtali.    And the sons of Zilpah, Leah's maidservant,  were Gad and Asher.     These  are Jacob's sons who  were born to him in  Paddanaram.   At length Jacob came to  Isaac his father in Mamre,  to Kiriatharba,  that is to say Hebron,  where Abraham and  also Isaac had resided as aliens.    And the days of Isaac came to be a 180 years.   And that Isaac expired  and  died and was  gathered to his people, old and satisfied with days,  and Esau and Jacob his son buried him.         36  This is history of Esau,  that is to say, Edom.    Esau took  his wives from the daughters of Canaan --  Adah  the daughter of Elon the Hittite and Oholibamah  the  

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daughter of Anah, the granddaughter of Zibeon the Hivite,  and Basemath,   

Ishamel's daughter, sister of Nebaioth.  And Jacob proceeded to  bear  Eliphaz to  

Esau, and Basemath  bore Reuel, and Oholibamah bore to Jeush and Jalam and Korah.    These  are the sons of Esau who were born to him in  the land of Canaan.  After that Esau took  his wives and his sons and his  daughters and all the souls  of his house  and his  herd  and  all his other beasts  and all  his wealth,  which  he had  accumulated  in the land of Canaan, and went to a land away from  Jacob  his brother,  because their goods become too great for them to  dwell together and the land  of their alien residences was not able to sustain them as a result of their herds.   So Esau took up dwelling in the  mountainous region of Seir.   Esau is Edom.    And this is history of Esau the father of Edom in the mountain region of Seir.   These are the names of sons of Esau -- Eliphaz  the son of Adah,   Esau's wife -- Reuel  the son of Basemath, Esau's wife.    And the sons of Eliphaz  came to be  Teman, Omar, Zepho, Gatam  and Kenaz.   And Timna  became the concubine of   Eliphaz,  Esau's son.   In time she bore  to  Eliphaz  Amalek.   These are the  sons of  Adah, Esau's wife.   The Sons of Reuel --  Nahath and  Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah.  These  came to be the sons of Basemath,  Esau's wife.     And these came to be  the sons of  Oholibamah the daughter of Anah,  and granddaughter of Zibeon,  Esau's wife,  in that she  bore to Esau Jeush  and Jalam and Korah.      These were the sheiks (head of the family, tribe) of sons of Esau -- The  sons of Eliphaz, Esau's   1stborn-- sheiks -- Teman, Omar, Zepho, Kenaz, Korah,  Gatam, Amalek.   Thsese are the  sheiks of Eliphaz in  the land of Edom.   These are  the sons by Adah. These  are the sons of  Reuel, Esau's son--  Sheiks-- Nahath,  Zerah, Shammah and Mizzah.   These  are the sheiks of Reuel  in the land of Edom.  These are the sons by Basemath, Esau's wife.    Finally these are the  sons of Oholibamah,  Esau's wife --  sheiks -- Jeush, Jalam, Korah. These  are the sheiks of Oholibamah  the  daugther of Anah,  Esau's wife.      These  are the sons of Esau,  and these are their sheiks.    He is Edom.    These are the sons of Seir the Horite, the inhabitants of the land -- Lotan and Shobal and Zibeon and Anah  and Dishon and Ezer and Dishan. These  are the  sheiks of  Horite, the sons of Seir in the land of  Edom.   And the sons of Lotan came to be Hori and Hemam  and Lotan's sister was  Timna.   And  these are the sons of Shobal -  Alvan and Manahath  and Ebal,  Shepho and Onam.    And these are the sons of Zibeon  --  Aiah and Anah.   This  is the Anah  who found the  hot springs in the wilderness while  he was  tending the asses  for Zibeon  his father.    And these are the children of Anah -- Dishon and Oholibamah the daughter of Anah.    And  these are the sons of Dishon --  Hemdan  and Eshban  and Ithran  and Cheran.   

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  These  are the sons of Ezer --  Bilhan  and Zaavan  and Akan.   These are the sons of Dishan.   Uz  and Aran.   These  are the  sheiks  of the  Horite  --  Sheiks  --  Lotan,  Shobal,  Zibeon,  Anah,  Dishon,  Ezer,   Dishan.   And these are the sheiks of  the Horite  according  to their  sheiks  in the land of Seir.   Now these are the kings  who reigned in the land of Edom  before any king  reigned  over the sons of Israel.   And  Bela son of Beor procceded to reign in Edom,  and the name city was Dinhabah.   When Bela died,   Jobab son of Zerah from Bozrah began to reign instead of him.    When  Jobab  died,  Husham from  the land of the Temanites  began to reign instead of him.   When Husham died,  Hadad son of Bedad, who defeated the Midianites in the field of Moab,  began to reign instead of him, and the name of his city was Avith.   When  Hadad died, Samlah from Masrekah  began to reign  instead of him.    When Samlah  died, Shaul from Rehoboth by the River began to reign instead of him.   When  Shaul  died,  Baalhanan son of Achbor began  to reign instead of him.   When Baalhanan  son of Achbor died, Hadar  began  to reign instead of him  --  and the name of his wife was Mehetabel the daughter of Matred the daughter of Mezahab.    So these are the name of the sheiks of Esau according to their families,  according to their places, by their names -- Sheiks-- Timna, Alvah, Jetheth, Oholibamah, Elah, Pinon, Kenaz, Teman, Mibzar, Magdiel, Iram.    These  are the sheiks of Edom  according to their  dwellings  in the land of their possession. This is Esau the father of Edom.         37    And Jacob continued to dwell  in the  land of the  alien residences  of his father,  in  the land of Canaan.   This is  the history of Jacob.   Joseph, when 17 years old, happened to be tending sheep with his brothers among the flock, and, being but a boy, he was with the sons of Bilhah and   the sons of Zilpah, the wives of his father.  And Israel  loved Joseph  more than all his other sons, because he was the son of his old age -- and he had a long, striped shirtlike garment   made for him.    When his  brothers  came  to see that their father loved him more than all his brothers, they began to hate him,  and they were not able to speak peacefully to him.    Later on Joseph had a dream and told it to his brothers,    and they found further reason to hate him.    And he went on to say  to them --  "Listen, please,  to this dream I have dreamed.   Well, here we were binding sheaves in the middle of the field, when here my sheaf  got  up and also stood  erect  and here  your sheaves  proceeded to encircle and bow down to my sheaf."     And  his brothers began to say to him --"Are you going to be king over us for certain? or,  Are you going to dominate over  us  for certain?"     So they found fresh reason to hate him over his dreams  and his words.    After that he had still another dream, and he related it to his brothers  and said --  "Here  I have had a  dream once more,  and here  the sun and the moon

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  and 11 stars were bowing down to me."    Then he related it to his father as well as his brothers, and his father began to rebuke him and say to him -- "What does this dream that you have dreamed mean?    Am I and also your mother and your brothers for certain going to come and bow down to the earth to you?"    And his brothers grew jealous of him, but his father observed the saying. His brothers now went to feed the flock of their father close by Shechem.    After a while Israel said to Joseph -- "Your brothers are tending flocks close by Shechem, are they not? Come, and let me send you to them." At this he said to him -- "Here I am!" So he said to him -- "Go, please. See whether your brothers are safe and sound, and bring me back word."   With that he sent him away from low plain of Hebron, and he went on toward Shechem.   Later a man found him and here he was wandering in a field. Then the man inquired of him, saying -- "What are you looking for?"   To this he said -- "It is my brothers I am looking for. Tell me, please,   Where are they tending the flocks?" And the man continued -- "They have pulled away from here, because I heard them saying, 'Let us go to Dothan.'"    So Joseph kept on after his brothers and found them at Dothan.   Well, they caught sight of him from a distance, and before he could get close to them they began plotting cunningly against him to put him to death.     So  they said to one another -- "Look!   Here comes  that dreamer!    And now come and let  us kill him and pitch him into one of the waterpits --  and we must say a vicious wild beast devoured him.    Then let us see  what will  become of his dreams."      When Reuben heard this he tried to  deliver him out of their hand.   So he said -- "Let us not strike his soul  fatally.   And Reuben went on to say to them -- "Do  not spill his blood.    Pitch  him into this  waterpit  which is in  the wilderness   and  do not lay  a  violent  hand upon him."    His  purpose  was to deliver   him out of their  hand in  order to return  him to his father.   So it came about that as  soon as  Joseph came to his brothers, they went  stripping Joseph of his  long garment, even the long striped garment that was upon  him --  after which they  took him  and pitched him into the  waterpit.   At the time the pit  was empty --  there was no water  in it.       Then  they sat  down to eat bread.   When   they raised their eyes  and took a look,  why,  here was a  caravan of Ishamelites  that was coming from Gilead,   and  their camels were carrying   labdanum  and balsam  and resinous  bark,  on  their way to take it  down to  Egypt.    At this  Judah said  to his brothers -- "What  profit would there be  in case we killed our brother and  did cover  over his blood?    Come  and let us sell him to Ishmaelites,  and do not  let our hand  be upon him.    After all,   he is our brother, our flesh."     So they listened to their brother.    Now men, Midianite  merchants,  were passing by.   Hence they drew and lifted up  Joseph out of the waterpit and then sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for 20 silver pieces.  Eventually  these  brought Joseph  into Egypt.    Later  Reuben returned  to the waterpit   and   here  Joseph was not in the waterpit.  Consequently  he ripped his garments  apart.     When he returned to   

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his other brothers he exclaimed -- "The child is gone!  And I -- where  am I really to go?"     However,  they  took Joseph's   long garment  and slaughtered a male  goat and repeatedly dipped  the  long garment in the blood.   After  that they  sent  the long striped  garment  had it brought to their father  and said -- "This is what we found.  Examine,  please,  whether it  is your son's  long garment or not."    And he went examining it and exclaimed -- "It is my son's long  garment!   A vicious wild beast must have devoured him!   Joseph   is surely torn to pieces!"   With that Jacob ripped his mantles apart and put  sackcloth upon his hips and carried on mourning  over his son for many days.    And all his sons and all his daughters kept  rising up  to comfort him,  but he  kept refusing  to take  comfort  and saying -- "For  I shall go down mourning to my son into  Sheol!"     And his  father  continued  weeping  for him. However,  the Midianites sold  him into Egypt to Potiphar a court official of  Pharaoh,  the chief of the bodyguard.         38  Now in the meantime  it came about that when  Judah  went  down from his brothers and  he pitched his tent near a man, an Adullamite, and his name was Hirah.   And there Judah  got to see a daughter of certain  Canaanite,  and his name was Shua.     So he took her and had relations with her.   And she became pregnant.  Later she bore a son named Er.   Again she became pregnant again.   In time  she bore a  son and  called his  name Onan.      And yet  another time she went on  to bear  a son  then called  his name Shelah.    Now he happened to be  in Achzib  at the time she bore him.   In time Judah took a wife for Er  his 1st born,  and her name was Tamar.  But Er,  Judah's  1stborn,  proved to be bad  in the eyes of   God, hence  God  put him to death.    In view of that Judah said to Onan -- "Have  relations with  your brother's  wife and  perform brother -in-law marriage  with   her and raise up  offspring for  your brother."   But  Onan knew that the offspring would  not become his -- and it occurred that when he did have relations with his brother's wife  he wasted  his semen  on  the earth so as  not to give offspring to his brother.    Now what he did was bad in the eyes of God --  hence he put him also  to death.   So  Judah said to Tamar his daughter in law -- "Dwell  as  a widow in the house of  your father until Shelah  my son  grows up."    For he  said to himself -- "He too may die like his brothers."    Accordingly  Tamar  went  and continued to  dwell at her own  father's house.     Thus the days became  many  and the daughter of Shua, Judah's wife, died --and  Judah kept  the period of mourning.    After that he went up to the shearers of his sheep,  he and Hirah his companion the Adullamite to Timna.     Then it was  told to Tamar --  "Here your  father-in-law  is going  up to Timna to shear his sheep."   With  that she  removed  the garments of her widowhood from her and covered herself with a shawl and veiled herself and sat down at the entrance of Enaim,  where is  along the road to Timna.     For she saw that Shelah had grown up and yet  she had not been given as wife to him.     When Judah  caught sight of her,  he at once took her for a harlot, because she had  covered her face.     So he turned  aside  to her by the road and said  -- "Allow me, please,  to have

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relations with you."   For he did not know that she was his daughter- in law.   However, she said -- "What will you give me that you may have relations with me?"   To this he said -- "I myself shall send a kid of the goats from the herd."   But she said -- "Will you give a security until you send it?"  And he continued -- "What is the security that I shall give you?" to which she said -- "Your seal ring and your cord and your rod that is in your hand." Then he gave them to her and had relations with her, so that she became pregnant by him.   After that she got up and went and removed her shawl off her and clothed herself with the garments of her widowhood.    And Judah proceeded to send a kid of the goats by the land of his companion the Adullamite in order to get back the security from the hand of the woman, but he never found her.    And he went inquiring of the men of her place, saying --"Where is that temple prostitute in  Enaim along the road?"    But they kept saying -- "No temple prostitute has ever been in this place.'"    Finally he returned to Judah and said -- "I never found her, besides, the men of the place said -- 'No temple prostitute has ever been in this place.'" So Judah said -- "Let her take them for herself in order that we may not fall into contempt.    At any rate.    I have sent this kid, but you -- you never found her."    However, about 3 months later it happened that it was told to Judah -- "Tamar your daughter in law has played a harlot, and here  she is also pregnant by her harlotry."    At that Judah said -- "Bring her out and let her be burned."     As she was being brought out she herself sent to her father -in law, saying -- "By the man to whom these belong I am pregnant."    And she added -- "Examine, please, to whom these belong, the seal ring and the cord and the rod."      Then Judah examined them and said -- "She is more righteous than I am, for the reason I did not give her to Shelah my  son."     And he had no further interc*urse with her after that.      Now it developed that in the time of her giving birth, why, here there were twins in her belly.      Further, it turned out that when she was giving birth one extended his hand, and the midwife at once took and tied a scarlet piece about his hand, saying -- "This one came out 1st."      Finally it developed that as soon as he drew back his hand, why, here his brother came out, so that she exclaimed -- "What do you mean by this, that you have produced a perineal rupture for yourself?"      Hence his name was called Perez.    And afterward his brother upon whose hand the scarlet piece was came out and  his name came to  be called Zerah.           39   As for Joseph, he was brought down to Egypt, and  Potiphar, a court official for of Pharaoh,  the chief of the body guard, an Egyptian,  got to buy him from the hand of the Ishamelites who had brought him down there.    But  God proved to  be with him and Joseph,  so he turned out  a successful man  and came to be over the house of  his master,   the Egyptian.      And  his master  got to see that God was with him  that  everything he was doing  God  was making  turn out successful in his hand.   And Joseph kept  finding favor in  his eyes and waited upon him  continually,  so  that he appointed him over his house, and all that was his  he gave to his hand.        And it  followed  that  

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  from the time he appointed  him over  his house  and in charge of all that was  his  

God kept blessing the house of the Egyptian due to Joseph, and  God's blessing  came to be upon all  that he had in the house and the field.      Finally  he left everything  that was his  in  Joseph's hand --  and he did not know  what was with him  at all except  the bread he was eating.    Moreover,  Joseph grew to beautiful  in form  and beautiful  in  appearance.    Now  after  these  things it  came about  that the wife of  his master began to raise her eyes toward Joseph and say -- "Lie  down  with  me."    But  he would refuse and  would  say to his master's wife --  "Here, my master does  not  know what is with me in the house,  and everything he has  he has given to my hand.    There is no one greater than I  am, and he has  not  withheld from  me anything  at all  except you, because  you  are his wife.     So  how could  I commit this great badness and actually sin against God?"    So  it turned out  that as  she spoke to Joseph day  after day  he never  listened to her to lie alongside her,  to continue with her.    But  it happened  that on this  day as other days he went into the house  to do his  business,  and there was none of the men  of the  house  there in the house.   Then  she grabbed hold of him by his  garment, saying  -- "Lie down with me!"   But  he left his  garment  in her hand  and took to flight  and went on  outside.   So it  occurred that  as soon as  she saw  that he  had left  his  garment in her  hand that he might flee outside,  she began to cry out to men of  her house  and to say  to them -- "Look!   He  brought to us a man, a Hebrew, to make us  a laughingstock.   He came to  lie  down with me, but  I began  to cry out  at the top  of my voice.     And  it   followed  that as soon as he heard that I raised my voice and began crying out, he  then left his  garment beside me  and took  to flight   and went on outside."     After  that she kept  his garment  laid up  beside her until his  master came  to his house.    Then she spoke to him  according to these words, saying -- "The Hebrew servant whom you brought to us came to me to make a laughingstock.   But it followed that  as soon as I raised my voice and began to cry out, he then  left  his garment beside me and fleeing  outside."    The  result was  that as soon  as his  master heard the words of  his wife  which she spoke to him,  saying -- "like this and this your servant did to me,"  his  anger blazed.  So  Joseph's  master  took him and gave  him over to the prison house,  the  place where the prisoners of the king were kept under arrest, and   he continued there  in the prison house.   However, God continued with Joseph and kept  extending  loving kindness to him and granting  him to find favor in the eyes  of the chief  officer of the prison  house.   So the chief officer  of the prison house gave over into Joseph's hand all the prisoners who were in the prison  house --  and everything  that they were doing  there he proved to be the one having it done.    The chief officer  of the prison house  was looking after  absolutely nothing that was  in his hand, because  God  was with Joseph and what he was doing-- God was making it turn out successful.         40  Now after these things  it came  about that  the cupbearer  of the king of Egypt  and the baker sinned against  their    

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lord the king of Egypt.     And Pharaoh grew  indignant  at his  2 officers,  at the chief of the cupbearers and chief of the bakers.  So he committed them to the jail of the house of the chief of the bodyguard, to the prison house, the place where Joseph was a prisoner.  Then the chief of the bodyguard assigned Joseph to be with them that he might wait upon them -- and they continued in jail for some days.   And  both of them proceeded to dream a dream, each one his own dream with its own interpretation,  the cupbearer and the baker who belong to the king of Egypt who were prisoners in the prison house.   When Joseph  came in to them in the morning and saw them, why, there they were looking dejected.    And he began to inquire of the officers of the Pharaoh  who were with him in the jail of his master's house, saying -- "For what reason are your faces are gloomy today?"  At this they  said to him -- "We have dreamed a dream,  and there is no interpreter with us."    So Joseph said to them --  "Do not interpretations belong to God?"   Relate it to me, please."   And the chief of the cupbearers went on to relate his dream to  Joseph and to say to him -- ""In my dream, why,  here there was a vine before me.  And on the vine there were 3 twigs,  and it was apparently sprouting shoots.   It's  blossoms push forth.   Its clusters ripened  their grapes.   And Pharaoh's  cup was in my hand, and I proceeded to  take the grapes and squeeze them out into  Pharaoh's cup.   After that I gave the cup into  Pharaoh's hand."    Then Joseph said to him -- "This is its nterpretation--  the 3 twigs are 3 days.  In  3 days from now the  Pharaoh  will lift your head and he will certainly  return you to your office -- and you will certainly give  Pharaoh's cup into his hand,  according to the former custom when you acted as  his  cupbearer.      Nevertheless,  you  must keep me in your  remembrance  as soon    as it gives well  with  you,  and you must, please,  perform loving kindness  with me and mention me to  Pharaoh,  and you must  get me out of this house.   For I was in fact kidnapped from  the  land of the Hebrews -- and here also  I have  done nothing  at all  for which  they should put me in prison hole."     When the chief of the bakers  saw  that he  had  interpreted   something  good, he,  in turn, said to Joseph -- "I too  was  in my  dream,  and here there were  3  baskets of white bread upon my head, and in the topmost  basket  there were all sorts  of eatables  for Pharaoh, the product of a baker,  and there were  fowls eating them out of the basket on top of my head."    Then Joseph  answered  and  said -- "This is the interpretation -- The 3 baskets were 3 days.     In 3 days from now the Pharaoh  will lift up your head from off you and will certainly  hang you upon a stake --  and the fowls will  certainly  eat your flesh  from off you."     Now  on the 3rd day  it turned  out to be  Pharaoh's   birthday,  and he  proceeded   to make a feast for all  his servants and  to lift up the head of the chief of the cupbearers and the  head of the  chief of the bakers in midst of the servants.      According  he returned  the  chief of the cupbearers  to his  post  of  cupbearer, and he continued to give the  cup into Pharaoh's  hand.    But  the chief  of the  bakers  he hung up,  just    

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  as Joseph  had given them the interpretation.   However, the chief of the cupbearer  

did not remember  Joseph and went on  forgetting him.           41    And  it came about  at the end of 2 full  years  that   Pharaoh  was dreaming  and here  he was standing by the  river Nile.   And  here ascending  out  of the river Nile were  7  cows  beautiful in appearance and fat fleshed and feeding themselves among Nile grass.    And here  there were 7 other cows  ascending  after them  out of the  river Nile,  ugly  in appearance  and thin fleshed,  and they took  their stand  alongside the cows  by the bank  of  the river Nile.   Then the cows that were ugly  in appearance and thin fleshed began to eat up the 7 cows  that were beautiful in appearance  and fat.  At this Pharaoh woke up.   However,  he went back to sleep and  dreamed a  2nd  time.   And  here there  were 7 ears of grain  coming up on  the  stalk, fat and good.     And here were  7 ears of grain, thin and scorched  by the east wind --  growing  up after them.    And the  thin ears of grain  began to swallow  up the 7 fat  and full ears of grain.      At this  Pharaoh  woke up  and here it was  a dream.    And it developed  in the morning that his spirit  became  agitated.   So he  sent and called   all the  magic practicing priests  of  Egypt and all the wise men,  and Pharaoh went on to  relate his dreams to them.  But there was no interpreter  of them  for Pharaoh.    Then  the chief of the  cupbearer spoke  with Pharaoh,  saying --  "My sins I am mentioning today.    Pharaoh  was  indignant  at his servant.  So  he committed me to the jail of the house of the  chief of the bodyguard, both me and the chief of the bakers.   After that  we both dreamed a dream  in the one night, both I and he.    We dreamed each one his own dream with its own interpretation.   And there was  with us  there a  young man, a Hebrew, a  servant of the  chief of the  bodyguard.    When  we  related  them to him, he proceeded  to interpret  our dreams  to us.  He  interpreted each according  to his dream.   And it turned out that just as he  had interpreted  to us so it  happened.    Me he returned to my  office,   but  him  he  hanged."      And Pharaoh  proceeded  to send nd to call  Joseph,  that they might  bring him quickly  form  the prison hole.   Hence  he shaved and changed his  mantles clothes and went in to Pharaoh.   Then  Pharaoh said  to Joseph -- "I have dreamed a dream, but there is no interpreter of it.     Now I  myself have heard it said  about  you that you  can hear a dream and  interpret it."   At  this  Joseph answered  Pharaoh, saying -- "I need not be considered!   God will announce welfare  to Pharaoh."     And Pharaoh went on to speak to Joseph --  "In my dream here  I was standing  on  the bank   of the river Nile.   And  here  ascending  out the river  Nile  were  7   cows  fat  fleshed  and beautiful  to feed  among the Nile grass.    And here  there were 7 other cows ascending  after them,  poor and very  bad in form and thin fleshed.   For badness  I have  not seen the like of them  in  all the land of Egypt.   And  the skinny and bad cows began  to eat up the  1st 7 fat cows.    So  these  came into  their bellies,  and yet it could  not be known  that they  had come  into their bellies,  as their  appearance was bad  just as  at  the start.  At  that  I woke up.  

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  "After that I saw in my dream and here there were 7 ears of grain coming up  on 1 stalk, full and good.   And  here  there were 7  ears of grain shriveled, thin, scorched  by the  east wind,  growing  up after them.     And the  thin ears of grain began to swallow up the 7  good  ears of grain.     So  I stated it to the magic  practicing priests, but there was none  telling me."   Then Joseph  said  to  Pharaoh --  "The dream of Pharaoh is but one.   What the true God is doing  he  has told to the Pharaoh.  The 7 good cows are years.   Likewise the  7 good ears of grain are 7 years.   The dream is but one.   And the 7   skinny  and bad cows that came up  after them are 7  years -- and  the 7  empty ears of grain,   scorched by the east wind, will prove to be  7 years of famine.   This is  the thing that  I have spoken to Pharaoh --  What the true God is doing  he has caused the Pharaoh  to see.    "Here  there  are  7 years  coming  with great  plenty in all the land of  Egypt.  But the   7 years of famine  will certainly arise after  them, and all the plenty in the land of  Egypt  will certainly  be forgotten and the famine will simply  consume the land.   And  the plenty once  in the land will not be known as  a result of that  famine afterward,  because it certainly will be severe.   And the fact that the dream  was repeated to Pharaoh 2wice means  that the thing is firmly established   on the part of  the true God,  and the true God  is speeding to do it."     So now let Pharaoh  look for a man discreet  and wise and set him over  the land of Egypt.      Let  Pharaoh  act and  appoint overseers over the land,  and he must take  up  1/5 of the Egypt   during 7 years of plenty.   And let them collect all the foodstuffs  of these coming  good years,  and let them pile up grain under  Pharaoh's hand  as foodstuffs  in the cities,  and they must safeguard it.     And the foodstuffs  must serve as a supply for the  land for the 7 famine years,  which will develop in the  land of  Egypt,  in order  that the land may not be cut off by  the  famine."   Well,  the thing  proved to be good in the eyes of  Pharaoh and of all his  servants.      So Pharaoh  said to his servants --"Can  another  man be found like this one in whom the  spirit of God is?"    After  that Pharaoh  said to Joseph -- "Since  God has caused you to know all this, there is no one as  discreet  and wise  as you  are.  You  will  personally be over at my house, and all my people will obey you  implicitly.    Only  as  to the throne  shall I be greater than you."   And Pharaoh added  to Joseph -- "See,  I do place you over all the land of Egypt."      With that Pharaoh  removed his  signet  ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and clothed him  with garments  of fine linen and placed a  necklace  of gold about  his neck.    Moreover, he had him  ride in the  2nd chariot of honor that he had,  so  that  they should  call out ahead of him,  "Avrekh"    thus putting him over all the land of Egypt.      And  Pharaoh  further said  to Joseph  -- "I am  Pharaoh,  but without your authorization, no man  may  lift up his hand or foot in all the land of     Egypt." After that   Pharaoh  called Joseph's name Zaphenathpaneah and gave  him  Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On as a wife.       And Joseph began to go out over the land of Egypt.   And    Joseph   

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  was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh the king of Egypt.    Then Joseph went out from before Pharaoh and toured about in all the land of Egypt.    And during the 7 years of plenty the land went on producing by the handfuls.    He kept collecting all the foodstuffs of the 7 years that came upon the land of Egypt and he would put the foodstuffs in the cities. The foodstuffs of the field that was round about a city he put in the midst of it. And Joseph continued piling up grain in very great quantity, like the sand of the sea, until finally they gave up counting it, because it was without number.    And before the year of the famine arrived there were born to Joseph 2 sons, whom Asenath the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On bore to him. So Joseph called the name of the 1stborn Manasseh, because, to quote him, "God has made me forget all my trouble and all the house of his father."    And the name of the  2nd he called Ephraim, because, to quote him, "God has made me fruitful in land of my wretchedness."     And the 7 years of the plenty that had obtained in the land of Egypt gradually ended, and, in turn, the 7 years of famine started to come, just as Joseph had said. And the Famine developed in all the lands, but in all the land of Egypt there was found bread.     Finally all  the land of Egypt became famished and the people began to cry out to Pharaoh for bread.    Then Pharaoh said to all the Egyptians -- "Go to Joseph. Whatever he says to you, you are to do." And the famine obtained over all the surface of the earth. Then Joseph began to open up all the grain depositories that were among them and to sell to the Egyptians, as the famine got a strong grip on the land of Egypt. Moreover, people of all the earth came to Egypt to buy from Joseph, because the famine had a strong grip on all the earth.       42    Eventually Jacob  got to see that  there were cereals in Egypt.     Then  Jacob said to his sons -- "Why  do you keep looking  at one another?"  And  he added -- "Here  I  have heard  that there  are  cereals in Egypt.  Go  down  there  and buy for us  from there,  that we may keep alive  and not die off."   Accordingly  !0  brothers of Joseph went  down  to buy grain  from Egypt.   But Jacob did not send Benjamin, Joseph's brother, with his other brothers, because he said -- "Otherwise  a fatal  accident  may  befall  him."   So Israel's  sons  came  along with   the others who  were coming  to buy,  because the famine existed  in the land  of  Canaan.     And  Joseph was  the    man in power over the land.    He was  the one that  did  the  selling  to all  the people of the  earth.    When  Joseph  got  to see his   brothers, he at once  recognized  them,  but he  made himself  unrecognizable  to  them.    So he spoke  harshly  with  them and said to them --  "Where  have  come from?"   to which  they said  --  "From  the land of Canaan  to buy foodstuffs."     Thus Joseph recognized his brothers,  but  they themselves  did  not recognize him.     Immediately   Joseph  remembered  that he had  dreamed   respecting them,  and  he went  on  to say  to them -- "You  are  spies!  You have  come to see  the exposed  condition  of the land!"      Then   they  said  to him  --  "No,   

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  my lord,  but your servants have  come  to  buy foodstuffs.  We  are all of us sons of but one man.   We are upright  men.   Your servants  do not  act  as  spies."     But  he said to them  --  "Not so!   Because you have come to see  the exposed  condition of the  land!"    At  this they said --  "Your servants are 12 brothers.   We are the sons of  but one man   in  the land of Canaan -- and here the youngest  is with our father today,  whereas  the other one is no more."    However,   Joseph said  to them -- "It is what I  have spoken  to  you, saying,  'You  are  spies!'   By this   you will be  tested out.   As  Pharaoh  lives,  you will not go out of here  except when your  youngest brother  comes  here.     Send one of you that  he may get  your brother while  you  have been bound,  that your words may be tested out as the truth in your case.   And if not,  then,  as Pharaoh lives,  you are spies."       With  that he put them  together in custody for 3 days.    After  that Joseph  said to them on the 3rd day -- "Do this  keep alive,   I fear  the  true God.     If you are  upright,   let one of your  brothers  be kept bound  in your house of custody,  but the    rest of you go,  take cereals for famine  in  your houses.   Then you will  bring your youngest brother to me, that  your words may be found  trustworthy --  and you will not  die."   And they proceeded to do so.  And they  began  to say  one to the other -- "Unquestionably  we are guilty  with  regard  to  our brother,  because we saw the  distress  of his soul  when he implored  compassion  on our part,  we  did not  listen.   That is why this   distress has come upon us."   Then  Reuben answered  them,  saying -- "Did  not  I say  to  you,  'Do  not sin against the child,  but you did not listen?    And now  his blood,  here it is  certainly  asked back."   As  for them,  they did  not know  that Joseph was listening,  because there was an interpreter between them.    Consequently  he turned away from  them  and began  to weep.   Then  he returned to them and spoke  to them and took Simeon  from them and bound him  before their eyes.     After that Joseph gave  the command,  and  they went filling up  their  receptacles  with grain.    Also,  they were   to return  the money of the men  to each one's  individual sack and give them  provisions  for  the journey.    Accordingly  it was done so to them.   So they  loaded  their   cereals upon their  asses and got on their way  from there.    When  one opened his sack to  give fodder  to  his  ass at the lodging  place,  he  got to see  his  money,  and here it was  in  the mouth  of his bag.     At that he said to his brothers -- "My money has been returned  and  now here it is  in my  bag!"     Then their hearts sank,  so that they  turned trembling  to  one another,  saying -- "What  is this that God has done to us?"   At length  they came  to  Jacob their father  to the land  of  Canaan, and told  him all the things that had  befallen  them,  saying --  "The man who is the lord of the country spoke harshly   with us,   since  he took us for men spying on  the country.    But we  said to  him,  'We are  upright men.  We do not act as   spies.   We are 12 brothers, the sons of our father.   One   is no more,   and the  youngest is  today with our father  in Canaan.    But  the man  who is the lord  of the country  said to us,  'By this I  am going to  know  you are upright --  Have  one  brother  of yours stay  with me.     


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   Then you take something  for the famine  in your houses and go.    And   bring your youngest brother to me,  that  I  may  know that you are no spies but your are  upright.   Your brother I shall give back to you, and  you may  carry on business  in the land."   And  it came about  that when they  were  emptying  their  sacks here was  each  one's  bundle of money in his sack.    And they as well as  their father  got to see  their bundles of money, and they  became afraid. Then  Jacob  their father exclaimed  to them --  "It is I you have   bereaved!   Joseph is  no more and  Simeon is no more,  and  Benjamin you are going to take!    It is upon me  that all  these things have  come!"    But  Reuben  said to his  father -- "My own 2 sons you   may  put to death  if    I    do  not  bring him back to you.    Give him over  to my care, I  shall  be the one to  return him to you."    However,  he said -- "My son will not go  down with you men, because his brother is dead and he has been left  by himself.    If  a fatal  accident should  befall  him on the way  on which you would  go,   then you  would  certainly bring  down  my gray hairs  with grief to Sheol."        43    And the famine  was severe in the land.   And   it came about that as soon as they  had finished eating  up the cereals  they brought from Egypt, their father  proceeded to say  to them --"Return, buy a  little food for us."     Then  Judah said to him -- "The man  unmistakably  bore witness to us,  saying,  'You must not see my face again unless your brother  is with you.'     If  you are sending our brother with us,   we  are  willing to go down  and buy food for you.    But  if you are not sending him,  we  shall  not go  down,   because  the man   did say to us,  'You must not see my face again unless your brother is with you.'"        And Israel  exclaimed -- "Why did you  have  to do harm to me  by telling  the man you had another brother?"     At  this  they  said -- "The man  directly inquired  concerning  us and our relatives,  saying,  'Is  your father  yet alive?   Do you  have another brother?    and we went  on to tell him according  to these  facts.   How  could  we  know  for  certain  that he would say,  'Bring, your  brother  down'?"    Finally  Judah said to Israel  his father -- "Send the boy with me,   that we may get up and go  and that  we may keep alive and not die  off,  both  we and you and  our  little children.    I  shall  be the one  to be surety for him.   Out  of my hand you  may  exact the penality for him.     If  I fail to  bring him to you  and  present him  to you,  then  I shall have  sinned against you for all time.      But  if  we had not  lingered around,  we should  by  now have  been there and back these 2 times."    So  Israel  their  father said  to  them -- "If,  then,  that is the case,  do this -- Take  the finest products of the land in your  receptacles  and  carry them down  to the man  as  a gift --  a  little  balsam, and a little honey,  labdanum  and  resinous bark,  pistachios  nuts  and  almonds.    Also,  take  double the money that was returned in the mouth  of your  bags you will take back in  your hand.     Maybe  it was mistake.    And  take your brother and get up,  return to the man.     And may   God  Almighty  give you  pity before the man, that he may certainly release to you  your other brother and Benjamin.     But I,  in case  I  must be bereaved,  I shall certainly  be  bereaved!"     Accordingly  the  men took this gift,   and  they  took double the money   in  their  hand   and  Benjamin.   Then  they  rose  and went their  way  down to Egypt.    

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​and got to  stand  before  Joseph.  When  Joseph  saw Benjamin with them, he at once  said to the man who was over  his house --  "Take  the men to the house and slaughter   animals and make preparation,  because  the men  are to eat with  me at noon."   Immediately  the man did  just as Joseph had said.   So  the man took the men to Joseph's house.  But the men got afraid because   they had been taken to  Joseph's  house,   and they began to say --  "It is because of the money  that we went  back with us in our  bags  at the start  that we are being brought here for them to  fall upon  us and attack us and to take us for slaves and also our asses!"    Hence  they  approached the man  who was over Joseph's  house  and spoke  to  him  at the entrance of the house, and  they said -- "Excuse us,  my lord!     We  surely  did come  down at the start to buy  food.   But  what occurred was that when we came to the lodging place and began opening our bags,  why, here was the money in full weight.   So we are returning it with our own hands.    We have brought more money to buy food.    We certainly do not know who placed our money in our bags.    Then he said, "It is all right with you.   Do not be afraid.  Your God and God of  your  father gave you treasures in your bags.    Your money came 1st to me."     After  that he brought out Simeon to them.   Then  the man brought men into Joseph's  house and  gave water  that they might  have their feet  washed, and  he gave fodder for their asses.   And  they  proceeded to get the gift  ready for Joseph's  coming at noon,  because  they  had heard  that it was  there they were going  to eat bread.   When Joseph went  on into the house,  and prostrated  themselves to him to the earth.  (Lay face down with arms stretched out at the sides to the earth).   After  this he inquired whether they  were getting along  well and said  --  "Is  your father, the aged man of whom  you have spoken,  getting along well?     Is  he still alive?"   To this they said --  "Your servant our father is getting  along well.  He is still alive."    Then  they bowed  down  and prostrated  themselves.  When   he raised his eyes  and saw Benjamin  his brother,  the son of his mother, he went  on to say -- "Is  this your brother,  the youngest  one of whom you have  spoken to  me?"    And he added -- "May God  show  you  his favor, my son."  Joseph was  now in a hurry,  because his  inward emotions  were excited toward his brother,  So that he looked for a place to weep  and he went into an  interior room and gave way to tears there.     After  that he washed his face and  went out kept control of himself and said -- "Set  on the meal."   And they  proceeded to set  it on for him by himself and for them  by themselves -- for the Egyptians  were not able to eat a meal  with the Hebrews,  because that  is  a detestable  thing to Egyptians.   And they were seated before him,  the  1stborn according to his right as 1stborn, and the youngest according to  his youngness --  and the men kept  looking one  other  in amazement.      And he kept having portions carried from  before him to them,   but  he would increase  Benjamin's portion  5 times the size of the  portions of all the  others.   So they  continued  banqueting  

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​ and  drinking  with him to the  full.        44   Later  on he commanded  the man  who  

was over his  house,  saying -- "Fill  the bags  of the men with food  to the extent  they  are able to carry  it  and place the money  of  each  one in  the mouth of his bag.    But you must place my cup,  the silver cup,  in the mouth of the bag of the youngest and money for the cereals."    So he did according to the word of Joseph  which he had spoken.   The morning had become  light when the men were sent away,  both they and their  asses.   They  went out of the city.  They had not gone far  when Joseph said to the man who was over  his house -- "Get up!   Chase  after the  men and to say to them -- 'Why have you repaid bad for good?   Is  not this  thing that my master drinks from and by  means of which he expertly  reads omens?    It is a bad deed you have committed.'"     Eventually  he overtook them  spoke  these words  to them.   But they said to him -- 'Why does  my  lord speak with  such  words as these?   It is unthinkable  that your  servants  should  do  anything like this.     Why  the money that  we found in the mouth of the bags we  brought back to you from  the land of  Canaan.     How,  then,   could we steal silver or gold  from the house of your master?   Let  the one of  your slaves  with  whom it may be found  die and let  us ourselves also  become  slaves  to  my master."    So  he said  -- "Let  it be now  exactly  according  to your words.   Thus  the  one  with whom  it may be found  will become  a slave to me,  but you yourselves will be proved innocent!   With  that  they quickly  let down  each one  his  bag to the earth and they opened  each  one his own bag.    And  he  went  searching  carefully.   He started with  oldest and  finished with the youngest.   At  last the cup  was  found in Benjamin's bag.    Then they ripped their  mantles apart  and lifted  each one his load  back onto his ass and  returned to the city.      And   Judah and his brothers went on  into Joseph's house,  and  he was still there --  and  they proceeded  to fall  before him to the earth.     Joseph  now said to them -- "What  sort of deed is this  that you have done?    Did  you not know that such  a man  as  I am   can expertly  read omens?"     At this  Judah  exclaimed  -- "What can we say to my master?     What can we speak?   And how can we prove ourselves righteous?     The true God has found out the error of your slaves.   Here we  are slaves  to my  master,  both we and the one in whose  hand the  cup was found."      However,  he said -- "It is unthinkable for me to do this!    The man  in  whose hand the cup was found  is the one who will  become a slave to me.    As  for  the rest of you,   go  up in peace to your  father."      Judah  now came  near to him and said -- "I pray  you, my  master,  please  let your slave  speak a word in  the hearing of  my master, and  do not  let your anger grow hot  against your slave, because it  is   the same with you as Pharaoh.     My master asked  his slaves,  saying,  'Do you have a father or a brother?'    So  we said  to my master,  'We do have an  aged  father and a child  of his old age,  the youngest.   But  his brother is dead  so that he alone is left of his mother, and his father  does love him.''    After  that you said to your slaves,  "Bring  him down  to  


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me that I may set my eye upon him.   But we said  to my master,  'The boy is not able to leave his father.   If he did leave his father, he would  certainly die.'    Then  you said  to your slaves,  'Unless your youngest brother comes down with you,  you may not see my face  anymore.'   "And it  came about that we went up to  your  slave my father and then told him the words  of my master.     Later our Father said -- "Return,  buy  a little food  for us.'    But  we said--  'We are not able to go down.  If our youngest brother is with us we will go down, because we  are not able to see  the man's  face  in  case our  youngest brother is not with us.'     Then your slave my father said to us--'You  yourselves well  know  that my wife bore but 2 sons to me.   Later the one went out from my company and I   exclaimed -- "Ah,  he must surely be torn to pieces!"  and I have not seen him till now.      If you were to  take this one  also out of my sight  and  a fatal  accident were to befall  him, you would certainly bring down   my gray hairs with  calamity to  Sheol.'     "And now,  as  soon as  I should  come down  to  your slave  my  father without the boy  along  with us,  when  that one's soul is bound up  with this one's soul   then it is  certain to occur that as soon as   he sees  that  the boy is not there  he will  simply die,  and your slaves  will indeed bring down  the gray hairs of your slave our father with grief to  Sheol.   For your slave  became  surety for the boy when away  from  his father, saying --  'If  I fail to bring him back to  you,   then  I shall have sinned  against my father forever.'    So now,  please,   let your slave stay instead of the boy  as slave to my master,  that the boy  may go  up with  his brothers.     For how can I go up  to  my father without the boy along with me,  for fear that  then I  may  look upon the calamity that  will   find out my father?"      45   At this Joseph was  no longer  able to control himself  before all those who  were stationed  by him.   So he cried out    -- "Have  everybody go  out from  me!"   And no one else stood  with him while   Joseph made himself  known to his brothers.    And he  began to raise his voice in  weeping,  so that the Egyptians  got to hear it  and Pharaoh's house  got to hear it.     Finally Joseph  said  to  his brothers -- "I am Joseph.   Is my father still alive?"   But  his  brothers  were  unable to answer him at all, because they were disturbed by  reason  of him.  So  Joseph said to   his brothers  --  "Come close to me, please."   With  that they  came close to him.   Then he  said -- "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt.     But  now do not feel hurt and  do  not be angry with yourselves because you sold me here -- because for  the  preservation  of life God  has sent me ahead of you.    For  this is the 2nd year of  the famine  in the midst of the earth,  and  there  are yet 5 years  in which  there  will be no  plowing  time of harvest.      Consequently  God sent me ahead  of you  in order  to place a remnant  for  you men  in the earth   and to keep  you alive by a great escape.     So  now  it  was was not you who sent me here,   but it was the true that  God, that  he might  appointed me a father to  Pharaoh and  a lord  for all his   house and as  one  dominating  over all the land of Egypt.    "Go  up quickly to  my father and  you must say to him, "This is what  your son Joseph has  said-- "God has  appointed  me lord for all Egypt.   Come down to me.   Do not delay.    And you must  

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​Dwell  in the land of Goshen,  and  you  must continue  near me,  you and your sons and  the sons of your sons and  your flocks  and  your herds and everything you have.     And  I will supply  with food  there,  for there are yet  5 years of famine -- for  fear  you and your house and everything you have may come to poverty.      And  here your eyes and  the  eyes of my brother Benjamin  are  seeing that  it is  my mouth that is speaking to you.     So you must tell my father about all of my glory in Egypt and everything that you have seen --  and you must hurry  and bring my father  down here."     Then  he  fell upon the neck of  Benjamin  his  brother and  gave  way  to weeping,  and  Benjamin wept upon his neck.    And he  proceeded to kiss all his brothers and weep  over them,  and after  that his  brothers spoke  with  him.      And  the news  was heard at  the house of  Pharaoh, saying  --  "Joseph's brothers  have come!"    And  it proved to be good in the eyes of the Pharaoh  and of his servants.    Accordingly Pharaoh said to Joseph --"Say to your brothers, 'Do this--Load your beasts  of burden and  go  enter  the land of Canaan,  and  take your father  and your  households and come  here to me,  that I  may  give you  the good  of the land of Egypt -- and eat the fat part of the land.     And  you yourself  are commanded -- "Do  this -- Take  for yourselves  wagons from  the land of Egypt for your little ones and your wives,   and  you must lift your father  on  one and come here.       And do not let your eye feel sorry over your equipment, because the good of  all the  land of  Egypt is yours."'"     Following that the  sons of Israel did so,  and  Joseph gave them wagons according to   Pharaoh's  orders and gave them  provisions  for the  way.     To  each of  them he gave individual  changes  of mantles,  but to  Benjamin  he  gave 300 silver  pieces   and  5 changes of  mantles.    And to his  father he sent  as follows --  10  asses  carrying good things of Egypt  and  10   she- asses carrying grain and bread and  sustenance for  his father for the way.       Thus  he sent his brothers off,   and they proceeded  to go.   However,  he  said to them -- "Do  not  get exasperated   at  one  another on the way."      And  they began going  up out of Egypt and   at length  came into the land of  Canaan to Jacob their father.    Then they  reported to him,  saying --  "Joseph is still alive,  and he  is the one  dominating  over  all the land of  Egypt!"   But his heart  grew  numb,  because  he  did  not  believe them.    When  they went  on speaking  to him  all  of Joseph's words  that  he had spoken  to them and he got  to see the  wagons that Joseph  had sent to carry him,  the spirit of  Jacob  their  father  began  to revive.   Then  Israel  exclaimed  -- "It is enough!   Joseph   my son is still alive!   Ah,  let me go and see him before  die!"         46   According  Israel and all who were his pulled  out and came  to  Beersheba,   and   he  proceeded to  sacrifice  sacrifices   to  the God of  his father Isaac.   Then God talked to Israel in  visions of  the night and said -- "Jacob, Jacob"   to  which   he said -- "Here I am!"    And  he went  on to say  --  "I am  the  true God, the  God of your father.   Do  not  be  afraid to go down to Egypt,  and I myself shall surely  bring you, up  also --  and  Joseph will lay his hand upon your eyes."  

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  After  that Jacob  got up out of Beersheba,   and the sons of Israel continued transporting  Jacob their father  and their  little ones  and, their wives in  the wagons  that Pharaoh  had sent to  transport  him.      Further, they  took along  their herds  and their goods,  which they  had accumulated  in  the land  of Canaan.   Eventually they came into Egypt,  Jacob  and all  his  offspring with  him.     He brought his sons and his sons with  him,  his daughters and his sons' daughters,  even all his  offspring with him into Egypt.     Now  these are the names of Israel's sons who came into Egypt -- Jacob and  his sons -- Jacob's 1stborn was Reuben,   And  the sons of Reuben  were  sons were Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, Carmi --   And sons of Simeon were Jemuel, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar and Shaul the son of a Canaanite woman.   And the   sons of Levi were Gershon, Kohath  and  Merari.    And the sons of Judah were Er, Onan,  Shelah, Perez, Zerah.    However,  Er and Onan died in  the land of Canaan --   And the sons of Perez   came to be called  Hezron and Hamul.   The sons of Isasachar were Tola,  Puvah, Iob, Shimron.     And the sons of Zebulun were Sered, Elon, Jahleel.    These  are the sons of Leah,  whom she bore  to Jacob in Paddanaram,   together with his daughter Dinah.    All  the  souls of his sons and of his  daughters  were  33.    And  the sons of Gad were Ziphion and Haggi, Shuni  and Ezbon,  Eri  and Arodi and  Areli.   And the sons of Asher were Imnah  and  Ishvah and Ishvi  and  Beriah,  and there was Serah their sister.    And the sons of Beriah were Heber and Malchiel.    These are the sons of Zilpah, whom Laban  gave to  his daughter Leah.    In time she bore these to Jacob -- 16 souls.   The sons of Rachel, Jacob's wife,  were Joseph and Benjamin.       And  there came  to be  born to Joseph  in the land of  Egypt  Manasseh and Ephraim, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera the priest of On bore to him. And the sons of Benjamin were Bela  and Becher  and  Ashbel, Gera and  Naaman, Ehi  and Rosh, Muppim  and Huppin and Ard.     These are the sons of Rachel  who were  born to Jacob.   All the souls  were  14.   And   the sons of Dan were Hushim.   And the sons of  Naphtali were Jahzeel,  and Guni  and Jezer and Shillem --       These  are the sons of Bilhah, whom Leban gave to his daughter Rachel.   In time  she bore  these to  Jacob --  all the   souls  were 7.     All the souls  who came  to  Jacob  into Egypt were  those  who issued  out of his upper thigh,  aside  from the wives of  Jacob's  sons.   All the  souls  were  66.    And Joseph's sons  who were    born to him in  Egypt were  2 souls.   All  the souls  of the house of Jacob   who came  into  Egypt  were 70.   And he  sent Judah  in advance of him  to Joseph  to  impart information  ahead of him  to  Goshen.   After that  they came into   

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  the  land of Goshen.    Then  Joseph  had his chariot   made ready and went up to meet  Israel his father  at Goshen.   When  he  appeared  to him  he at once  fell upon  the neck and  gave way to tears  upon his  neck again and again.     Finally Israel said to Joseph  -- "This  time  I am willing  to die,  now  that I have seen  your  face,  since you are still  alive."    Then Joseph said  to  his brothers  and to his father's  household -- "Let me  go up and report to  Pharaoh  and say  to  him,  'My  brothers  and my father's household  who were in the land of  Canaan  have come here to me.   And the men are  shepherds,   because  they became stock raisers,   and  their flocks, and their herds and all they have  brought  here.   And  what  must  occur  is that  when  Pharaoh will call you and actually  say,  'What is your occupation?'    You  must say, ' Your  servants have continued  to be stock  raisers from  our  youth, until now,  both we and  our  forefathers,'    in order that you may dwell  in the land of  Goshen,   because every herder  of sheep  is  a  detestable  thing  to  Egypt."        47    Accordingly  Joseph  came  and reported to  Pharaoh  and said --  "My  father and my brothers  and  their flocks  and  their  herds  and all they have  come  from  the land of Canaan,  and  here  they  are  in the land of  Goshen."    And from  the whole  number  of his  brothers  he  took 5 men,  that he  might present them to  Pharaoh.   Then  Pharaoh  said to his  brothers  --  "What   is  your  occupation?"     so  they  said to Pharaoh  --  "Your servants are herders of sheep,  both  we and  our forefathers."    After  that they said  to Pharaoh  --  "We have  come  to reside  as aliens in the land,  because  there is  no pasturage for flock  that your servants  have,  for the  famine is severe in the land of Canaan.     And  now  let your servants dwell, please,  in the land of  Goshen."    At that   Pharaoh  said to  Joseph -- "Your father and  your brothers have come here  to you.   The  land of Egypt  is at your disposal.     Have your father and  your brothers  dwell  in  the very  best of the land.   Let them  dwell in the  land of  Goshen,  and if you  know  that there are  among them  courageous men, you must appoint them cattle chiefs over what is  mine."      Then  Joseph brought  in  Jacob his  father  and introduced  him  to Pharaoh,  and Jacob proceeded  to bless Pharaoh.  Pharaoh  now said  to  Jacob -- "How many  are the days of years did you live?" Jacob answered, "130 years as an alien, few distressing years of  your life?"   So  Jacob  said to Pharaoh --  "The  days  of  the years of my alien  residences  are a 130 years.   Few  and distressing  the days of the years of my life have proved,  and they have not reached  the days of the years of the lives of my fathers in the days of their alien  residences."    After that  Jacob blessed Pharaoh  and went  out from  before  Pharaoh.   Thus  Joseph  had his father and his  brothers  dwell  and he gave  them  a possession  in the land of  Egypt,  in the very best of the land of Rameses, just as  Pharaoh  had  commanded.   And  Joseph  kept supplying his  father and  his brothers  and the entire  household of his father with  bread,  according  to the number  of the  little ones."      Now  there was no bread in all the land, because famine was  very severe --  and the land of    Egypt and  the land of  Canaan  became exhausted  as a result of the famine.   And  Joseph  went  on picking  up all the money  that was to be  found in   

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   the land of Egypt and in the land of  Canaan  for the cereals  which people were buying  -- and  Joseph kept  bringing money into   Pharaoh's   house.   In time the  money from  the land of Egypt and  the land of  Canaan was spent,   and all the  Egyptians  began coming  to Joseph,  saying -- "Give us bread!   And  why should we die in front of you because money has run out?"   Then  Joseph  said -- "hand over your livestock  and I shall give you bread in exchange for  your livestock,  if money has run out."     And they  began  bringing  their livestock  to  Joseph -- and  Joseph  kept  giving them bread in exchange for their horse  and the livestock  of the  flock and the livestock of the  herd and  the asses,  and he kept providing   them with   bread in exchange for all  their livestock during that year.        Gradually  that year  came  to its close,  and they began  coming  to him in the  next year  and saying to  him  --  "We  shall not  hide it  from  my lord  but the money and the stock of  domestic animals  have been spent  to my lord.   There  remains    nothing   before my lord  but   our bodies and our land.   Why should we die  before  your eyes,   both we and our land.    Buy us and our land for bread,  and together with our  land  will become  slaves to  Pharaoh  --  and give us seed that we may live and  not die and our land will not be laid desolate.      So  Joseph bought all the land of Egyptians for the  Pharaoh,   because  the Egyptian  sold each one his field, for the famine had  got a strong  grip on them --   and the land came to be  Pharaoh's.    As  for  the  people,   he  removed  them into the cities  from  one end of  the territory  of Egypt its  other end.      Only  the  land of the priests he did not buy,   because the rations  for the priests  were Pharoah  and they ate  their  rations  that  Pharaoh  gave them.    That  is why they did  not sell their land.      Then Joseph said to the  people -- "See,  I  have today  bought you and your land for  Pharaoh.  Here is  seed  for you, and you  must sow the land with it.   When it  has  resulted  in produce,  then you must give a  1/5 to  Pharaoh,  but  4 parts will become  yours  as seed for the field and  as food for you and for  those  who  are in your houses and  for your little ones to eat."   Consequently  they said -- "You have  preserved  our lives.    Let  us  find favor  in  the eyes  of my  lord,  and  will become slaves to   Pharaoh."    And  Joseph proceeded to make it  a decree  down  to  this day over landed estate of Egypt for  Pharaoh  to have  to the amount  of  a 5th.    Only  the land of  priests as   a distinct group  did not become  Pharaoh's.   And  Israel  continued to   dwell  in  the land of  Egypt,  in  the land of Goshen -- and they  became  settled in it  and  were  fruitful and  grew  to be very  many.     And  Jacob's days,  the years  of his life,  came to be  a 147  years.   Gradually the days approached  for  Israel to die.   So  he  called his son Joseph and said to him -- "If   now,  I have  found  favor in  your eyes,  place  your hand,  please, under my thigh,  and you must  exercise  loving-kindness and trustworthiness toward me.    (Please do  not bury me in Egypt.)   And  I,  must lie with my fathers,  and you must carry me out of Egypt and bury me in their grave."   Accordingly  he  said --  "I  myself  shall  do in  keeping  with your word."   Then  he  said  -- "Swear  to me."  So  he   swore to him.   At that  Israel   prostrated  himself  over  the head of the   couch.  

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48    And it  came  about  after these  things  that it was said to Joseph -- "Look,  your  father  is becoming weak."    At  that  he took with  him  his 2   sons  Manasseh  and  Ephraim.     Then it was reported  to  Jacob  and said  --  "Here  your  son  Joseph has  come  to you."    So  Israel  exerted  his strength  and sat up on his couch.   And Jacob  proceeded  to say to Joseph  --  "God  Almighty  appeared to me at Luz in the  land of Canaaan  that he might  bless me.  And  he  went  on to say to me --  'Here  I  am making  you fruitful,  and  I will  transform  you into  a  congregation of peoples  and  I  will give this  land  to your  seed  after  you for  a possession  to time  indefinite.'    And  now  your  2  sons  who  were  born  to you  in the land of Egypt  before I came  here to  you into  Egypt,  they  are mine.     Ephraim   and Manasseh  will  become mine  like Reuben and Simeon.     But your  progeny  to which you  shall  become  father  after them will become  yours.   Together  with  the  name of their brothers they will be called  in their  inheritance.    And  as for me, when I was  coming  from Paddan,  Rachel  died alongside  me  in the land of  Canaan on the way  while  there  was  yet a good stretch  of land  before coming to  Ephrath,  so  that  I buried  her there  on  the way  to  Ephrath,  that is to  say,   Bethlehem."     Then  Israel  saw Joseph's sons and  said  -- "Who  are these?"    So  Joseph  said  to his  father -- "They are my sons  whom  God  has  given  me  in this  place."    At this  he said -- "Bring  them,  please,  to me  that I may  bless them."    Now  the eyes  of  Israel  were  dull  from old age.    He  was  unable  to see.     Accordingly  he brought  them  close to him,  and he  then kissed  them  and embraced them.   And  Israel  went  on to say  to  Joseph -- "I  had no  idea of  seeing your face,  but here God  has let  me see also  your  offspring."   After  that   Joseph  brought  them  out away  from  his  knees,  and he  bowed  down  with  his face  to the earth.    Joseph now  took  the  2 of them,  Ephraim   by  his right  hand  to Israel's  left, and Manasseh  by his  hand  to Israel bowed down with his face to the earth. Joseph now took the 2 of them--Ephraim by his right hand to Israel's left, Manasseh's by left hand to Israel's right,   and brought them close to him.     However,  Israel  put  out  his right hand  and placed  it on  Ephraim's  head,  although he was the younger, and his left hand upon  Manasseh's  head.     He  purposely  laid his hands so, since Manasseh  was the 1stborn.      And  he  proceeded  to bless  Joseph   and  to say  -- "The  true God  before my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked,   The true God who  has shepherding me  during all  my  existence until this  day.    The  angel  who has  been  recovering  me  from  all   calamity,  bless the boys.   And  let my name be called  upon them  and the name of my fathers,   Abraham and Isaac,   And let them  increase  to  a  multitude  in the midst of the earth."   When  Joseph  saw that his father kept  his right  hand  placed  on Ephraim's head,   it  was  displeasing  to him,  and he  tried to  take  hold  of his  father's   hand  to  remove it from Ephraim's   head to Manasseh's head.     Hence  Joseph said to   his  father --  "Not so,  my father,  because  this is the 1stborn.   Put  your right hand on his head."     But  his father   kept  refusing and said -- "I  know it, my son, I know  it,     

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  He  too  will  become a  people  and  he too  will  become  great.   But,    just  the same,  his younger  brother  will  become greater than  he will,  and  his offspring   will  become  the full equivalent of  nations."    And he  continued  to bless  them  on that day,  saying -- "By  means  of you  let  Israel   repeatedly  pronounce  blessing,  saying,  'May  God  constitute  you  like  Ephraim --may God make you like Ephraim and Manasseh." Thus he kept putting Ephraim before Manasseh.      After that Israel  said  to Joseph  -- "Look,  I  am dying,  but  God  will certainly continue with you people and  return  you to the land  of your forefathers.   As for me, I  do  l  give you  one  shoulder  of  land  more than  to  your  brothers,  which I took from  the hand of Amorites by my sword and by my law.         49   Later on  Jacob called  his sons and said -- "Gather  yourselves together that  I  may tell you  what will  happen to you  in the final part of his days.    Assemble  yourselves  and listen, you sons of Jacob,  yes,  listen  to Israel your father.  "Reuben, you are my 1stborn, my  vigor and  the    beginning of my generative power,  the excellence of dignity and excellence of strength.    With reckless  license like waters,  do not you excel, because you have gone up to your father's bed.    At that time you profaned  (disgraced) my  lounge.    He went up to it.    "Simeon and  Levi are  brothers.  Instruments  of violence are their slaughter weapons.   Into  their intimate group do not  come,  O my soul.  With their congregation do  not become  united,  O my  disposition,  because  in  their  anger  they  killed  men,  and in  their  arbitrariness  they hamstrung  bulls.   Cursed  be their anger, because it is cruel, and their fury, because it acts  harshly.   Let me  parcel  them out in  Jacob and let  me scatter  them in Israel.   "As  for  you,  Judah,  your  brothers will laud (praise)  you.   Your hand will be on the back of the necks of your enemies. The sons of your father will prostrate  themselves to you.  A  lion cub  Judah  is.    From the prey, my son, you will certainly go up.    He bowed down,  he  stretched  himself  out like a lion  and, like a lion,   who dares    rouse him?      The  scepter will not turn aside  from Judah, neither the   commander's  staff  from  between his feet,  until  Shiloh (peace) comes,  and to him the obedience of peoples will  belong.    Tying his full grown  ass   to a vine  the descendant of his own  she ass  to a choice  vine,  he will certainly wash his clothing   in wine and  and his  garment  in  the blood  of grapes.   Dark   red are his  eyes from wine,  and the whiteness  of his teeth  is from milk.      "Zebulun will  reside  by the seashore, and he   will be by the  shore where  the  ships  lie anchored,  and  his  remote side will be toward   Sidon.     "Issachar   is a strong boned  ass,  lying  down between 2 saddlebags.      And  he will  see that resting place is  good  and that  land is pleasant,   and he will bend down  his shoulder to bear burdens   and  become  subject  to slavish  forced   labor.     "Dan will judge his people as one of  the tribes of Israel.     Let  Dan prove to be a  serpent  by  the roadside,   a  horned snake  by  wayside,   that  bites the   heels  of the  horse  so  that its  rider   

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   falls   backward.    I  shall  indeed  wait for salvation from you O Jehovah. "  As  for Gad,  a marauder  band  will  raid  him,   but he will  raid  the  extreme  rear.    "Out of Asher  his bread will  be fat,   and he will  give the dainties  of  a king.   "Naphtali  is  a slender hind.  He  is giving  words  of elegance.   "Offshoot of a  fruit bearing tree  by  the  fountain,  that  propels  its branches  up over a wall.  But  the archers kept harassing  him  and shot at  him and  kept   harboring   animosity against him.  And  yet  his  bow was dwelling  in a  permanent place, and the strength  of  his  hands war  supple.   From  the  hands  of  Powerful One of  Jacobs,  from  there  is the Shepherd,  the Stone of Israel.   He  is from the God of your father,  and  he will help you -- and  he  is with  the  Almighty,  and  he will bless you  with the blessing  of   the heavens above,  with the blessings of  the  watery  deep  lying  down  below, with the blessing of breasts and womb.     The  blessings of  your father will  indeed  be superior   to  the blessings  of the eternal mountains, to the  ornament  of  the  indefinitely  lasting hills.    They  will  continue upon head of Joseph, even upon the crown of the head of the one singled out from his brothers.  "Benjamin  will keep  on tearig  life a wolf.   In the  morning  he  will eat the animal  seized and  at evening, he will divide the spoil."  All these are the  12 tribes of Israel, and this is what their father spoke to them when he was blessing them.     He blessed them  each one according  to his own blessing.   That  he commanded  them and said to them -- "I am being gathered to my people.    Bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite,  in the  cave  that  is  in the field  of  Machpelah  that is  in front of Mamre in  the  land of  Canaan,  the field that  Abraham  purchased  from Ephron  the Hittite  for the possession  of  a  burial place.   There  they buried  Abraham and Sarah his wife.   There they  buried Leah.     The field  purchased  and  the  cave  that  is in it were from  the  sons of Heth.     Thus  Jacob  finished  giving  commands  to his  sons.   then  he  gathered his feet up  onto  the couch and expired  and  was gathered to his people.         50   Then  Joseph fell upon  the  face of  his  father  and burst into  tears  over him and kissed him.   After that    Joseph   commanded his servants,  the physicians,  to  embalm his father.    So the physicians  embalmed  Israel,  and they  took fully  40 days for him,  for this  many days  they  customarily  take for embalming,  and  the  Egyptians continued  to  shed tears for  him  70 days.    Finally the  days  of weeping for him passed, and Joseph  spoke to Pharaoh's   household, saying  --  "If,  now,  I  have  found  favor  in your eyes,  speak,  please,  in  the hearing of Pharaoh, saying--  'My father made me swear,   saying -- "Look!    I am dying.   In  my   burial place which I have  excavated  for myself in   the land of  Canaan  is where you are to bury  me."    And now,  please,  let me go up  and bury my father,  after which  I am  willing  to  return.'"    Accordingly  Pharaoh   

    said  -- "Go  up and  bury   your  father just as  he made you swear."     So  Joseph  went  up  to bury   his father,  and there  went up  with him  all of  Pharaoh's  servants, the older men of  his  household and all  the older men  of the land of Egypt,  and all Joseph's  household and his brothers  and the household of his  father.   Only  their  little children and their flocks and  their herds   they left in  the land of Goshen.   There  also went up with him  both chariots   and  horsemen,  and the camp came to be very numerous.   Then they came to be threshing  floor of  Atad,  which  is in the region of  the  Jordan,  and there  they carried on  a very great and heavy  wailing  and he kept up the mourning rites  in the  threshing  floor  of Atad, and they exclaimed  --  "This  is a heavy  mourning  for the  Egyptians!"   That is why its name Abelmizraim,  which is in the region of  the Jordan.     And  his sons  proceeded to  do  for him  exactly  as he  commanded  them.   So  his  sons  carried  him into  land of  Canaan and buried  him in  the cave of the field of Machpelah,  the field  that Abraham had  purchased  for the possession of a  burial place  from Ephron  the Hittite  in  front of Mamre.     Afterward  Joseph  returned  to   Egypt,  he and  his brothers  and  all those  who went up with  him  to bury his father,   after  he  had buried his  father.    When  the brothers  of  Joseph saw that their father was dead, they  began to say-- "It may be  that Joseph  is harboring animosity against us  and he  will  be sure  to  repay  us  for all the evil that we have  rendered him."'   So  they  expressed  a  command to  Joseph  in  these  words --  "Your father gave the  command  before his death,  saying,  'This  is  what you say to Joseph --  "I beseech   you,  pardon, please,  the revolt of your brothers   and their sin  in  that they  have rendered  evil to you."    And  now  pardon,  please,  the revolt  of the  servants  of   your father's God."   And  Joseph burst into tears when they spoke to him.     Following that  his brothers  also  came and fell down before him and said -- "Here we are  as slaves to you!"   Then  Joseph  said to them--  "Do  not be afraid, for am I in the place of God?     As for you, you had evil in  mind against me.    God had it  in mind for good   for  the purpose of  acting as at  this day to  preserve   many  people alive.     So  now  do not  be afraid.   I  myself  shall  keep  supplying   you and  your  little  children  with food."    Thus he comforted them and spoke  reassuringly  to them.   And  Joseph continued to  dwell in Egypt, he and the house of his father-- and Joseph  lived for a 110 years.    And  Joseph got to see Epraim's  sons of  the  3rd generation, also  the   sons of Machir  the Manasseh's  son.   They  were  born upon Joseph's knees.      At  length  Joseph said to his brothers -- "I am dying, but God will  without fail turn  his attention to you, and he will  certainly bring you up   out of this land to the land  about  which he swore to Abraham, to  Isaac and to Jacob."     Hence Joseph made the  sons of Israel swear, saying --  "God  will  without fail  turn  his attention  to you.    Accordingly you must take  my bones  up  out of here!"     After that Joseph  at the  age of 110 years -- and they had him embalmed,  and he was put in coffin in Egypt.  

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Exodus 1 - 40

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   Exodus 1      Now these  are the names of  Israel's sons who came into Egypt with Jacob --  each man and his household  came --  Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issarchar, Zebulun  and  Benjamin, Dan , Naphtali, Gad and Asher.   And  all the  souls who  issued  out of Jacob's  upper thigh were 70 souls, but Joseph was already in Egypt.   Eventually Joseph  died,  and also all his brothers  and also all that  generation.   And  the sons of Israel became fruitful and began to  swarm -- and they kept on multiplying and growing mightier at a  very extraordinary rate, so that the land  got to be filled with them.   In  time  there  arose over Egypt  a new king who did not  know Joseph.   And he proceeded  to say  to his people -- "Look!   The people of  the sons of  Israel are more numerous and mightier than we are.   Come  on!  Let  us deal shrewdly  with them, for fear they may multiply, and it  must  turn out that,  in case war should befall us,  then  they certainly will  also  be added  to those  who hate  us and fight  against us  and go up out of the country."    So they set over them  chiefs of forced labor  for the purpose of oppressing  them in their burden bearing --  and they went building  cities as storage places for  Pharaoh,  namely.  Pithom  and  Raamses.    But  the more they would oppress them, the more they would multiply  and the more they kept spreading  abroad, so that they felt a sickening dread as a result of the sons of Israel.    Consequently the Egyptians made the sons of Israel slaves under tyranny.   And they kept making their life bitter with hard slavery at clay  mortar and bricks and with every form of slavery  in the field, yes, every form of slavery  of theirs in which  they used  them  as slaves under tyranny.   Later  on the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives,  the name of one whom  was Shiphrah  and  the name  of the other was Puah,  yes,  he went so far as to say -- "When you help the Hebrew women to give birth  and you  do  see them  on the stool for childbirth, if  it is a son, you must also  put it to death -- but if it  is a daughter, it must live."    However,  the midwives  feared the true God, and they did  not do as king of Egypt had spoken to them,  but they would  preserve the male children alive.   In time  the king of Egypt called the midwives  and said to them --  "What is  it you have done this thing,  in that you preserved the male children alive?"   In turn the midwives said to  Pharaoh -- "Because  the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women, because they are lively, they have already given birth before the midwives can come in to them."   So God dealt well with the midwives, and  the people kept growing  more numerous and  becoming very mighty.   And  it came  about that because the midwives  had feared  the true God he later  presented  them  with families.     Finally   Pharaoh  commanded all  his  people,  saying -- "Every newborn  son  you are to throw into the river Nile, but every daughter you are to preserve alive."      Meantime,  a certain man of the house of Levi went ahead and took a daughter of Levi.   And the woman  became   

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  pregnant and brought a son to  birth.   When she saw how good -looking  he was,  she kept him  concealed  for  3 lunar  months.  When she was no longer able to  conceal  him,  she then  look for him an ark of papyrus and coated it with bitumen and pitch and put the child  in it and put it among the reeds  by  the bank of river  Nile.    Further,  his sister  stationed herself at a distance  to find out what would be done with him.    After a while Pharaoh's daughter  came down to  bathe in the Nile  River.  And she caught  sight of the ark in the middle of the reeds.   Immediately  she sent her slave girl that she might get it.   When  she opened  it she  got to see the child,  and  here the  boy was  weeping.    At that she felt compassion for him, although  she said --  "This is  one of the  children of the Hebrews."   Then  his  sister said to Pharaoh's daughter -- "Shall  I  go  and specially  call for  you a nursing woman from the Hebrew women  that she may nurse the child for you?"    So  the Pharaoh's daughter  said to her -- "Go!" At once the maiden  went  and called the child's mother.    Pharaoh's daughter then  said to her -- "Take  this child with you and nurse him for me,  and I myself shall give you  your wages."    Accordingly the   woman took the child and nursed him.   And the child grew up.   Then she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter,  so that he became a son to her --  and she  proceeded  to call his name Moses  and  to say -- "It  is because  I have drawn  him out of the water."   Now  it came about  in those days,  as Moses was becoming  strong, that  he went out to  his  brothers that he might look  at the burdens that they were bearing --  and  he caught sight of a certain Egyptian striking a Hebrew of his brothers.    So  he turned this way and that and saw there was nobody in sight.   Then  he struck the Egyptian down and hid him in the sand.    However, he went out on the following  day and here  there were 2 Hebrew men  struggling with each other --   So  he said to the one in the wrong -- "Why should you strike your companion?"   At this he  said -- "Who appointed  you as  a prince  and  judge over us?   Are  you intending  to kill me just as you  killed the Egyptian?"   Moses now got afraid and said -- "Surely this thing has become known!"    Subsequently  Pharaoh  got to hear of this thing,  and he attempted  to kill Moses, but  Moses ran away from Pharaoh  that he might dwell in the land of  Midian -- and  he took a seat by a well.   Now the priest of Midian had 7 daughters,  and  as usual they came and  drew water and filled the gutters to water  their father's  flock.    And  as  usual the shepherds came and drove them away.    At this Moses  got up and  helped  the women  out and watered  their flock.   So when they came home to Reuel  their father  he exclaimed -- "How is it  you  have  come  home so quickly today?"    To  this they  said -- "A certain Egyptian  delivered  us out of the hand of the  shepherds and,  besides,  he actually drew water for us   that  he might water the flock."    Then  he said to his daughters -- "But  where is  he?   Why is that  you have left the man  behind?   Call him,  that he may eat bread."   After  that Moses showed willingness  to dwell  with the man, and he gave  Zipporah his daughter  to Moses.   Later  she bore a son and he  called  his name  Gershom, because,  he       

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  said -- "An alien I have come to be in a foreign land."   And about during these days the king of Egypt finally died, but the sons of Israel continued to sigh because of the slavery, and the complaints and cry for help kept going up to the true God because of slavery.    In time God heard their groaning and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.   So God looked on the sons of Israel and God took notice.        3    And Moses became a shepherd of the flock of Jethro, the priest of Midian,  whose  son-in-law  he was.    While  he was a driving  the flock to the  west side of  the wilderness, he came at length  to the mountain of the true God, to Horeb.    Then  Jehovah's angel appeared to him in a flame of fire in the midst of a thornbush.     As he kept looking,  why,  here  the thornbush was burning with fire  and yet  the thornbush was not consumed.   At this Moses said -- "Let  me just  turn aside that I may  inspect  this great phenomenon,  as to  why the thornbush is not burnt up."    When Jehovah saw  that he turned aside to inspect, God at once called him out of the midst of the thornbush  and said --  "Moses!  Moses!"  to which he said  -- "Here I am."   Then he said -- "Do not come  near here.  Draw  your sandals from off your feet, because the place where you are standing is a holy ground."  And  he went on to say -- "I  am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob."    Then Moses concealed  his face,  because he was afraid to look at the  true God.    And  Jehovah added -- "Unquestionably  I  have seen the affliction  of my people who are in Egypt, and I have heard  their outcry as  a result of those who drive them to work -- because I well know the pains they suffer.   And  I am  proceeding  to go down to deliver them out of the hand of  Egyptians and to bring them out of that land to a land  good and  spacious, to a land  flowing with milk and honey,  to  the locality of the  Canaanites  and  the Hittites  and the Amorites and the Perizzites and the Hivites  and the Jebusites.     And now,  look!   the outcry of the sons of Israel has come to me,  and I have seen also the oppression  with  which the Egyptians  are oppressing them.   And  now come and  let me send you to Pharaoh,  and you bring  my people  the sons of Israel out of Egypt."   However,   Moses  said  to the true God -- "Who am I that I  should  go to Pharaoh and that I have  to  bring the sons  of Israel out of Egypt?"    To  this he  said -- "Because I  shall  prove  to be with you, and this is the sign for you that it is I who have sent you -- After you have  brought  the people out of Egypt, you people will  serve the true God on this mountain."     Nevertheless, Moses said to true God, "Suppose I am now come  to the sons of Israel  and  I do say  to them -- 'The God  of  your forefathers  has  sent me  to  you,'   and  they  do say  to me, 'What is his name?'  What shall  I say to them?"    At this God  said to Moses --  "I  shall prove  to be what I shall prove to be."   And  he  added -- "This  is what you  are  to say to the sons of Israel,  'I SHALL PROVE TO BE  has  sent me  to you.'"     Then  God said once  more to Moses -- "This  is what you are to say to  the sons of Israel--"Jehovah the God 

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   of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has sent me to you.  This is my name forever and this I will be remembered for generation after generation. You go and you must gather older men of Israel and say to them,   "God has appeared to me, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob said without fail give attention to you and  to what is being  done to you in Egypt.   And  so  I say I shall  bring  you up  out of affliction  by the Egyptians to the land of Canaanites  and, the Hittites and the Amorites and  the Perizzites  and the Hivites  and the Jebusites, to  a land of flowing  with milk and honey."'    "And  they  will certainly listen to your voice,  and you must come,  you and the older men of Israel,  to the  king of Egypt,  and you men must say to him, 'Jehovah  the God of the Hebrews has  come in touch with us, and now we  want to go, please, a  journey of  3 days  into  the wilderness,  and  we want to  sacrifice to Jehovah our God.'   And  I,  even I,  well  know  that king of Egypt will not  give you  permission  to go  except  by a  strong hand.    And  I shall  have  stretch  out my hand and  strike  Egypt with all  my wonderful acts  that he will  give this  people favor in the eyes of the  Egyptians -- and it will certainly occur  that when  you go, you will not go empty handed.     And  each woman must ask  from her  neighbor  and from  the woman residing as an alien  in her  house articles of silver and articles of gold and mantles,  and you must put them upon your sons and daughters -- and you must strip  the Egyptians."           4   However,  Moses  in  answering  said -- "But suppose they do  not believe me and do not listen to my voice, because they are going to say, 'God did not appear to you.'"     Then  God said  to  him --  "What  is that in  your  hand?"  to which he said -- "A  rod."   Next  he said -- "Throw it on the earth."  So  he threw  it on the earth,  and it became  a serpent -- and Moses began to flee from it.   God now said to  Moses -- "thrust  your hand  out and grab hold of it by the tail."   So he thrust  his hand out and  grabbed  hold of it, and it became  a rod in his palm.    "In  order that,"  to quote him,  "they may  believe that God  the God of their forefathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you."   Then  God  said to him  once more -- "Stick  your hand,  please, into the upper  fold of your garment.  When  he drew it out, why,  here his hand  was stricken with leprosy like snow!   After that he  said -- "Return your hand into the  upper fold of  your garment."   So  he returned his hand into the  upper fold of his garment,  why, here  it was  restored like the rest of his  flesh!   "And  it must occur  that,"  to quote him,  "If they will not believe you  and will not listen to the voice  of the 1st sign, then they will certainly believe the voice of  the later sign.    Still it must occur that,  if  they will not  believe  even these  2 signs  and will not listen to your voice,  then  you will have to take some water from  the Nile River and  pour it on the dry land -- and the water  that you will take from the Nile River will certainly become, yes, it will indeed become  blood  on the dry land."    

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   Moses  now said to Jehovah -- "Excuse me, God, but  I  am not a  fluent speaker,  neither  since yesterday, nor since before that nor since your speaking to your servant,  for I am slow  of mouth and slow of tongue."   At that  God said to him -- "Who appointed a mouth for man or who appoints  the speechless  or the deaf  or the clear-sighted or   the blind?   Is  is not I,  God?     So now go, and  I  myself  shall prove to be with your mouth  and I will teach you what  you ought  to say."     But  he said -- "Excuse me, God,  but send, please,  by  the  hand of the one  whom  you are going  to  send."    Then God's    anger  grew  hot against  Moses  and he said -- "Is  not  Aaron the Levite your brother?    I  do know that he can really speak.   And,  besides, here he is on his way out to meet you.   When  he does see you, he will certainly rejoice in his heart.   And you must speak  to him  and  put the words in his mouth,   and I  myself  shall  prove to be with  your mouth and his mouth,  and I will teach you men what to do.   And he must speak for  you  to the people -- and it must  occur that he will  serve  as a  mouth to you, and you will serve as God to him.     And this rod  you will  take in   your hand  that you may  perform  the  signs with it."     Accordingly  Moses went  and  returned  to  Jethro  his father-in-law  and said to him -- "I want to go, please, and  return  to my brothers  who are in Egypt  that I may  see whether  they  are still alive."    So Jethro said to Moses -- "Go in peace."  After  that  God said to Moses  in Midian -- "Go return to Egypt,  because all the men who were  hunting for your  soul  are dead."     Then  Moses  took  his wife  and his sons and  made them  ride on an  ass,  and  he proceed  to return to the  land of  Egypt.   Moreover,  Moses  took  the rod  of  the true God  in  his hand.     And  God  went  on to say to Moses -- "After you have  gone and returned  to Egypt  see that you actually perform  all the miracles   that  I  have put  in your hand before  Pharaoh.   As  for me,  I shall let his  heart  become  obstinate --  and  he  will not  send people away.   And  you must say to  Pharaoh,  "This  is  what God has said--"Israel is my son, my 1stborn.    And  I say to you -- Send  my son  away  that he may serve me.   But  should  you  refuse to  send him away, here  I am killing your son, your 1stborn."'"      Now  it came  about on the  road at the lodging place  that God   got to meet him  and kept  looking for a way  to put  him to death.   Finally Zipporah  took a flint and  cut off her son's foreskin  and  caused it  to touch his feet and said -- "It  is because you  are a bridegroom of blood to me."   Consequently  he  let go of him.   At that  time she  said -- "A  bridegroom  of blood,"  because of the circumcision.    Then  God said to Aaron -- "Go  to meet  Moses  into  the wilderness."   With  that he  went and met  him  in  the  mountain of the true God  and kissed him.    And Moses  proceeded to tell  Aaron all the words of   God, who had  sent him,  and  all the signs  that he had   commanded  him to do.     After that Moses and Aaron  went and  gathered all the older men of sons of Israel.   Then Aaron spoke all the words   that God  had spoken  to Moses,  and he  performed  the signs  under the  eyes  of people.   At this people believed.    When  they heard  that God had turned   his  attention to the sons of Israel 

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 and that he had seen their affliction, then they bowed down and prostrated themselves.          5    And   afterward  Moses and Aaron  went in  and proceeded  to say  to Pharaoh -- "This  is  what God the God of  Israel  has said -- " Send  my people  away   that  they  may celebrate  a festival  to me in the wilderness."    But  Pharaoh  said -- "Who is God, so that I should  obey his  voice  to send Israel away?"   I do not know  God at all and,  what is more,  I am  not  going to send Israel  away."  However,  they went  on to say -- "The God of the  Hebrews has  come in touch  with  us.   We want to go,  please,  a  journey  of  3  days  into  the  wilderness and sacrifice to God  our Jehovah  -- otherwise  he may strike  at us with  pestilence or with  sword."   At  this  the king  of Egypt   said to  them -- "Why  is it,  Moses and Aaron,  that  you  cause  the  people to  leave  off from  their works?     Go  bearing  your  burdens!    And  Pharaoh   continued -- "Look!  The  people  of the land are now many,  and  you   indeed   make  them  desist from their bearing  of  burdens."    Immediately on that day   Pharaoh  commanded  those  who drove  the people  to work and their  officers, saying  -- "You  must  not gather  straw to give to the people to make  bricks as  formerly.   Let  them  themselves  go  and gather straw for themselves.     Moreover,  the  required  amount of bricks   that they were  making  formerly,  you will   further impose  upon  them.   You must  not make any reduction for them,  because  they are relaxing.    That  is why they  are  relaxing.   That  is why they are crying  out,  saying, "We  want  to  go, we  want  to sacrifice to our God!'   Let the service be heavy upon the men and let  them   work at it,  and let  them  not pay attention to  false  words."    So those who drove  the people  to work and their  officers  went out  and said to the people -- "Here is  what Pharaoh  has  said,  'I am  giving  you  no  more straw.   You  yourselves go,  get straw  for yourselves wherever  you  may find it, because there  is  to  be  no reducing  of your  services  one  bit.'"    Consequently   the  people  scattered  about  over all the land of  Egypt   to gather  stubble for straw.    And  those who  drove them to work kept urging them,  saying --  "Finish  your works, each one  his work, day   for day,   just  as  when the straw was available."    Later  on the officers of the sons of Israel, whom  Pharaoh's  taskmasters  had set over them, were beaten,  these saying -- "Why  is  it  you did not finish your  prescribed  task  in  making  bricks   as  formerly,  both  yesterday and today?"     Consequently   the    officers of  the sons of Israel  went  in  and began  to  cry  out to Pharaoh,  saying -- "Why do you  deal  this  way with your  servants?    There  is no straw given to the servants  and  yet they  are saying to us,  'Make  bricks!'  and  here  your  servants  are beaten,  whereas  your own people  are wrong at fault"   But he  said, "You are relaxing,  you are relaxing!   That  is why you  are saying,  'We  want to go,   we want  to sacrifice to God.  And now go,   serve!   Though  no straw  will  be given to you,  yet  you are to   give  the fixed amount of bricks!"    Then the  officer os  the sons of Israel saw themselves  in an  evil plight  at the saying -- "You  must  not deduct from  your  bricks one  bit of anyone's  daily rate."    After that  they  encountered  Moses  and  Aaron,  who were standing there to meet them  as  they  came  out  from  Pharaoh .   At  once they said  to them -- "May God look upon

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you and judge, since you have made us smell offensive before Pharaoh and before his servants so to put a sword in their hand to kill us."    Then Moses turned to God and said -- "God, why have you caused evil to this people?    Why is it that you have sent me?    For from the time I went in before Pharaoh to speak in your name, he has done evil to this people, and you have by no means delivered your people."        6   So God said to Moses -- "Now you will see what I shall do to Pharaoh, because on account of a strong hand he will send them away on account of a strong hand he will drive them out of his land."   And God went on to speak to  Moses and to say to him, "I am God, I used to appear to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as God Almighty, but as respects my name Jehovah, I did  not  make myself known to them.   And  I  also  established my covenant with them to give  them the land of Canaan, the land  of  their   alien  residences  in which  they  resided as  aliens.   And I, even I,  have heard  the  groaning  of the sons  of  Israel,  whom  the Egyptians are enslaving, and I remember my covenant.      "Therefore say  to the sons  of  the sons of Israel,  'I am Jehovah,  and I  shall  certainly  bring  you  out from under  the  burdens of the Egyptians and  deliver  you from their slavery, and   I shall  indeed   reclaim  you  with  an  outstretched arm and  with great judgements.    And  I  shall  certainly  take you to me as a people, and   I shall  indeed  prove to be God to you --  and you will   certainly  know   that I am Jehovah your God who is bring you out from under the burdens of Egypt.   And I  shall certainly  bring  you into the land  that I raised my hand in oath to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob --  and I  shall  indeed  give it  to you as something  to possess.  I  am Jehovah.'"     Afterward  Moses  spoke  to this  effect   to the sons of Israel,  but  they did not   listen to  Moses out  of  discouragement  and for hard slavery.     Then  God spoke to Moses, saying --  "Go in, speak to  Pharaoh,  Egypt's king,   that  he  should  send  the sons of   Israel  away out of his land."    However,  Moses  spoke  before God, saying -- "Look!   the  sons of  Israel  have  not listened to me -- and  how will  Pharaoh ever listen to  me,  as  I am  uncircumcised  in   lips?"   But God continued to speak to Moses and Aaron and  issue  the  command by them to  the sons of Israel, to the Phar'aoh, the king of Egypt in order to bring sons of Israel  and to Pharaoh,  Egypt's  king,  in order  to bring  the sons of Israel out from  the land   of Egypt.    These  are  the heads  of the house  of their fathers --  The  sons  of Reuben,  Israel's    1stborn,   were Hanoch  and Pallu, Hezron  and  Carmi.    These  are the families  of Reuben.      And  the sons of Simeon  were Jemuel and  Jamin  and  Ohad  and  Jachin  and Zohar  and Shaul the  son of Canaanite woman.    These  are the families  of Simeon.    And  these  are the names  of the sons of Levi,  according to their family descents --  Gershon  and  Kohath  and Merari.    And  the   years  of Levi's   life were  a  137 years.    The sons of Gershon   were Libni   and Shimei,   according  to their families.    And  the sons of  Kohath  were  Amram  and  Izhar,

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   and  Hebron  and Uzziel.   And   the years of Kohath's   life  were  133 years.       And  the sons of Merari  were Mahli  and Mushi.    These  were the  families of the Levites, according  to their family descents.     Now  Amram  took Jochebed  his father's   sister as his wife.    Later   she bore  him Aaron and   Moses.   And  the  years  of  Amram's  life were a  137 years.   And the sons of Izhar  were  Korah  and  Nepheg  and  Zichri.   And  the sons of Uzziel were Mishael  and Elzaphan  and Sithri.  Now  Aaron took Elisheba, Amminadab's daughter, the sister  of Nahshon,  as his wife.    Later  she bore him Nadab,   and  Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.    And  the sons of Korah   were Assir  and Elkanah  and  Abiasaph.    These  were families of Korahites.    And  Eleazar, Aaron's son,   took   for himself  one of the daughters of Putiel as his wife.    Later she bore him Phinehas.    These are the heads of the fathers of the Levites,  according to their families.   This is  the  Aaron  and Moses  to whom  God said -- "Bring the sons of Israel out from  the land of Egypt according to their armies."   They  were the ones speaking  to Pharaoh, Egypt's king, to bring   the sons of Israel out of  from Egypt.   This is the Moses and Aaron.   It  came about on that day   God spoke to Moses  in the land of Egypt, that God went on  to  speak  to  Moses, saying  "I am  God.  Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt  everything I  am speaking  to  you."    Then  Moses  said  before  God --  "Look!  I am  uncircumcised  in lips,  so  how  will  Pharaoh ever listen to me?"          7   Consequently God said to Moses,  "See,  I have  made  you God to Pharaoh,  and Aaron  your own  brother will become  your prophet.   You --   you will  speak  all that I shall command  you -- and Aaron  your brother  will do  the speaking  to   Pharaoh,  and  he must  send  the sons of Israel away from his land.    As for me,  I shall  let  Pharaoh's  heart  become  obstinate,  and  I shall  certainly  multiply  my signs and  my miracles in  the land of Egypt.   And  Pharaoh  will not  listen  to you men -- and I  shall  have to  lay my hand upon  Egypt and  bring my armies, my people,  the sons of Israel, out from   the  land of Egypt with  great judgements.   And  the Egyptians  will  certainly know that I am   God  when  I  stretch  out my hand  against Egypt,  and  I shall  indeed  bring  the sons of Israel out  from their midst."   And  Moses and Aaron went ahead doing as  God  had  commanded  them.   They  did just  so.   And  Moses  was  80  years  old and Aaron was 83 years old  at the time of speaking to  Pharaoh.    God  now said to Moses and Aaron -- "In case  that Pharaoh  speaks to you, saying, 'Produce a miracle for yourselves',   then you must say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and  throw it  down before  Pharaoh.'  It will become a big snake!"      So  Moses and Aaron went on in to Pharaoh and did exactly  as  God  had  commanded.   Accordingly Aaron  threw  his rod  down before  Pharaoh  and  his  servants and it became a big snake.  However,  Pharaoh  also  called the wise


men and the sorcerers -- and the magic practicing priests of Egypt themselves also proceeded to do the same thing with their magic arts. So they threw down each one his rod, and they became big snakes -- but Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. Still, Pharaoh's heart became obstinate, and he did not listen to them, just as God had spoken. Then God said to Moses -- "Pharaoh's heart is unresponsive.    He has refused to send the people away.    Go to Pharaoh in the morning.     Look!   He is going out of the water! And you must put yourself in position to meet him by the edge of the Nile River, and the rod that had turned into a serpent you are to take in your hand.    And you must say to him, 'God the God of the Hebrews has sent me to you, saying -- "Send my people away that they may serve me in the wilderness," but here you have not obeyed until now.    This is what God has said -- "By this you will know I am God. Here I am striking with the rod that is in my hand upon the water that is in the Nile River, and it will certainly turn into blood.    And the fish that are in the Nile River will actually stink, and the Egyptians will simply have no stomach for drinking water from the Nile River."'"    Subsequently God said to Moses -- "Say to Aaron, 'Take your rod and stretch your hand out over the waters of Egypt, over their  rivers, over their  Nile canals and over their reedy pools and over all their impounded waters, that they may become blood.'   And there will certainly be blood in all the land of Egypt and in the wooden vessels and in the stone vessels."   Immediately Moses and Aaron did so, just as God had commanded, and he lifted up the rod and struck the water that was in the Nile River under the eyes of Pharaoh and his servants, and all the water that was in the Nile River turn into blood.   And the fish that were in the Nile River died, and the Nile River began to stink -- and the Egyptians were unable to drink water from the Nile River -- and the blood came to be in all the land of Egypt.    Nevertheless, the magic practicing priests of Egypt proceeded to do the same thing with their secret arts -- so that Pharaoh's heart continued to be obstinate, and he did not listen to them, just as God had spoken.   Hence Pharaoh turned and went into his house and he did not set his heart to have any regard for this either.   And  all the Egyptians went digging around about the Nile River for water to drink, because they were unable to drink any water from Nile River.          8  Then God said to Moses -- "Go in to Pharaoh, and you must say to him --'This is what God has said -- "Send my people away that they may serve me.   And if you keep refusing to send them away, here I am plaguing all your territory with frogs.   And the   Nile River will fairly teem with frogs, and  they will certainly come up and enter into your house  and inner bedroom  and upon  your couch  and  into the houses of your servants and on your people  and  into your ovens and into your  kneading troughs.   And on you  and on your people and on all your servants the frogs will come up."'"    Later on God said to Moses -- "Say to Aaron,  'Stretch 

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  your hand with your rod out over the rivers, the Nile canals, and the reedy pools  and make the frogs come up over the the land of Egypt.   At that  Aaron stretched his hand out over the waters of Egypt,   and  the frogs  began  to come up and cover the land of Egypt.    However,  the magic  practicing  priests did the same thing  by their secrets arts and made the frogs come up over the land Egypt.    In time   Pharaoh  called Moses and Aaron  said-- "Entreat  God that  he may remove the frogs from me and my people,  as I  want to  send  the people away that they  may sacrifice to God."   Then Moses said to  Pharaoh -- "You take the glory over  me to say when I shall make entreaty  for you and your servants  and your people  in  order to cut the frogs off from you and your houses.   Only  in the Nile River. will they be left."    To this he said -- "Tomorrow." So he said, "it will be   according to your word,  in  order that  you may know that there's no one like Jehovah our God,   In  that the frogs will certainly turn away from you and your houses  and your servants  and your people.   Only in Nile River   will they  be left."    Accordingly Moses and Aaron  went out  from Pharaoh,  and Moses cried out to God because of the frogs that He had put upon  Pharaoh.    Then God did according to Moses's word, and the frogs began to die off from the houses, the courtyards and the fields.   And they went piling them up, heaps upon heaps, and the land began to stink. When the   Pharaoh  got to see that  relief had taken place, his heart  unresponsive --  and did not listen to them,  just as  God  had spoken.     God  now  said to Moses -- "Say to Aaron,  'Stretch your rod out and strike the dust of  earth,    and it   must become gnats in all the land of Egypt.'"    And  they  proceeded to do this.   So Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod and struck the dust of the earth,   and  gnats came  to be  on  man  and beast.   All  the dust  of the earth  became  gnats  in all the land of Egypt.    And  the magic practicing priests tried to do the same  by their secret arts,  in  order to bring forth the gnats,  but they were unable.   And the gnats came to be on  man and  beasts.  Hence the magic practicing priests said to Pharaoh --  "It is the finger of God!"   But  Pharaoh's  heart continued to be  obstinate,  and  he did not  listen to them,   just as  God spoken.    Then  God  said to Moses -- "Get up early in the morning  and take a  position  in front of  Pharaoh.   Look!   He  is coming out to the water!    And you must  say to him, 'This  is what  God  has  said--  "send my people away so  that they  may serve me.   But if you are not sending my people away,   here I am sending upon you and your servants  and your people  and  into your houses the gadfly -- and the  houses of Egypt  will simply be full of gadfly,  and  also  the  ground upon which they are.   And  on that day I  shall  certainly make the land of Goshen   upon  which my people are standing distinct, that no gadfly  may  exist there,  in order that you  may  know I am  God that I am God in the midst of the earth.   And I shall  indeed set a demarcation  between  my  people and your people.    Tomorrow this sign will take place."'"   And  God proceeded to do so,   and heavy swarms of  gadflies began to invade the house 

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  of Pharaoh and the house of his servants and all the land of Egypt. The land came to ruin as a result of the gadflies.  Finally Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said -- "Go, sacrifice to your God in the land."   But Moses said, "It is not admissible to do so, because we wo